When Nimrod, the founder of Babylon died, Semiramis told the people that her husband’s spirit had taken possession of the sun.  She encouraged the people to pay homage to her husband by worshipping the sun.  Later, this licentious woman gave birth to an illegitimate son, Tammuz, who was born on December 25th.  Semiramis announced that Tammuz was actually the rebirth of her husband, Nimrod.  Thus reincarnation was born. 

“The date of celebration—December 25—was the day of the old Roman feast of the birth of the sun god from Babylon and it was the 5th century A.D. that the Roman Catholic church instituted this date to observe the birth of Christ.

The Christmas tree also originated with ancient Babylon.  Semiramis, the mother of Tammuz, claimed that an evergreen tree sprang up overnight from a dead tree stump.  This new evergreen tree symbolized her dead husband Nimrod that supposedly came to life again in the form of her illegitimate son, Tummuz.”  This quote was taken from The Mystery of Babylon Revealed by Ed and Jody Mitchell. 

On December 24th & 25th, 2022, my wife and I celebrated Christmas Eve and Day with family and friends, even though most scholars teach that Jesus was born during the Feast of Tabernacles.  We had good food, fellowship, and worshipped and celebrated Jesus as He should be worshipped and celebrated every single day of the year.   We also celebrated the eight days of Hanukkah (Hanukkah means dedication), remembering how God brought his people freedom from slavery through a much smaller force led by Judah Maccabee against Antiochus Epiphanes and his massive Syrian army.  We also remember the miracle of the oil needed for rededicating the temple (which had been polluted by idolatry) that miraculously lasted eight days when they only had enough for one day.  

The people of America, as well as many in churches, need a rededication from compromise, idolatry, immorality and a multitude of various other types of sin. Like the Roman Empire, we have forces trying to topple the Republic from within and without.  Even if we put solid conservative politicians into all areas of government, it would only delay America from self destructing and would not keep the Republic from falling to the New World Order as now even Republicans accept homosexuality and same sex marriage, etc...  The task before us is daunting as so many Americans are living in sin and even many Christians, but with the Lord we can help spark another Great Awakening to save America. We can have a rededicating of America and many churches returning to the morality of God.

Four sins bring judgment on a nation; idolatry, immorality, killing the innocent and dividing the land of Israel.  Without another Great Awakening, American Christians will suffer persecution and the nation will be judged by God himself.  It’s called THE SCIENCE OF JUDGMENT.   Go to my website www.worldministries.org and subscribe to Eagles Saving Nations, dedicated to another Great Awakening and order my book, THE SCIENCE OF JUDGMENT.  

I still need $42,162.72 to meet our budget for the year.  I also need another $13,005.20 to pay off the ministry vehicle used in America for Great Awakening meetings and $1,015.48 for our radio computer needs.

Remember, there are only a few days left in 2022 to give and all gifts are tax deductible.  I do greatly appreciate all those who have already made an extra donation to help me with the shortfall of the budget. 

Anything you can do in these areas of financial need would be tremendously appreciated. 

I pray blessings on you and wish you the best New Year ever. 

Jonathan Hansen