January 7, 2014
Pastor Roy Kendall Roy Kendall Ministries Jerusalem, Israel (DVD#030814)
Roy's home in Jerusalem is on the site of King Saul's palace grounds. His neighbors complain when he doesn't play his grand piano, which contains a harp, because his worship music has an anointing that brings peace. Roy shares the testimony of the path of obedience the Lord led he and his wife on that took them from serving in large scale ministry in Florida to a ministry of faith in Jerusalem. Worship is not music and song, it's the way we live unto God. Roy sings "He Who Watches Over Israel Never Slumbers Nor Sleeps". God has directed Roy into a ministry as a certified massage therapist and as such he has ministered healing to many.
January 17, 2014
Dr. Flo Ellers Native American Evangelist, Author (DVD#062014)
Dr. Hansen interviews Dr. Flo Ellers on her book, "Chief Walking Tall". Dr. Ellers prays for the listeners who are seeking God that He would manifest Himself to them in a way that they might receive His salvation and healing. Dr. Hansen reads the forward for Dr. Eller's book, "Wind that Fans the Flame". Dr. Ellers shares that our Heavenly Father heals those with an orphan spirit and gives them a new family in Him. They discuss an outpouring of signs, wonders and miracles.
February 28, 2014
Rev. Norm Willis Founding Pastor, Christ Church, Kirkland, WA (DVD#031414)
Pastor Willis is a fellow member of The International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders. Dr. Hansen and his guest give a brief overview of Rev. Willis' books, "Vertical Reality" and "Unity with a Return,". A quote is read from "The Ancient Path" of Pastor Willis' testimony of being invited to open a session of the Washington State Senate in prayer where the senators didn't show up until just before roll call. "Vertical Reality", a devotional, is spirit food to daily build the spirit man. "Unity with a Return" asks why there is a delay in Christ's return when every New Testament writer wrote with the view of Jesus' imminent return. Rev. Willis states that without unity in the Church, we will continue towards destruction.
March, 2014
Pastor Roy Kendall Roy Kendall Ministries Jerusalem, Israel Filmed at King David Hotel, Jerusalem (DVD#051914)
Dr. Hansen and Roy share how appropriate it is to have the interview in the hotel where kings and presidents meet. Roy and his family of four have been in Israel for 24 years, living entirely by faith. The Kendalls moved to Israel at the time Saddam Hussein threatened to wipe Israel off the map. Their home is in the area where King Saul's palace once stood. Roy has ministered to the last five Israeli Prime Ministers in ways that have touched their hearts by being where God said He wanted him to be. Roy was led by God to become a certified massage therapist and through this he has ministered healing to many top leaders in Israel.
March 14, 2014
Taysir Saada Ex-Sniper for Yasser Arafat Seeds of Hope Ministries Israel (DVD#060614)
Dr. Hansen reads from the foreword of Tass Saada's book "Once An Arafat Man". Tass was used by Arafat and the Fatah to teach youth to hate and kill, but now he is teaching love and peace. Tass came to know Jesus through a 19 year relationship with a man named Charlie Sharp who eventually confronted him with his faith in Jesus. Tass saw a brilliant light and heard the voice of Jesus as Charlie started reading the Bible at John 1:1. Tass visited Arafat in 2004 to relate God's love for His people, both Jews and Palestinians, and to witness of Jesus to him. Tass shares that he still carries sorrow for killing so many people, but he remembers God's forgiveness through the blood of Jesus and sings praise to the Lord to regain his joy.
March 21, 2014
Taysir Saada Ex-Sniper for Yasser Arafat Jericho, Israel (DVD#061314)
Dr. Hansen and Tass discuss the deep Biblical history of Jericho such as the Mt. of Temptation and the House of Zacchaeus. Tass tells of ministry opportunities when guests visit him in Jericho. Tass and Dr. Hansen speak of the great experience one can have while attending the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem. Join Dr. Hansen at the Feast of Tabernacles in October 2015 in Israel for a once-in-a-lifetime ministry tour!
March 25, 2014
Josh Reinstein Executive Director, Knesset Christian Allies Caucus Jerusalem, Israel (DVD #051614 & #052314)
Dr. Hansen and Josh Reinstein discuss the goals of the organization, Knesset Christian Allies Caucus, a body of members of the Israeli Knesset. Mr. Reinstein explains their foundation as "faith based diplomacy" to establish working relationships globally between Jews and Christians. He states that this relationship is based on our common belief in God and His Kingdom as written in the Bible. He shared how so many prophecies from the Bible are being fulfilled in this time in front of the very eyes of the people of Israel. These two back-to-back programs discuss further the relationship between Israel and the United States and what the church must do to be an effective part of end times.
April 11, 2014
Dr. Stan Fleming Gate Breaker Ministries Meridian, ID (DVD#070414)
Dr. Fleming shares his amazing testimony of healing from a diagnosed case of 5th level paranoid schizophrenia with delusions of grandeur. After the tragic traffic death of his childhood friend by a Reno Police officer, his downhill spiral began. Doors began to open to the occult world through dropping acid and associating with those active in the occult. Stan thought everyone could read his mind and that he was Jesus Christ. At a temporary job, God used a bold Christian named Tad to get him to know that Jesus is the light of the world. You will want to hear this powerful testimony in its entirety. Since his miraculous healing, Dr. Fleming became the founder and president of Gate Breaker Ministries and is a missions pastor, a Christian educator and a prolific author.
June 1, 2014
John Muntean and son, Ovie Muntean Escaped Communist Romania; Author, "Willing to Die" (DVD#062714)
Dr. Hansen interviews Mr. John Muntean, author of the book "Willing to Die". Mr. Muntean is accompanied by his son, Ovie, and together they give their testimony about life in Romania during the communist regime and their four-year struggle to escape to America. Mr. Muntean recalls that Romania was the "bread basket" of Europe and very beautiful before it was destroyed during the occupation by the communists, from which it has never fully recovered. Ovie recalls the persecution he experienced in school for being a Christian. Both men express their extreme concern over the changes in America politically and ethically over the past 30 years since they have resided here. They see it as comparable to their experience in Romania just before the communist takeover. They give clear warning to the American people to resist these changes.
October, 2014
Chris Mitchell Bureau Chief, CBN-TV Jerusalem, Israel (DVD#071114)
Dr. Hansen interviews Chris Mitchell in the CBN TV studio in Jerusalem, Israel. Since August 2000, when Chris moved his family to Jerusalem, he has been reporting how Biblical prophecy has been unfolding in our time. Chris sees all roads leading to Jerusalem as Bible prophecy is being fulfilled in current events, such as the involvement of Russia and China in the Middle East. He and Dr. Hansen discuss the many miracles of Jesus appearing to Muslims through dreams and visions where they are accepting Him as Lord and Savior.
July 2, 2014
Pastor Shahram Hadian Ex-Muslim from Iran; 2012 Candidate for Governor; Discussing "Chrislam" (DVD#081514)
Pastor Hadian is an ex-Muslim, born in Iran, having escaped along with his family when he was 17 years old to the United States. He became a pastor and has been serving in that capacity for 13 years. In 2012 he ran for Governor of the State of Washington and during that time recorded several TV programs with Dr. Hansen. Today Dr. Hansen and Pastor Hadian discuss the very serious subject of "Chrislam", the devious plan of the Muslim activists to merge Christianity with Islam, thus gaining control of the world population.
October 2014
Majed El Shafie Persecuted Egyptian Christian (DVD#072514)
In Jerusalem, Israel, during the 2014 Feast of Tabernacles celebration at International Christian Embassy-Jerusalem (ICEJ), Dr. Hansen interviewed Majed El Schafie, survivor of Christian persecution in Egypt. Majed converted to Christianity through a friend's witness while in college in Alexandria studying to become an attorney. The two started a Christian organization and grew from 7 members to 24,000 members in two years! Majed was arrested and imprisoned at the infamous Abu Zaabal jail where he was tortured mercilessly as they tried to get him to divulge names of other Christian leaders. The testimony of his endurance of the severe torture and his subsequent escape into another country is riveting and faith building.
October, 2014
Pastor Umar Mulinde Ex-Muslim Survivor, Muslim Terrorist Acid Attack, Kampala, Uganda (DVD#082214)
While in Israel for the Feast of Tabernacles, 2013, Dr. Hansen interviewed Pastor Umar Mulinde, a survivor of a terrorist acid attack in Uganda. Pastor Umar has been living in Israel where they are restoring the extreme damage done to his face and back. He has undergone many, many surgeries in this restoration. Nevertheless, he will return to Uganda to continue fighting this battle against Islam in defense of the Kingdom of God. Uganda is 80% Christian and 12% Muslim; yet Muslims consider the nation Islamic because Idi Amin declared it a Muslim nation in 1974. Ugandan Muslims severely persecute converts to Christianity; chasing women from families and divorcing them forcefully, denying children school fees and others hide as they are hunted for death. Pastor Umar has had many attempts on his life because he publicly stands up for Israel and promotes liberties for all in his nation. Trained as a Muslim sheikh, Pastor Mulinde boldly states that Islam is not a peaceful religion. He warns America that if the truth about Islam isn't declared boldly, the Muslims will become as violent here as in Uganda and in other nations.
October 2014
Timothy King Co-Founder and Former Director of International Christian Embassy - Jerusalem (DVD#082914)
During the Feast of Tabernacles, 2013, Dr. Hansen interviewed Timothy King in his home in Jerusalem, Israel. Mr. King shared how volunteering for a Billy Graham crusade led him to continuing his Bible education in Jerusalem. At the Lord's leading, Timothy sold his business and stayed in Jerusalem to serve the people there. He explained that the ICEJ was founded to show that real Christianity cares for and about the people and nation of Israel. ICEJ started without any money but monetary support came via people that God brought to them. The annual Feast of Tabernacles celebration that ICEJ hosts is the single largest ongoing tourist event in Israel's history. ICEJ has been involved in assisting more than 100,000 Jewish immigrants to move to Israel. Mr. King shares many memories from his years of leadership in the ICEJ.
August 13, 2014
Pastor Shahram Hadian Ex-Muslim from Iran; 2012 Candidate for Governor; The Truth In Love Project (DVD#091214)
Dr. Hansen again interviews Pastor Shahram Hadian regarding his spiritual compulsion to warn against the danger of Islam and the heretical teaching of "Chrislam". Most Christians do not realize we are at war for our religious liberty because of pastors who are not willing to preach the full counsel of God. Unafraid to state the truth, Dr. Hansen and Pastor Hadian discuss Obama undermining the secular Muslim governments of Middle-Eastern nations in favor of radical Muslim jihadis and that America is now under God's judgment for allowing this to happen. Obama has been charged with aiding terrorism through the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt; yet, he continues to work with the Brotherhood who have offices just blocks away from White House. Dr. Hansen and Pastor Hadian agreed that Obama should be impeached, tried for treason and imprisoned. Pastor Hadian stated that much of the missions community are telling their believers, especially Muslim converts, that Allah and Jehovah are the same god. He also discusses the "A Common Word" document being supported by many liberal ministries. Pastor Hadian is determined to bring the TRUTH IN LOVE!
October 2014
Coach Terry Hill Coach for Israeli and Palestinian Basketball and Football Teams Kraft Stadium, Jerusalem, Israel (DVD#090514)
Dr. Hansen interviews Coach Terry Hill at Kraft Field Jerusalem during the 2013 Feast of Tabernacles week. Coach Hill was Chaplain for Temple University and Director of Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He shares his testimony of how he came to move to Israel as a pro basketball and American-style football coach for Palestinian and Israeli teams. After suffering a stroke, Coach Hill got the head of the Palestinian Basketball League to approve his daughter as his assistant coach of a Muslim Men's team. He shares and lives a life lesson of integrity with his players; a concept that only the most devout Muslim would ever attempt to portray. At a Palestinian Basketball League team owner's meeting, Coach Hill was asked what the difference was between a Muslim, a Baptist and a Christian! He has won three national championships in four years. His living testimony of integrity is leading Muslim athletes to Christ, and summer sports camps in Palestine have led more than 1,000 athletes to Christ. Coach Hill is able to reach out to Arabs, Jews and Gentiles with his sports program.
August 21, 2014
Dr. Jonathan Hansen with Peggy Magnuson WMI Watchman/Intercessor 2013 Mission Trip to Israel (DVD#092614)
On this program Dr. Hansen interviews Pastor Leon Mazin of Shavei Tsion (Returnees to Zion) in Haifa, Israel. Pastor Mazin is a Russian immigrant to Israel. His church publishes a Messianic newspaper called "Oasis". He is also a contributing writer to "Tikkun International".
At the King David Hotel Dr. Hansen interviews 88 year old holocaust survivor Michael Marder, now living in Florida. Mr. Marder shares his experiences of surviving nine death camps. In 2012 he returned to Europe for the annual "March of the Living" event, which was a very emotional experience for him.
At the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) headquarters, Dr. Hansen interviews Nicole Yoder who has served there for the past 14 years and is currently serving as Aid Director. Nicole is involved in the Haifa Home for Holocaust Survivors which provides housing, assisted living, meals and health care for many survivors in Israel living below the poverty line. WMI plans to work with Ms. Yoder in future projects.
August 21, 2014
Apostle Dan Juster Messianic Jew; Founder, Tikkun International (DVD#091914)
During Tabernacles 2013 Dr. Hansen interviewed Apostle Dan Juster, fellow member of the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (ICAL). In Dr. Juster's home in Jerusalem they discussed the problems within the Church world wide and what needs to happen to bring believers to an awareness of what needs to be done before the second coming of Jesus Christ. Dr. Juster is also a prolific writer to the body of Christ. Tikkun International is a network of emissaries in Israel and around the world working toward the restoration of Israel and the unity of Jew And Gentile in the Body of Messiah.
August 21, 2014
Josh Reinstein, 2013 Mission Trip to Israel; 2014 Visit to WMI Headquarters (DVD#100314)
In part of this program you will see Dr. Hansen interviewing Josh Reinstein in his office in Jerusalem during the 2013 Feast of Tabernacles. Mr. Reinstein is Director of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus and is considered one of the top 50 most influential Israelis in the world today. On March 25, 2014, Mr. Reinstein visited the World Ministries International offices in Stanwood, WA, where he was a guest on the TV program "Warning". Dr. Hansen hosted him and organized a meeting of political and church leadership at WMI's college classroom in Stanwood.
October 21, 2014
Avi Lipkin Author/Lecturer/Journalist Israel's Bible Bloc Party Jerusalem, Israel (DVD#111414 - Part 1)
Part 1: Avi shares that Israel needs to return to Judeo-Christian values. America needs a Christian revival for Israel's survival. He discusses his plan for Israel's Bible Bloc Party, a Judeo-Christian party to represent the ever-growing Bible believing Jewish and Christian population within Israel. Avi predicts that a massive homecoming of 10 million Jews, most of which are married to Christians, will soon take place in Israel. True evangelical Christians are the only friends of Israel. When ISIS gives the call for global jihad, Jews and Christians will come under attack from faithful Muslims. He states that Obama is a Sunni Muslim and a traitor to America. Avi predicts 50-100 million Muslims to immigrate to U.S. And so much more...
(DVD#112114) - Part 2) Part 2: Avi shares a testimony of a Canadian social worker who told about a Muslim Egyptian doctor who was under 24 hour protection from jihadists by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police because she refused to gather information for them about Jews and Christians in Canada for the purpose of killing them in holy war. Avi gave warning of the coming call for international jihad by ISIS for the killing of all Jews and Christians. They discussed the increasing numbers of beheadings in Mexico because of Muslims working with drug cartels and the strong Muslim influence in Latin America and that Central America is a conduit for Islamic jihadists to enter U.S. ISIS is a very logical outcome of the Saudi Wahabi educational system (the Saudi Arabian government teaches and funds their children in Islamic jihad). He now warns that Egyptian broadcasts state that the U.S. is threatened with becoming a Muslim nation with 50-100 million Muslims within her borders. He feels the New World Order will seek to destroy Islam and states that Obama is an Islamo-communist plant and the "anti-Christ salesman of the month".
June 13, 2014
Pastor Tobias Nyamwaya Deputy Director, WMI Kenya; Senior Pastor, Christian Life Worship Centre, Nairobi, Kenya (DVD#071814)
The five bullet points of Dr. Hansen's 1992 prophecy for Kenya that he gave to then President Daniel Moi. Pastor Tobias speaks of how he and others have seen it coming to pass with time. Gradual increase of Muslim violence and killing of Christians is discussed. Brutal atrocities in Kenya mall attack are exposed as Islamic Jihadist rituals. Pastor Tobias relates how the Islamic attack on the mall has saddened the nation; with many in shock that it actually ever happened. The Church in Kenya must cease from being lukewarm but get on fire for righteousness. Tribalism needs to be put aside and the nation of Kenya must unite under Jesus.
November 19, 2014
Mr. David Rotem Knesset Member, Yisrael Beiteinu; Chairman, Knesset Christian Allies Caucus (DVD#120514)
Dr. Hansen's interview with MK David Rotem was postponed a day because of the Nov. 18th terror attack on a Jerusalem synagogue. Mr. Rotem states that Yisrael Beiteinu, the name of his party, means "Israel Our Home". He says that Jews and Christians are from the same tree. Mr. Rotem tells how Islam's religious war will not use a nuclear bomb on Israel but against America's New York City and his reasons why; the fight for Israel is a religious war. Millions of Americans dying in New York is projected, and Dr. Hansen shares about his 9/11 prophecy for America. Mr. Rotem states, since Israel withdrew from the Gaza strip that Hamas took over and have weekly attacked Israel since doing so. Palestinian Authority is 'throwing away' the Christians of Bethlehem. America used to be greatest nation on earth because of Bible believing Christians throughout government, but now the curses of God are coming upon her. News media covering up more than 80 Islamic attacks within America. Mr. Rotem states emphatically that ISIS will hit New York before it hits Jerusalem. Mr. Rotem says that the Palestinian Authority's hatred of the Jews will not succeed in the destruction of Israel. Those who bless Israel will be blessed and those against Israel will be cursed by the Almighty God!
December, 2014
Dr. Jonathan Hansen with Dr. E.J. Buckardt and Dr. Michael Hyodo of the WMI Mission Team for Israel, Nov. 2014 (DVD#122614)
Dr. Hansen reads a portion of a chronological listing of terror attacks against Israel since January 2014. The November 18, 2014 Jerusalem synagogue terror attack is discussed, explaining how we should take this event personally. Dr. Hansen tells of many unexpected meetings he had at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem with Christian, political and military leaders. God blessed Dr. Hansen with a free night's stay at the Olive Tree Hotel's King Hussein Suite. Dr. Hansen and Dr. Hyodo spent one night with an Arab Christian in Bethlehem. They visited Tass Saada in Jericho to make preparations for a WMI dental clinic to be placed there. Meeting with ICEJ directors to partner with them for dental clinics for the needy in Israel.
December, 2014
Dr. Jonathan Hansen with Dr. Michael Hyodo of the WMI Mission Team for Kenya, Sept. 2014 (DVD#010215)
Dr. Hansen and Dr. Hyodo discuss the September 2014 Mission Trip and that Kenya is on the last point of warning in Dr. Hansen's prophecy to the nation. Kenya is under attack by Islam! Much of Kenya's church leadership now sees Islam taking over the nation. The nation of Kenya needs repentance because immorality, corruption, violence and murder abound. A video roll-in of a service held at the Redeemed Gospel Church in Komorock, Kenya: Christians must have the courage of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Satan is leading the U.N. in a war against Christians. Also a video roll-in of service a held at Word of Faith Church in Kiambu, Kenya.
December 19, 2014
Rev. Linda Liberty Apostolic/Prophetic Discussing 4th World Holy Spirit Conference, Seoul Korea (DVD#021315)
Dr. Hansen and Rev. Liberty discuss their participation in the 4th World Holy Spirit Conference in Seoul, Korea, where they were both featured speakers. Dr. Hansen's 1995 prophecy to Korea is discussed; many Korean pastors shared that this prophecy is coming to pass right now. Persecution is coming to Korea, and Korea will be in the news media more often as one of the kings of the east from eschatology. They share the blessings of visiting Prayer Mountain and the joy of the corporate worship throughout the conference week. You will see 5 video roll-ins of some of the many groups from different countries who danced in worship. The Holy Spirit ministered healing, impartation and deliverance to many attendees of the conference. Rev. Liberty testifies of the Holy Spirit using her in many miracles; even raising the dead. She extends an invitation to salvation in Jesus.