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Kenya, East Africa Mission Trip January 11-30, 2024

Seattle, WA & Nairobi, Kenya Thursday & Friday, January 11 & 12, 2024 - Eric Roberts, W... Read More


The most important part of any building is the foundation.  If the foundation is inferior, then... Read More

Tattoos and the Pagan Nations

Many Americans are starting to look like they live in India or some other pagan nation where they ha... Read More

Binding & Loosing ~ Part 1

BINDING AND LOOSING is a promise of God given to the church based upon the understanding of when a b... Read More


Matthew 10:34-36, “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, ... Read More

Woke and Prosperity Pastors

The terminology WOKE is a new usage of a word used by Black Lives Matter (BLM), Antifa, National Bas... Read More

Kenya Mission Trips, April 27 - May 9 & May 29 - June 11, 2018

April 27 - May 9 & May 29 - June 11, 2018 April 27, 2018 - Dr. Hansen did a television inte... Read More

Kenya Mission Trips, February 8-10 & 23-26, 2018

February 8-10 and 23-26, 2018 February 8-10, 2018 I met with and led devotions for my Kenyan s... Read More

2017 Year in Review at World Ministries International - Kenya - Korea - Malaysia - Israel - China - USA

Knesset member Glick China Fox News - Amarillo, TX V.P. home - Kenya Huruma Redeeme... Read More

Kenya Trip, August 9-15, 2017

August 9 - 15, 2017 I arrived in Nairobi in time for the Kenya Presidential elections. I also he... Read More

Prophecy Coming to Pass

Many of you remember the Prophecy to America the Lord gave me in 1995 ( The... Read More

Kenya Trip, May 12-23, 2017

May 12 - 23, 2017 May 12 - Praying for the mission team at my World Ministries International hea... Read More

2014 In Review - Kenya - South Korea - Israel

Let me start off by thanking all of those people who have supported me in prayer and finances. It ta... Read More

Kenya Mission Trip, January 16-24, 2013

The timing of God is perfect. Before judgment of a nation, the LORD sends His prophets to give wa... Read More

Kenya Mission Trip, May 10-22, 2012

Team: Dr. Jonathan Hansen; Dr. Mike Hyodo, WMI Kenya Field Director; Cpt. Milton Alvarez, Evangelist... Read More

Kenya Benevolence, August 2006 - July 16, 2012

"Blessed is he who considers the poor; the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble." Psalm 41:1 W... Read More

Kenya Mission Trip, October 11-31, 2011

In October 2011, a mission team from World Ministries International traveled to Kenya, East Africa. ... Read More



Radical Liberal Politics - Kenya - Guyana

Dear fellow believer, we are in an intense spiritual and cultural battle in the United States of Ame... Read More

WMI Kenya Trip, January 31 - February 18, 2008

From 1/31/08 through 2/18/08, I led a mission team to Kenya where we met with political and church l... Read More

America's Christian Heritage & How We Have Become a Nation Facing Unprecedented Problems - Kenya - Burundi - United Arab Emerates - Oman

What has happened to America's Christian Heritage? In the United States, both in society and the ch... Read More

2007 Kenya Mission Work Progressing Forward

Kenya is a fertile field for the gospel of Jesus Christ, a country of people realizing their need... Read More

Kenya Mission Update

Recently I had the privilege to go on a mission trip to Kenya and travel with Dr. Mike Hyodo as p... Read More

The Kenya Benevolence Ministry of WMI: "Help us help them"

Dozens of children surrounded the World Ministries International (WMI) team as we walked through ... Read More

Apostasy: The Great Falling Away Part 2 - Kenya - Jamaica - Liberia

In this, what I believe is the final generation, the world and the Church have witnessed and become ... Read More

The Middle East Showdown: The Beginning of WWIII and the Attack on America - Liberia - Romania - Russia - Kenya - Ghana - Jamaica

Since 9/11, newsmen have reported various leaders declaring that World War III has started. The Ne... Read More

Special Edition: A Call to Reach the Nations & The Feast of Tabernacles 2006 - Kenya - Ghana - USA

With this newsletter we ask that you join with us in making a difference for the nations. Please tak... Read More

Ghana 2004: A Nation in Need, February 19-22 & March 1-6, 2004

In last month’s newsletter, we presented a day-by-day synopses of our meetings with the govern... Read More

Liberia 2004: A Nation At The Crossroads, February 23 - March 1, 2003

I greet each of you in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ. I am writing to you from the nation of Gh... Read More

Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth (1John 3.18).

Throughout Scripture, the Word of God exhorts us to be doers of the Word (James 1.22), in that when ... Read More

Itinerary For Liberia

Dear partners of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, As you are reading this, l am in the nations... Read More

Possessing the Land 2004

Urgent Requests From Prophet Hansen AFRICA From February 10th to March 9th, I will be leading a ... Read More


On the next two pages are some shocking pictures. The horrors of today’s world. I don’t ... Read More

WMI Outreach Ministries - Romania - Jamaica - San Salvador - Kenya - Russia

Dr. Mike Hyodo heads up World Ministries’ arm of outreach to the world. Dr. Mike is a dentist... Read More

Year 2001 In Review - Looking Forward to 2002 - America & Jamaica Missions Trip

Sharing across the nation with the conference, “Direction in an Age of Confusion”. The... Read More

Unholy Alliances Part 2

The Bible is so very clear that even if an angel appears unto men and preaches another gospel, &ldqu... Read More

WMI: The Mission, The Purpose, The Plans and Goals

Greetings! Many of you have been enjoying receiving my teaching articles every two weeks. Th... Read More

January 2001 - Late Skirmish mars peaceful WTO II - Romania - Kenya

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The Year 2000 In Review: LOOKING FORWARD TO 2001 - America & International

Time is moving on at warp speed. All spiritual eyes are on Israel, especially Jerusalem. An explosio... Read More

WMI Takes Message To Europe - Kenya - Netherlands - Czech Republic - Austria - Germany - Sweden - Poland - Romania - Finland

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The Year 1999 in Review - What's In Store For 2000!

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July 15, 1999 Many churches today have lost their identity

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Are You Ready? Economic Holocaust, Chem-Bio-Nuke Terror, WW3

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June 3, 1999 - The church in America is sick

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April 29, 1999 - WORLD WAR III is Imminent!

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April 15, 1999 - Coming Financial Holocaust

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Pastor Hansen Holds Revival Meetings at Bethel

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February 1999 - 1993 World Parliament of Religions

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WARNING!!! - Prophecy For Kenya Being Fulfilled

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Warning!!! - President Moi's Re-election Prophesied

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