May 12 - 23, 2017
May 12 - Praying for the mission team at my World Ministries International headquarters before we depart for Amsterdam and then Nairobi, Kenya. Members of the team traveling with me are Dr. Mike Hyodo, Laura Reissler and my oldest grandson, Jeremiah Gulstrom.

May 14 - I spoke for Bishop Dr. Kepha N. Omae at Liberty Christian Centre Redeemed Gospel Church Inc in Nairobi, Kenya.
Liberty Christian Centre

Bishop Dr. Kepha N. Omae

Honorable Minister of Devolution and Public Service Robert Kisyula

Mrs. Kepha Omae

Apostle Daphne Naila and Jeremiah Gulstrom

May 14 - Jeremiah Gulstrom standing in front of the Kenya house where I lived in 1987.

South C World Ministries International Dental Clinic

Muslim mosque and Hindu Temple

May 15 - Rev Dr Geoffrey Njuguna

Pastor Edward Shichende

Bishop Ole Sidai, Maasai Outreach Mission

May 16 - Prayed for a Kiosk owner and slept in a tent in Maasai land

May 16 - Siana Springs in Maasai land where World Ministries International took medical supplies to Vital Solutions Health Centre with Dr Samson Kaito.

May 16 - Dental Clinic in Maasai land with Dr Rollins Makokha.

May 17 - Maasai Mara, where we saw many animals and visited Pastor Francis Ole Koriata’s brother’s manyatta-village.

May 18 - Ground dedication for The Jerusalem Church.

May 18 - Dedication of Pst Francis Ole Koriata’s son, Jonathan Trump Koriata and roasting a lamb.

May 19 - Rosslyn Academy where my children, Tamara Gulstrom, Talitha Hansen Ernst and Kareen Moser went to school when we lived there. Mary Wangechi and Josephine Mwangi are still there.

May 19 - WMI Kenya office with our Bible school and dental clinic attached where I led devotions for my Kenya staff - Pastor Mike Hyodo, Adalia Peace, Maureen Awino, Pastor Tobias Nyamwaya, Edward Baraka Shichende and my travel team Laura Reissler and Jeremiah Gulstrom.

Arch Bishop Arthur Kitonga

Rev Gregory Kivanguli Nzioka

Bible College Dental Clinic

Carnivore Restaurant

May 20 - I did a graduation ceremony in Karen, Kenya at Our Father’s Shelter Church for Pastor Rose Mulwa.

May 20 - Praying at the home of the Vice President of Kenya

May 21 - I spoke for my spiritual son, Pastor Tobias Nyamwaya at his church. WMI also put a dental clinic in the church compound

May 21 - We ate lunch with Pastor Tobias’ family and dinner with another spiritual son and his family, Bishop Mike Adipo.

May 22 - I visited two slums where WMI is involved in developing two public Christian schools and supplied water tanks for both schools.

May 22 - At the Matbronze Restaurant, the Nairobi Giraffe Center and the Kazuri bead factory that employs over 300 Kenyan women.

I have been requested to lead a tour to Israel and will be doing so the first part of December. If you are interested, please contact my office by calling 360-629-5248 or send an email to: and tell them you would like more information on the tour that Dr. Hansen is leading. When I do lead a tour, it will be a mixture of the holy sites which have significant interests to Christians, visiting the Knesset, and getting briefed on the real situation in Israel today, not the lies of the liberal media. My hope is that you would leave Israel more determined than ever before to serve our Lord and defend Israel by your prayers and other means.
Dr Jonathan Hansen
© 2017 World Ministries International