Dozens of children surrounded the World Ministries International (WMI) team as we walked through the Mathare slum of Nairobi, Kenya. They asked us repeatedly, “How are you?” Although we were all sweating in the heat, these children seemed totally unaffected. They were equally oblivious to the dirt and the odor of sewage sludge flowing slowly through the center of their living area. These conditions didn't seem to bother the young citizens of this densely populated slum of over 200,000 people.

Benedict Kiage, the principal of the Mcedo school, led us through a maze of pathways to the school of 250 children. Among the dwellings made of mud and sticks with corrugated iron-sheet roofs, sprang a hope that things would one day be better for these children. “Knowledge is power”, exclaimed Mr. Kiage, seeing that an opportunity for education would increase the future literacy rate there, which would be a catalyst for positive change in Mathare.

Mr. Kiage's words seemed to disguise an underlying sense of futility. Two days later, violence erupted in this community. Ten people were killed and hundreds of others were injured because of fighting between two rival gangs, the Mungiki and the Taliban. The Mungiki, a Kikuyu tribe, and the Taliban, a Luo tribe, were fighting over an illegal alcoholic drink called chang’aa.
WMI missionary Dr. Michael Hyodo (seen below) feeds the Mcedo School children in Mathare a bowl of corn for lunch.

Tribal fighting in Kenya has led to violence and death, just as we have seen in so many other African countries. This cycle of violence hitting East Africa is the same curse that has killed 800,000 in Uganda during the 1960’s to 1980’s. Over one million were killed in Rwanda in the 1990’s, and over two million killed in Sudan since the 1980’s.

The U.S. State Department is warning that the struggle in neighboring Somalia between the Transitional Government and the Union of Islamic Courts, threatens a regional war in the Horn of Africa. This could possibly involve up to 12 other countries, including Kenya. Since January of this year, over 30,000 Somalis, mostly Bantus, have entered northeastern Kenya pushing the total number of Somali refugees in Kenya to 160,000.

When people hear about our work in third world countries they often ask, "What is the solution for such extreme conditions of poverty, famine, disease, homelessness, violence, and killing?" They say, “How can you possibly make a difference?”
These are the types of questions that put a smile on the face of Dr. Hyodo, the head of the WMI Benevolence ministry. “This is the reason why I love serving the Lord with WMI so much,” he exclaims. “This ministry is very unique and unlike almost any other ministry in the world. God has called this ministry to bring true change to the nations, which can only come by spiritual healing through Jesus Christ.
We are not criticizing the humanitarian aid, money and resources sent by other organizations to third world nations, but along with it we must have the courage to deal with the root cause of these problems as well…SIN! A doctor would not be very effective for his patients if he treated them with pain medication only. The more important work is to treat the cause of the disease. Only then, can there be true healing and restoration. Benevolence work that stands on the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the working of His Holy Spirit is the only sure effective aid for the nations.”
The Hyodo Family - Missionaries to Kenya

Dr. Hyodo’s exuberance is matched by the uncompromising commitment of WMI chairman, Dr. Jonathan Hansen. His desire is to reach as many leaders, both political and religious, with the truth of Jesus Christ as God opens the doors. Dr. Hansen wants to warn the nations of the return of Jesus Christ and what Scripture states will happen in the book of Revelation prior to our Lord's return.
In November 2006 the Kenya Dental Association (KDA) raised their concern over the shortage of dentists and adequate dental clinic facilities. According to KDA chairman, Dr. T.J. Ocholla, there are 600 dentists in Kenya, which has a population of over 33 million people. Dr. Ocholla exclaims, “as things stand now, one doctor is treating 387,000 people, which is far below what is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).” The WHO recommends a ratio of one dentist to serve 5,000 people. 85% of the people in Kenya have never seen a dentist, and only 66% brush their teeth regularly.

The initial goal of WMI, to build four dental clinics has now been expanded to twelve clinics. One of the strategies we are implementing is to utilize 10 portable dental units (pictured above) to serve a wider population area, especially in the more rural and tribal locations.
WMI is investing to increase literacy, especially in slum areas, and we recently established our first Bible School in Nairobi, Kenya. DVD-format bible school courses are offered there not only for diploma programs, but also for certificate programs where the cost is reduced at a level that all Kenyan citizens can afford.
The WMI Benevolence ministry is active in visiting the orphans. Pictured (to the right) is 9-year old, Margaret Muthoni, who is an orphan in Annah’s Children’s Home in the city of Gilgil. This orphanage has no support from any organization, church, or ministry and we have offered to post these children on our Benevolence website to give our people the opportunity to help them. View them at: http://web.mac.com/mikehyodo when you click on the orphanage button.
You are invited to partner with WMI and give to the poor, orphans, and widows through our Benevolence Ministry. It is not only a privilege and opportunity to make a difference, but it is also a command from God to give to others as a “poor tithe”. Deuteronomy 14:28-29: “At the end of every third year you shall bring out the tithe of your produce of that year and store it up within your gates. And the Levite, because he has no portion nor inheritance with you, and the stranger and the fatherless and the widow who are within your gates, may come and eat and be satisfied, that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hand which you do.” (See also Deut.26:11-15)

There is a great need in places such as Kenya and other third world nations, but the real answer is to properly diagnose and treat the etiology of the disease. Money and resources will not remove the curse and bondage of sin. Ephesians 6:12: “For we war not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
There is a spiritual war going on that we cannot see with our natural eyes, but the physical manifestation of it is revealed by long-term disease, famine, violence, poverty, and death. Help us to help the people in Kenya, spiritually and physically; to war with the powers of darkness over this land as well as to invest into communities and people to bring long-term change.
2 Chronicles 7:14 “If My people, which are called my My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then, will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
As correct Biblical government and order is established through the apostolic and prophetic anointing that God has placed upon Dr. Hansen and WMI, as well as other five-fold ministers called to Kenya and other nations, there will be true restoration and revival.

Your support of WMI will help to get the Word of God to Kenya and share the prophetic warning. You can invest in this ministry and the work in Kenya by filling out the form on pages 3 and 4 of this newsletter. Thank you for partnering with this end-time army of Jesus Christ, as we work together to bring hope to their lives.
You Are Making A Difference!
Our sincere thanks go to those of you who responded to the Kenya Update in our November 2006 newsletter with your support toward the soccer project in the slums of Nanyuki. As the Holy Spirit moved on your hearts to help get the children off the streets, we were able to fully fund the two soccer teams with uniforms and equipment. As these children witness the compassion of the Church, we have the opportunity to speak into their lives and share God’s love for them.
Special thanks go to the Investment Group who completely sponsored one of the teams. Another group called our office in response to that newsletter which challenged us all to "genuinely live out a life of faith that pleases God, not just a form of godliness without action.” They asked about other needs they could collectively support, so we contacted Dr Hyodo for some specific projects. For those who are unable to “go” to Kenya, you can still advance the Kingdom of God there by helping to improve the extremely poor conditions.
A pastor in the Nanyuki area, Bishop Steven Waweru, needs to put a floor in his church where there is currently only dirt. This project requires around $2000.
An orphanage in Naivasha that was begun three years ago needs some support to finish their building and provide bathrooms. The only facility now is a hole in the ground.
The Mcedo School, mentioned on the front page, needs money for food and supplies. When the violence broke out, two parents of children attending the school were among those that were killed and six children became homeless when their home was burned down. The last time Dr Hyodo visited them there was no cornmeal, so the children had no food that day.
Annah’s Children’s Home in Gilgil has seven orphans who need sponsors and one of the children is HIV positive. They each need $70 per month for total support including food, lodging and schooling. The names and photos of these orphans are posted on the website.
Immediate Need in Kenya For Dental Clinics
We are currently making decisions for dental clinic locations and funds are needed to get them built. The first urgent need is the shipping cost to transport the dental equipment by container. The total cost for the container with duties and fees is $10,000 US funds. An additional $4,000 to $25,000 per clinic will be required to develop, outfit, and set-up the equipment. Several used dental units have been donated, but some need additional pieces to make them complete.
We're grateful to God for giving Dr. Hyodo favor in acquiring some essential dental equipment, but your help is needed to get it to Kenya.

Immediate Need for Bible Schools
Seed money is needed to get the Bible school started at the new property in South C area. They will need a TV, VCR, course materials, classrooms and desks. Other churches want to start Bible schools as well and they will need the same equipment. This would be an excellent project for your local Bible Study group to fund. You can help make it possible for an African group to study the scriptures you are privileged to study.
Please join us in building dental clinics, starting bible schools, and helping the poor, orphans and widows in Kenya. Don't delay, "Help us help them" today.
© 2007 World Ministries International