February, 2007
Mr. Sean Bradley WMI Mission Team
The Great Need in the Kenya Dental Project - The Poverty and Numerous Slums - Placing Bible Schools - Youth Ministry (DVD#040407)
February - March, 2007
Dr. E. J. Buckardt Dean, World Theological Centre for Evangelism WMI
The Love of Jesus Christ Part 1 - Ps 103:10-14; Heb 10:12-23; 2 Cor 5:21, Rom 6:18 - Many in the Church Today Suffer Condemnation - Maintain Your Faith and Assurance in the Lord Part 2 - II Cor 5:21, Rom 6:18; Rom 8:14-17; I Cor 3:16, 6:19 - Depression Because of Condemnation - Father God is Telling Us, "You Are My Child" Part 3 - I Cor 3:10-17, 6:16-20; II Cor 5:18-19; Eph 1:1, I Cor 1:2, Phil 1:1, Col 1:2; Rom 3:10; Gal 5:22-23 - Maintaining the Temple of our Bodies for Him - Our Debt Overpaid Part 4 - Gal 2:16; Gal 3:10-14; Gal 5:1-6 - We Must Understand and Remember the Simple Gospel of Christ - Our Un-intensional Sins are Not Held Against Us Part 5 - Gal 6:13-18; Eph 1:7, 13; Eph 2:8&9; Eph 2:13-17; Eph 3:17-19; Eph 2:10 - The Love of Jesus is Real Peace Part 6 - Col 3:3&4; Col 3:12, 1Thes 1:4; 1 Pet 2:5; 1 Pet 2:10 Part 7 - Guest: Sean Jensen - His Love is Shared in His Dietary Guidance - People Fear Because They Don't Understand God's Love Part 8 - Guest: Sean Jensen - Eph. 4:17-32 - Learning Humility by Being a Leader - Do We Really Understand Grace? (#DVD020507, #DVD020707, #DVD020907, #DVD021207, #DVD021407, #DVD021607)
April - July, 2007
Dr. Jonathan Hansen Founder/President, World Ministries Intl. Guest: Dr. E.J. Buckardt
Crisis in America Part 1 - Dr. Hansen Shares from Part 1 of His News Letter Series "America in Crisis" - News Articles are Read to Reveal the Desperation of the Times Part 2 - Dr. Hansen Gives Light about the State of America's Condition in the World Today through Reading Some News Articles Part 3 - Matthew 24:32-35 (Parable of the Fig Tree) - America & the American Church is Sick Because of "Diversity" Part 4 - Feminism is Destroying America - Politicians Who Profess Christianity Are Afraid to Say the Name Jesus Part 5 - God's Judgment Instrument of Pestilence - Warnings of Apocalyptic Disaster - The News Media is Full of Warning Part 6 - The Losing of the War for the Soul of the Nation - Have a Christians Become Dupes Part 7 - Are Our Elected Christian Politicians Really Christian? - America is as Jerusalem in Nehemiah's Time Part 8 - An Overview of Today's News that Reveals the Desperation of the this Time for America (#DVD042507, #DVD050207, #DVD050907, #DVD051607, #DVD052307, #DVD053070, #DVD060607)
A Christian's Responsibility to a Hostile Government Part 1 - Guest Rev. Dr. E.J. Buckardt - Matthew 5:13; 2Timothy 1:4-10 Part 2 - Guest Rev. Dr. E.J. Buckardt - Romans 13:1-4; Leviticus 18:24-28 Part 3 - Guest Rev. Dr. E.J. Buckardt - Genesis 15:13-16; Deuteronomy 9:3-5; Joshua 18:20-25; Psalm 67:4; Jeremiah 18:7-10; Congress Debates 'Jail Grandma' Hate Speech; 'Pagan Morality' On Way to Becoming Law; Texas Senate Prayer Excludes Christians (#DVD062007, #DSVD062707, #DVD070407)
America and the Rest of the World in Crisis Texas Senate Prayer Excludes Christian; 'Pagan Morality' on Way to Become Law; Congress Debates 'Jail Grandma' Hate Speech; Christians in Bull's-eye in New 'Hate Crimes' Plan - Ban 0n 'Mom' and 'Dad' Considered - again; Teachers Insist: Being 'Gay' Good; Colleges: Bible Verses Contaminate Textbooks; Stock Market Bubble Ready to Burst; Court Ruling does Support incest, polygamy; Atomic Agency Concludes Iran is Stepping Up Nuclear Work; Starbucks Markets More 'Anti-God' Coffee Cups; Think Tank's Globalism Developed Under Paulson; Bush Avoids Christianity at Jamestown Celebration; 'Gay' Cowboy Love Scenes 'Traumatize' Schoolgirl, 12; Bush to Pressure Senate to Revive U.N. Sea Treaty; The Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo; Suicide Bombers Follow Quran, Concludes Pentagon Briefing; Widow of Slain Christian: 'Forgive Them' (#DVD071107)
Have Sex, Do Drugs Guest: Rev. Dr. E.J. Buckardt - 'Have Sex, Do Drugs,' Speaker Tells Students - Suspensions Furor Over 'Anti-Gay' Shirts - Sex, Violence, Cannibalism Could Get Bible Sealed (#DVD071807)
Jihad and the Plot to Blow Up John F. Kennedy Airport Guest: Rev. Dr. E.J. Buckardt - Select Suras from the Quran - Pentagon Breaks the Islam Taboo - Suicide Bombers Follow Quran, Concludes Pentagon Briefing - Terrorists: Cease-fire talk means U.S. defeat in Iraq - Al Qaida cited in persecution of 200,000 Christians (#DVD072507)
August, 2007
Apostle Joe M. Mwaniki Nairobi, Kenya
Luke 14:34 - Bullet points of the prophecy to Kenya - Dr. Hansen in Nairobi, Kenya during U.S. Embassy attack in 1998 - Prophetic exhortation for Kenya. (#DVD080107)
August, 2007
Rev. Jeffery & Maria Lancaster NW Rep. for Embryo Adoption Awareness Campaign, Mother of Snowflake Baby Elisha
Part 1: Discussing Embryo Adoption Awareness Campaign - The Lancaster's walk of faith toward receiving their child of promise - The moral and ethical difference between embryonic and adult stem cell research. Part 2: Embryo Adoption: The Perfect Cure for Infertility - The Lancasters visit President Bush at the White House. (#DVD081507, #DVD082207, #DVD082907)
August, 2007
Rev. Jeffery & Maria Lancaster NW Rep. for Embryo Adoption Awareness Campaign, Mother of Snowflake Baby Elisha
Embryonic Stem Cell Research: "Bait & Switch" for Human Cloning - Fetal Attraction - British Scientists Back Human Animal Clones (#DVD082907)
September, 2007
Rev. Jeffery Lancaster Romine Ministries Dr. Michael Hyodo WMI Benevolence Dir.
Part 1: Bullet Points from the prophecy to Kenya - Islam's spread in Kenya - Service brings the heart change toward compassion (The Love of God). Part 2: The American 'Drive-by' Church vs. Revival - All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. (#DVD090507, #DVD091207)
September, 2007
Megan Corcoran Nightlight Christian Adoptions: Snowflakes Program Coordinator
Guests: Maria and Elisha Lancaster - Maria Lancaster's testimony of her walk of faith toward giving birth to Elisha - Who would be interested in embryo adoption? - You can love a child that is not biologically yours. (#DVD091907)
October, 2007
Senator Val Stevens Washington State Senate, 39th Legislative Dist.
Discussing Senate Bill 5297 on Sex Education with Dr. Jonathan Hansen. Abstinence can no longer be taught separately and apart from sex education - How do you teach homosexuality and be medically accurate? (DVD#092607)
October, 2007
Senator Val Stevens Washington State Senate, 39th Legislative Dist. Maria Lancaster NW Rep. for Embryo Adoption
Senator Stevens and Maria Lancaster discuss Sex Education starting at 4th grade! The Desensitizing and brainwashing of our children. (DVD#100307)
November, 2007
Dr. Greg Romine Founder and President Romine Ministries
Tending the Tear in Society - A Word Given in Season - Ordinary Evangelists Can be Used by God. (#DVD101707, #DVD102407)
November, 2007
Apostle Joe M. Mwaniki Nairobi, Kenya with Bob and Jerrie Koroshes Kenya Mission Team Tacoma, WA
Apostle Joe M. Mwaniki of Unity Church of Christ by Holy Spirit and Bob & Jerrie Koroshes of Presenting His Glory - God's visions of ministry will come true - Corruption in Kenya’s political leadership – Selfishness of Kenya’s Pastors. (#DVD103107)
November, 2007
Don Hawkinson, Author "Character for Life: An American Heritage"
Part 1: Personal virtues grown through character development - America's loss of righteousness has brought her to the brink of judgment. Part 2: If you want to have a healthy life, you'll want to embrace the Beatitudes - The fall into the false world view. (#DVD112807, #DVD120507)
November, 2007
Dr. E. J. Buckardt Dean, World Theological Centre for Evangelism and Missions for WMI; Mission Team Member to United Arab Emirates
Visiting churches and leadership under Bishop Selvan Davis - The richest city in the world - Miraculous healings in Dubai - The prophecy to The United Arab Emirates - The prophecy to Oman. (#DVD121207)
November, 2007
Andy Ernst Portland, Oregon Short Term Mission Volunteer to Kenya
Dr. Hansen and Andy Ernst discussing: The "Open Door" of Kenya - Five dental clinics planted - The great hunger and need for Bible Colleges - 40% Unemployment in Kenya. (#DVD112107)
December, 2007
Dr. Alan & Louise Hendricks with Dr. Michael Hyodo WMI Benevolence Director
Blending together to serve the people of Kenya Part 1: Willingness to go and serve releases anointing in ministry - The Jesus method of ministry. Part 2: Kenya needs: clean water and ministry to the orphans and women - God wants to take your Simon past and give you a Peter future. (#DVD110707, #DVD111407)
December, 2007
Mr. John Koster Councilman, Snohomish County, District 1, Washington State
Part 1 - The Church in America is losing its moral and ethical conscience - Much of the American Church is adopting cultural theology Part 2 - Only half of Protestant Pastors Have a Biblical Worldview - 15% of the people who attend churches have a biblical worldview. (DVD#121907, DVD#122607)