January, 2013
Attorney Stephen Pidgeon 2012 Candidate for Attorney General, Washington State
Dr. Hansen interviews Attorney Pidgeon regarding his new book, "Prime Crimes: Treason in Libya". The U.S. Ambassador to Libya was a victim of a ruthless Islamic slaughter. Attorney Pidgeon shares the sequence of events that took place at the U.S. Consulate to Libya in Benghazi on 9/11/ 12. The White House watched the attack on the Benghazi Consulate in real-time video from a circling drone for seven hours. Order "Prime Crimes" to learn the answers - and much more! (#552, #553, #555)
February, 2013
Jack Roland Murphy aka "Murph the Surf" Ex-Murderer and Gem Thief; Evangelist
Dr. Hansen interviews this amazing gentleman, Jack Murphy, who shares how God apprehended him in the midst of his life of crime. Jack Murphy is known for pulling off some of the largest gem heists in history, as well as being convicted of two counts of murder. His sentence condemned him to prison until the year 2244! The programs are a testimony to the awesome grace and mercy of our God who had other ideas for Jack's destiny, as He did for the Apostle Paul, who was also a murderer of the first degree. Jack is now a global evangelist who is burdened to work as much as possible in the prison ministry in every nation he visits. (#566)
March, 2013
Apostle Dennis Moore and wife, Marya Moore Vision International Support Ministries
Apostle Moore and his wife, Marya, who is also a pastor and a nurse, travel extensively to other nations, particularly Africa, in support and encouragement apostolically to pastors who serve in difficult situations. They were with Dr. Hansen on his last trip to Kenya early this year and expressed how blessed they were to be a part of this venture. They are now committed to work closely with WMI. (#552, #553)
April, 2013
"Aslan" Missionary to Turkey
"Aslan" was a pastor in Eastern Washington when God called he and his wife to a mission work in Turkey in 2002. They served 9 years there before coming home for sabbatical and some healing time. "Aslan" shared how at the very beginning of their stay in Turkey God had to break him down to teach him deep spiritual warfare in order to be strong enough to minister in that country. He shared testimonies of many miracles, particularly in people coming to know Jesus as their Savior. Later this month they will be leaving for Cyprus where they feel called to serve next. To protect "Aslan"'s identity, we have not shown his face in this picture. (#558)
April, 2013
Mr. Taysir Saada and wife, Karen Ex-Muslim, PLO Sniper; Seeds of Hope Ministries Jericho, Israel
Tass Saada is a Palestinian born in Gaza who in his late teens became the chauffeur and sniper for Yasser Arafat in the Fatah. He tells his story in his book, "Once an Arafat Man". His testimony of how he was changed from a violent Muslim jihadist to a born again Christian serving the Kingdom of God is told in detail in the first program of this series. You need to order all four programs, as well as the book. Tass' life story is right out of the Book of Acts! (#560)
May, 2013
Dr. Bree Keyton Bree Keyton Ministries Missionary to Congo Pygmies
Dr. Keyton has visited us here at WMI several times before, sharing her work with the Pygmy tribes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. She and her son, Dillon, spent the month of December, 2012, ministering again to the Pygmies. She shared that as they went into the jungle this time they had taken gifts and supplies for a certain number of people, but were surprised to find that the number had increased by 3,000! This was due to the Pygmies sharing the gospel with others. (#561)
May, 2013
Bishop Thomas Muthee Word of Faith Church Kiambu, Kenya
In these five radio programs you will hear Bishop Muthee share his testimony of his personal salvation during his school years and how God called him from his teaching career to ministry in Kiambu, Kenya. Believing deeply in spiritual warfare through prayer, Bishop Muthee broke the stronghold of witchcraft coming through a woman named Momma Jane. In 2005 his wife of many years was shot, leaving him with their 16 year old daughter. In 2007 he remarried and 5 months later that wife died of a heart complication. During his years of ministry Bishop Muthee has established 600 churches in the nation. He certainly knows the reality of the Word that says we will know afflictions, but with joy he continues to be faithful to His Lord in serving with all his might to finish his race. (#562)
June, 2013
Apostle Eric Hurd Resurrection and Life Ministries, Hawaii Pastor Leo J. Bogee, Jr. World Christian Leadership Training Ministries, Hawaii
Dr. Hansen served in the Air Force with Strategic Air Command, Apostle Hurd in the Army with Special Intelligence, and Pastor Bogee with the Navy as Hospital Corpman. The military training and duty these three leaders have in common serves them well in the current spiritual battle for the Kingdom of God against the onslaught of the enemy, Satan. They are all "Sons of Issachar" according to I Chronicles 12:32, believers who understand the "times and the seasons to know what Israel ought to do". (#563)
June, 2013
Arch Bonnema Businessman, Economist McKinney, Texas
Dr. Hansen interviews Arch Bonnema, Economist. They discuss the Black Swan Event which is the crashing of the American economy. Mr. Bonnema shares details of his expedition in 2005 with a group of scientists to Iran where they believe they discovered Noah's Ark. There is discussion of the New World Order and the failures of the church to warn their people. Discussion of some headline news regarding the New World Order and some top spying experts explaining why we should oppose it. (#565)
June, 2013
Dr. Andy Nazario Professor, Criminal Justice Eastern New Mexico University Portales, NM
Dr. Hansen and Dr. Andy Nazario have five days of discussion regarding the UN Agenda 21; Arms Control; Immigrations Problems; Terrorism; Abortion and Planned Parenthood; and Evolution. (#564, #577)
July, 2013
Ye'shi Reinhardt Israel Hands of Mercy Sderot, Israel Dr. Mike Hyodo, WMI Staff
August, 2013
Dr. Jeannie Karen Hansen Wife of Dr. Jonathan Hansen WMI -Stanwood,WA
"Confessing the Word For Our Children" Dr. Jeannie Hansen shares selected Scriptures and some of her personal thoughts and experiences regarding the importance of being disciplined daily to confess and pray the precious word of God over our children and grandchildren. (#570)
August, 2013
Sanford (Sandy) Staab Retired Navy; Retired Microsoft Engineer
Discussions between Dr. Hansen and Sandy Staab are as follows:
- Part 1: The Economy
- Part 2: The New World Order
- Part 3: Parental Responsibility for Children's Morality and Education
- Part 4: Churches/Capitalism vs. Marxism (#571)
August, 2013
Attorney Stephen Pidgeon 2012 Candidate for Attorney General, Washington State
Dr. Hansen and Attorney Pidgeon's discussion all this week is so varied and so deep on each subject, you will want a copy of this CD of five programs to listen over and over. Subjects include: lawlessness in America; idolatry; Luciferian doctrine; Islam in the Arab nations; the sects in Islam defined; the Putin vs. Obama tug of war; the apostate church, and more. ( #572)
August, 2013
Neil and Betty Lou Loewen International Chrisitan Embassy -Jerusalem ICEJ Canada, BC Representatives
Dr. Hansen interviews this faithful couple who have dedicated their lives to helping Israel and her people through the ICEJ in Israel. Neil shares some of the history of the ICEJ, which was founded by Jan Willem van der Hoeven, formerly from Holland and living in Israel for the past 40 years, and Mr. & Mrs. Merv Watson from America. ICEJ has representatives in 80 countries around the world and are involved in bringing Jews home to their homeland, Israel. Betty-Lou shares that she and Neil have been involved in the Hebrew roots of their faith for over 40 year. Dr. Hansen shared with them the book he wrote several years ago called "The Church Has Divorced Itself From Its Roots". Betty-Lou shares about the needs of the 200,000 holocaust survivors living in Israel and that ICEJ has been part of developing a home for some of the elderly in Haifa which meets so many of their needs. There is much more to learn about this wonderful work in these two days of programs. (#573)
August, 2013
Dr. Mike Hyodo WMI Compassion/Aid Director, Dentist
Dr. Mike Hyodo is Benevolence Director for WMI and CEO of our office in Nairobi, Kenya. He was with the WMI team on our 2012 visit to Israel to check possibilities for establishing dental clinics for the poor in that country. Dr. Mike discusses with Dr. Hansen the coming September visit to Israel to continue building toward that goal. (#573)
August, 2013
Pastor Leo J. Bogee, Jr. Founder, World Christian Leadership Training Ministries; Asst. Pastor, Destiny Christian Fellowship - Hawaii
Pastor Bogee graduated from George Washington University with a Bachelor's Degree in Science, specializing in Health Science. He served 25 years active duty with the U.S. Navy as a Command Master Chief as a Pharmacy Tech. Dr. Hansen opened this two-day discussion of Homosexuality vs. Traditional Marriage by asking Pastor Bogee, "How are things today compared to how they were when you were serving in the Navy?" Pastor Bogee and his wife, Christine, have been counseling and holding marriage seminars for the past 18 years, and his answers to this question reflect his deep understanding of Scripture and the violations against God's ways in America today. He stated that Dr. Hansen's new book, "The Science of Judgment", should be a "must read" for every pastor in the pulpit. (#573)
August, 2013
Apostle Dennis Moore and wife, Marya Moore Vision International Support Ministries
The Moores do four days of radio programs with Dr. Hansen, discussing their recent work in Nigeria, Uganda and Kenya. Dennis stated that "we are at war with Satan for the Kingdom of Heaven. We need to be walking in step with the Spirit of God and not against His agenda". Dr. Hansen stated that God gives His revelation to the true children of Jesus Christ, His ambassadors on the earth. Marya shares her burden for the children in these nations and their burden to go into Sudan soon. Both shared many deep spiritual experiences of suffering and also God's blessing in Nigeria, Uganda and Kenya. Dr. Hansen shared that relationships within the Body of Christ need to be more Kingdom oriented. You will want to order the CD of these four programs to hear the depth of what this dedicated couple share. (#574)
August, 2013
Pastor Emmit Glanz Mountain Top Ministries of Puget Sound Stanwood, WA
Pastor Glanz has worked in the Stanwood-Camano Island area for many years, standing strong in the battle for Judeo-Chrisian ethics in America. This week's discussions are as follows: The Luciferian rebellion as described in Revelation 12. Dr. Hansen reads from Jeremiah 28 regarding the prophet Hananiah's debate with King Zedekiah as it compares to today. Pastor Glanz referred to a MUST READ article from WorldNetDaily entitled "What the Devil: Scientists Tap Power of Lucifer". The Vatican's involvement with the super telescope located at the Mt. Graham Observatory in Arizona. Pastor Glanz also quotes from the books "Petrus Romanus" and "Exo Vaticanus" by Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam revealing the "Lucifer Project". (#575)
August, 2013
Dr. Jonathan Hansen with Dr. Mike Hyodo WMI Compassion/Aid Director; and Peggy Magnuson WMI Watchman/Intercessor
Dr. Hansen interviews Dr. Mike Hyodo and Peggy Magnuson, ministry team members of the 2012 mission trip to Israel to begin the planning for two dental clinics, one in Sderot and one in Jericho. Dr. Hansen stated that World War III is imminent and that we need to be about the Father's business in relieving some of the suffering of His people in the land. Another mission trip is planned for September 2013 to continue working in Sderot and Jericho, as well as meeting with leaders in Jerusalem. Funds are very much needed for the ongoing work in Israel. (#575)
August, 2013
Avi ben Mordechai Torah on Location Ministries - Israel
- Part 1: Dr. Hansen and Avi ben Mordechai discuss in depth God's covenant with His people and how important it is for us to understand our world today. Avi also explains the creation of Adam and Eve and how the marriage union is symbolic of that covenant and why we are experiencing the problems in our society because of disobedience to God's ways.
- Parts 2 and 3: Dr. Hansen and Avi are joined by Attorney Stephen Pidgeon from Everett, WA. These programs are a lively and enlightening discussion of the Book of Galations. You will want to have these programs for your study library. (#576)

August, 2013
Dr. Jonathan Hansen and Peggy Magnuson WMI Watchman/Intercessor
Dr. Hansen and Peggy discuss their upcoming trip to Israel in September. Dr. Hansen reads headlines from several recent news articles regarding the conflict surrounding Israel at this time and how he sees the happenings in prophecy. They also discussed WMI's plans to develop dental clinics in Jericho and Sderot, thereby giving us the ability to bring comfort and relief to many of God's children. (#576)
October, 2013
Dr. Jonathan Hansen with Guests: Kenan and Chris International Response Turkic Nations
This organization is working predominantly in the Muslim countries of Eastern Europe to reach souls for the Kingdom of God. Kenan and Chris both share amazing and faith-building stories of how the Holy Spirit is working through them to "disciple people towards salvation in Jesus Christ". The commitment and personal sacrifice for the glory of the Kingdom of God is keenly felt in these testimonies. Kenan's face has been blurred to protect his identity. (#581)
October, 2013
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (B.O.N.D.); Conservative Political Activist Los Angeles, CA
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, one of the most outspoken critics of the civil rights establishment in America today, lays bare its corrupt leadership, courageously taking aim at the biggest names--Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, among others--claiming they are nothing more than "scam artists", profiting off the hatred and disorder they foster in the black community. He says racism is throughout the black community against white America. He believes Obama is a racist who is dividing America.
Rev. Peterson's goal with the B.O.N.D. organization is to "rebuild the family by rebuilding the man", thereby restoring biblical order to black homes all over the nation. He is doing this through working with young men, restoring them first through their souls before the Lord and then through marriage and relationships.
Rev. Peterson is also a fierce advocate for TRUTH in this nation regarding our dysfunctional political arena. He speaks regularly on his own radio program and as a guest on other radio and television venues. He has experienced death threats and persecution as a result of his strong stand. (#582)
December, 2013
Attorney Stephen Pidgeon Argues in the Federal and State Supreme Courts; 2012 Candidate for Attorney General, Washington State
The first portion of this CD is a Sabbath message by Dr. Hansen regarding the importance of worship, apostolic alignment within the body of Christ, and his emphatic warning that the Church is at war in these last days.
In the second portion of the CD Dr. Hansen and his guest, Attorney Pidgeon, discuss the TV program "Duck Dynasty" regarding controversy/homosexual issues. They also address the question, "Is Pope Francis a Heretic?"
Every time Atty. Pidgeon is a guest in our studios, there is abundant lively discussion and examination of truth in our time! (#592)