December 1, 2013
Dennis Peacocke CEO and President, Strategic Christian Services Board Member, Intl. Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (ICAL) (Program #593, Pts. 15 Air Date: 1/20 - 1/24/14)
During the International Coalition of Apostles (ICA) Convention in Dallas, Texas, November, 2013, Dr. Hansen taped an interview with Dennis Peacocke where they discussed the economic situation and pending collapse both in the United States and around the world. The discussion led to their concerns of how these troubles will affect the church as a whole and how the church must respond.
December 26, 2013
Attorney Stephen Pidgeon 2012 Candidate for Attorney General (Program #592, Pts. 4-5 Air Date: 1/16 - 1/17/14)
Part 4: Dr. Hansen interviews Attorney Stephen Pidgeon on the subject, "Duck Dynasty Controversy". Part 5: "We are at War/ Pope Francis' Heretical Views".
January 7, 2014
Pastor Roy Kendall Roy Kendall Ministries Jerusalem, Israel (Program #599, Pt. 4 Air Date: 3/13/14)
Dr. Hansen interviews Roy Kendall of Roy Kendall Ministries, Jerusalem, discussing how he and his family moved to Israel on faith. For many years they administered the School of Worship, with people coming from all over the world to participate. Roy sings, "Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord".
January 10, 2014
Dr. Flo Ellers Native American; Author; (Program #608, Pts. 2-5 Air Date: 5.13 - 5/16/14)
Part 2: Interview with Dr. Flo Ellers on her book "Chief Walking Tall" - Body Mutilations, Trans-migrations of the Soul, Shaman and Witches, Shape Shifting. Part 3: Shape shifting, 500 American-Indian tribes and what they suffer under, Dr. Hansen's testimony of being under demonic attack by Jamaican witches. Part 4: Uncivilized People, Killer Whales, Making a Deal with God Part 5: A Drug-soaked Mind, My Mother is not My Problem, Forgive Your Mother-in-law, Jesus Walked into My Room, Tippy Canoe Massacre , Chief Tecumseh, Tecumseh's Brother's Word Curse.
January 23 2014
Attorney Stephen Pidgeon 2012 Candidate for Attorney General (Program #594, Pts. 1-5 Air Date: 2/3 - 2/7/14)
Part 1: Dr. Hansen and his special guest, Attorney Stephen Pidgeon, discussing the truth about Nelson Mandela. Part 2: Dr. Hansen and Attorney Pidgeon continue discussing the truth about Nelson Mandela. Part 3: Dr. Hansen and Attorney Pidgeon discuss that corruption, rape and murder are normal - the fruit of Nelson Mandela. Part 4: Dr. Hansen and Attorney Pidgeon continue the discussion on the fruit of Nelson Mandela. Part 5: Dr. Hansen and Attorney Pidgeon continue their discussion on corruption, rape and murder as normal - the fruit of Nelson Mandela.
January 25-26, 2014
Rep. Matt Shea Washington State House of Representatives, 4th District (Program #596, Pts. 1-5 Air Date: 2/17 - 2/21/14)
Part 1: Concern for ignorance in the evangelical church regarding NSA Spying Scandal. Part 2: Christian Sports Broadcaster sues Fox News over Dismissal - Homosexuality. Part 3: Eight (8) things Christians need to do. Part 4: Current Events ~ Federal Reserve; Chinese Mega-Default; HSBC Limiting Amounts of Cash that can be Withdrawn; 91 Million Americans are Out of Work; Snowden Revealed NSA Used Information for Economic Means; U.S. Officials Preparing to Raid Retirement Accounts to Balance Budgets. Part 5: Corruption in Politics.
January 30, 2014
Attorney Stephen Pidgeon (Program # 595, Pts. 1-5 Air Date: 2/10 - 2/14/14)
Part 1: Dr. Hansen and his guest, Attorney Pidgeon, continue their discussion of the truth about Nelson Mandela. Part 2: Washington State is the worst state for Abortion. Part 3: Discussion of article"Teen pregnancy rate drops 45.7% when Planned Parenthood leaves town". Part 4: African-American Pastor: "If the President had a son, he would look a lot like the "Knockout Game" perps. Part 5: Trans Pacific Partnership.
February 10, 2014
Dr. Flo Ellers Native American; Author; International Evangelist (Program #597, Pt. 1-5)
Dr. Hansen interviews Dr. Flo Ellers on her book, "Wind That Fans the Flame".
Part 1: Warrior Child of the Tlingit Indians - Never applaud talent, look for godly character - Dr. Ellers prays for the listeners who are seeking God that He would manifest Himself to them in a way that they would understand to receive His salvation and healing Part 2: Dr. Hansen reads the forward for the book, "Wind that Fans the Flame" - Dr. Ellers shares that our heavenly Father heals those with an orphan spirit and gives them a new family of His children. Part 3: An Outpouring of Signs, Wonders and Miracles - Flo's Uncle Johnny raised from the dead after drowning in a fishing accident - Dr. Ellers prays for listeners to be healed of cancer. Part 4: Flo's testimony of entering into ministry after she and her husband raised four daughters - Dr. Ellers prays for listeners and their family members to be released from bondages of addiction. Part 5: My Battle with the Forces of Witchcraft (the Dead Mouse).
February 12, 2014
Isaac Heckman "Serving Others World Wide" Messianic Teacher (Program #599, Pts. 1-3 Air Date: 3/10 - 3/12/14)
Part 1: We Are at War ~ the Church is at War. Part 2: Jerusalem, a Cup of Poison. Part 3: Jerusalem is Called...
February 20, 2014
Rev. Norm Willis Founding Pastor, Christ Church, Kirkland, WA (Program #598, Pts. 1-5 Air Date: 3/3 - 3/7/14)
Interview with Rev. Norm Willis, regarding his Book "Unity with a Return".
Part 1: Chapter 1: The Mother of All Battles. Part 2: Chapter 2: The Covenant Defined (Quieting Controversy). Part 3: Chapter 3: Covenant Joining and Validation (Valley of Dry Bones, Man-Made Substitutes and Relational Validations). Part 4: Chapter 4: The Fault Finding Scandal (The Scandal of Disunity, Destructive Marketing, The Day the Earth Swallowed Korah and Common Parentage). Part 5: Chapter 5: Taking Off the Royal Robe (Becoming the Church, The Book of Remembrance, Tactics of Division, Skepticism and
February 28, 2014
Rev. Norm Willis Founding Pastor, Christ Church Kirkland, WA (Program #603, Pt. 5 ~ Air Date: 4/11/14)
Rev. Norm Willis, discusses his book, "Vertical Reality - A Daily Devotional with a Kingdom Perspective” - Topics include: What They See is What You Get; What is Your Name?; The Priority of One; Breaking the Tyranny of Unforgiveness; Prison or Prisoner; Howdy Pilgrim; Travel or Arrival. (Program #601, Pts. 1-2 ~ Air Date: 3/24 - 3/25/14) In these two days Dr. Hansen and Rev. Willis discuss Rev. Willis' four books: "Vertical Reality - A Daily Devotional", "Unity with a Return", "The Ancient Path - A Return to the Kingdom Mandate of Generational Transfer" and "Legacy". (All books available through the WMI Bookstore.)
March 7, 2014
Pastor Michael and Lorie Evers Senior Pastor, Island Christian Fellowship Camano Island, WA (Program #600, Pts. 1-3 Air Date: 3/17 - 3/19/14)
Part 1: Homosexuality; Jeremiah 28. Part 2: Mike and Lorie's testimony of a pastor as an alcoholic and the wife dealing with it. Part 3: The philosophy and vision of Island Christian Church; Lorie's exhortation to women and Pastor Mike's encouragement to alcoholics.
March 14, 2014
Taysir Saada Ex-Sniper for Yasser Arafat Seeds of Hope Ministries Program (#600, Pts. 4-5 Air Date: 3/20 - 3/21/14)
Part 4: Once again Dr. Hansen interviews Tass Saada, ex-sniper and chauffeur for Yasser Arafat. Tass shares his testimony of his dynamic salvation experience. They share of visions and dreams and how nobody can touch you unless God allows it Part 5: Dr. Hansen continues his interview with Tass Saada. They discuss in detail his outreach work through "Seeds of Hope" school in Jerusalem where they are reaching Jews, Arabs and Gentiles.
March 17, 2014
Dan Georgiades Electrical Contractor, Vista Electric Incorporated Tacoma, WA (Program #601, Pt. 3 ~ Air Date: 3/26/14)
Dr. Hansen and friend of WMI, Dan Georgiades, discuss Dan's trip to Mexico in October, 2013, and the prophecies regarding both Mexico and America. Dan shares that he has been working in Mexico, mainly the Yucatan Peninsula, with a team of like-minded people for the last 12 years. He states that there is an amazing move of God there in these days.
March 18, 2014
Rev. Emmit Glanz Mountain Top Ministries of Puget Sound Camano Island, WA (Program #601, Pts. 4-5 ~ Air Date: 3/27 - 3/28/14)
Part 1: Christian deaths in 2013. Part 2: Persecution in the United States of America.
March 25, 2014
Josh Reinstein Executive Director, Knesset Christian Allies Caucus Jerusalem, Israel (Program #602, Pts. 1-5 ~ Air Date: 3/31 - 4/4/14)
Dr. Hansen and Josh Reinstein discuss the goals of the organization, Christian Allies Caucus, a body of members of the Israeli Knesset. Mr. Reinstein explains their foundation as "faith based diplomacy" to establish working relationships globally between Jews and Christians. He states that this relationship is based on our common belief in God and His Kingdom as written in the Bible. He shared how so many prophecies from the Bible are being fulfilled in this time in front of the very eyes of the people of Israel. These two back-to-back programs discuss further the relationship between Israel and the United States and what the church must do to be an effective part of the end times.
April 11, 2014
Dr. Stan Fleming Gate Breakers Ministries; Healed from 5th Level Paranoid Schizophrenia (Program #604, Pts. 1-5 Air Date: 4/14 - 4/18/2014)
Dr. Fleming shares his amazing testimony of healing from a diagnosed case of 5th level paranoid schizophrenia with delusions of grandeur. After the tragic traffic death of his childhood friend by a Reno Police officer, his downhill spiral began. Doors began to open to the occult world through dropping acid and associating with those active in the occult. Stan thought everyone could read his mind and that he was Jesus Christ. At a temporary job, God used a bold Christian named Tad to get him to know that Jesus is the light of the world . You will want to hear this powerful testimony in its entirety. Since his miraculous healing, Dr. Fleming became the founder and president of Gate Breaker Ministries, is a missions pastor, a Christian educator and a prolific author.
April 28, 2014
Chaplain Andrew Yee Senior Chaplain Josephine House Nursing Home Stanwood, WA (Program #607, Pt. 1 ~ Air Date: 5/5/14)
Pastor Andrew Yee faithfully serves the seniors and the children with the love of Jesus Christ at Josephine House, one of Stanwood's local full care nursing homes, which is affiliated with the Lutheran Church. Pastor Yee discusses with Dr. Hansen the history and ministry of Josephine House.
April 29, 2014
Rev. Emmit Glanz Mountain Top Ministries of Puget Sound Camano Island, WA (Program #607, Pts. 2-3 ~ Air Date: 5/6 - 5/7/14)
Part 2: Today Rev. Glanz returns to WMI to discuss with Dr. Hansen God's war on terror. This included explaining Islam's five-step plan to take over America. Part 3: Rev. Glanz and Dr. Hansen continue their discussion of Islam, specifically the Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades.
April 29, 2014
Prosper Ndabishuriye Y.R.W.D. Ministries Burundi, East Africa (Program #607, Pts. 4-5 ~ Air Date: 5/8 - 5/9/14)
Prosper Ndabishuriye is Founder and General Coordinator of Youth in Reconstruction of a World in Destruction located in Burundi , East Africa.
Part 4: In this session Prosper and Dr. Hansen discuss the purpose and mission of Y.R.W.D. and the people who make up the organization. Part 5: Today Prosper shares further the specific needs of Burundi as a nation, as well as the needs in the school Y.R.W.D. has completed and which is now in operation. He shared that due to extreme poverty in the nation, the school only charges $1.00 (U.S.) per month for each child to attend. Some families are not able to do even this much, and many children are going uneducated.
Israel, 2013
Ye'shi Reinhardt Israel Hands of Mercy Sderot, Israel (Program #608, Pt. 1 Air Date: 5/12/14)
Radio Interview with Ye'shi Reinhardt, Israel Hands of Mercy from Sderot, Israel with special guest, Dr. Michael Hyodo, CEO for World Ministries' Benevolence Program in Kenya. Discussion is regarding developing a dental clinic for the needy in Sderot, the much-bombed village one mile from the Gaza strip.
May 7, 2014
Rev. Dan Derrick Ret. Washington State Patrol; Retired Senior Pastor (Program #609 ~ Pts. 1-5 Air Date: 5/19-5/23/14)
In the first two programs Pastor Dan shared with Dr. Hansen and his radio audience how the Lord has carried him in His arms since the death of his beloved wife, Lailani, in January of this year. He told how their 55 year marriage was a "marriage made in heaven" and the joy of serving their Lord together. He said Lailani's daily statement was that she was determined to praise her Lord no matter the circumstances surrounding them. In the following three programs Dr. Hansen and Pastor Dan discuss the state of the church and what needs to be done to fight the battle ahead prior to Jesus' return. Though Pastor Dan is 75 years of age, he is ready to stay in the Kingdom battle for the duration.
May 9, 2014
Chaplain Andy Yee and Mother, Wonnor Yee Josephine House Stanwood, WA (Program #610 ~ Pts. 1-2 Air Date: 5/26 - 5/27/14)
Part 1: Wonnor Yee, Mother of Chap. Andy Yee, testifies how she escaped the Communist takeover in China during WWII. Part 2: Chap. Yee's mother, Wonnor Yee, shares of the faith that carried her and her own mother through the trial.
May 9, 2014
Apostle Dennis Moore and Wife, Marya Vision International Support Ministries (Program #610, Pts. 3-5 ~ Air Date: 5/28 - 5/30/14)
Part 3: Apostle Dennis testified of his heart condition where he clinically died and then received healing surgery. Part 4: Marya's testimony of Dennis clinically dying and her standing on God's promises for life. Dennis went through being shocked back to life and the healing of his mind from lack of oxygen. Part 5: The apostolic challenge to protect the Word of God.
May 16, 2014
Pastor Angel Suarez Hope of Glory Fellowship; Dir: Mighty Men of Valor Tacoma, WA (Program #611, Pts. 1-2 Air Date: 6/2 - 6/3/14)
Part 1: We Are At War ~ King Saul, David and Goliath. Part 2: We Are At War ~ Jeremiah 28, Hananiah v. Jeremiah.
June , 2014
Pastor Tobias Nyamwaya General Secretary, Pentecostal Holiness Church; Deputy Director, WMI-Kenya (Program #615, Pts. 1-5 ~ Air Date: 6/30 - 7/4/14)
Part 1: Fundraiser for Satellite Slum Church in Nairobi, Kenya. Part 2: Prophecy to Kenya and Church Fundraiser. Part 3: Eyes gouged out, bodies hanging from hooks, and fingers removed with pliers. Part 4: Pastor Tobias Nyamwaya - Continued from Part 3. Part 5: Jihadist Ritual Murder and Mutilation at the Mall.
June 1, 2014
John Muntean and son, Ovie Muntean From Communist Romania; Author: "Willing to Die" (Program #620, Pts. 3 -5 ~ Air Date: 8/20 - 8/22/14)
John Muntean and his family escaped from Romania after the Communist takeover. They discussed the persecution they received as Christians in a Communist country. They settled in the U.S. and have been citizens for over 30 years. Both father and son are concerned that they see the same pattern happening here in the United States as happened in Romania. John has written a book entitled "Willing to Die" sharing their testimony.
June 12, 2014
Dr. Dan Hammer Senior Pastor, Sonrise Christian Center Church; Member, ICAL (Program #620, Pts. 1 ~ Air Date: 8/18/14)
Dr. Hammer shares with Dr. Hansen that the most powerful truth of the Kingdom is the "Goodness of God". He shared that as a young man he was involved in drugs and alcohol and that when he came back to Christ as Lord of his life, he experienced a deep understanding of the "goodness of God". Though these two gentlemen have both been ministering in the Pacific Northwest for many years, this was their first encounter personally. Both have traveled to many nations and know many of the same people.
June 16, 2014
Pastor Ben Sterciuc Elevation ALC Church, Kirkland, WA From Communist Romania (Program #620, Pt. 2 ~ Air Date: 8/19/14)
Pastor Sterciuc shares his memories of life in Romania under Communist rule, persecution and jail time, and his escape to the United States.
June 19, 2014
Peter Ietto Licensed Masseuse (Healing Hands) Melbourne, Australia (Program #621, Pt. 1 ~ Air Date: 8/25/14)
Dr. Hansen and his guest, Peter Ietto, from Melbourne, Australia, discuss how God uses Peter through the ministry of healing by yielding his heart in prayer and his hands through his gift in massage therapy, bringing relief and restoration to suffering individuals.
June 20, 2014
Rich Delpriore Hebrew Roots Teacher (Program #621, Pt. 2 ~ Air Date: 8/26/14)
Rich Delpriore is a retired building contractor who uses much of his time now as a Bible teacher. He and Dr. Hansen discuss the fact that the church in America and around the globe is at war!
June 26, 2014
Annika Daley Ministry to Abused Women Renton, WA (Program #621, Pt. 3 ~ Air Date: 8/27/14)
Dr. Hansen talks with Annika Daley about her work ministering to abused women.
July 1, 2014
Todd Ehrenborg Living Witnesses Ministries (Program #621, Pt. 4 ~ Air Date: 8/28/14)
Rev. Todd Ehrenborg - Leader of Living Witnesses Ministries
July 1, 2014
Gwen Ehrenborg, S.W.I.M. International (Serving Women in Ministry) (Program #621, Pt. 5 Air Date: 8/29/14)
Rev. Gwen Ehrenborg - Founder and President of S.W.I.M. International (Serving Women in Ministry International)
July 8, 2014
Marty McClendon Manager Broker and Realtor; 2014 Candidate for U.S. Congress, 6th District (R) (Program #619, Pts. 1-2 Air Date: 8/11 - 8/12/2014 )
Dr. Hansen interviews Marty McClendon, discussing the current conditions in America due to laws which back what the Bible classifies as "sins of abomination", thus bringing judgment on our nation. Dr. Hansen asked his views on homosexuality, same sex marriage, abortion, Islam, illegal immigration, etc. Mr. McClendon responded strongly in favor of God's classification of sins. They also discussed that, before 1973, abortion and homosexuality were crimes and how leaders are trying to continue to change our laws and take away Christians' freedom of expression so they have no opposition. They are trying to dissolve the Republic and put Americans under international law and the New World Order. They also discussed how separation of Church and State would protect believers from coming under a State Church and tyranny and that Christianity was meant to be the religion of elected officials.
July 8, 2014
Dr. Bruce Cook Author - "Aligning with the Apostolic" (Program #619, Pts. 3-5 Air Date: 8/13 - 8/15/14)
Dr. Hansen discussed with Dr. Cook the responsibilities of church leaders and the purpose of God through His church, how believers were meant to be living for the kingdom of God, and leading the world in evangelism and discipleship. Dr. Hansen asked Dr. Cook what his passion was and his opinion of the "religious left" and the lukewarm churches. They also discussed Dr. Hansen's trip to Washington, DC, and the spirits Dr. Hansen saw ruling the House of Representatives, Senate, Supreme Court, and the White House.
July 14, 2014
Pastor Shahram Hadian Former Muslim from Iran exposing Chrislam; 2012 Candidate for Governor, WA (R) (Program #622 Air Date: 9/1 - 9/5/14 )
Dr. Hansen asked Pastor Hadian to share his testimony about how he left Iran as a Muslim and converted to Christianity. He also asked him to explain the differences between Christianity and Islam. Pastor Hadian stated that Allah and Jesus were complete opposites. Hadian, who ran for Governor of Washington State in 2012, is now speaking on the dangers of Chrislam.
August 13, 2014
Pastor Shahram Hadian Former Muslim from Iran exposing Chrislam; 2012 Candidate for Governor, Washington State (R) (Program #622 ~ Air Date: 9/1 - 9/5/14)
An Iranian born ex-Muslim, Pastor Hadian shares about his commitment to expose the immediate dangers of "Chrislam", the attempt of some to merge the religions of Islam and Christianity.
October, 2013
Dr. Dan Juster Founder/Director Tikkun Intl. Member, Intl. Coalition of Apostlic Leaders (ICAL) Jerusalem, Israel (Program #623 ~ Air Date: 9/23-9/24/14)
While in Jerusalem, Israel, during the Feast of Tabernacles 2013, Dr. Hansen interviewed Dr. Dan Juster, a fellow member of the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders based in Dallas, TX. Dr. Juster shared about his work in Israel as founder/director of Tikkun International, a coalition of Messianic pastors who serve in Israel. Dr. Juster is a respected scholar and author in the Christian community, as is his wife, Patty.
March 25, 2014
Josh Reinstein Executive Director, Knesset Christian Allies Caucus Jerusalem, Israel (Program # 623 ~ Air Date: 9/25-9/26/14)
Dr. Hansen hosts a meeting for Josh Reinstein, Director of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus, attended by church and political activists at the WMI Bible College in Stanwood, WA. He also interviews Josh at his KCAC office in Jerusalem, Israel.
October 2013
Dr. Jonathan Hansen Feast of Tabernacles Jerusalem, Israel (Program #624 - Air Dates: 9/29-10/3/14)
Dr. Hansen interviews various people during the Feast of Tabernacles, 2013, in Jerusalem.
Monday/Tuesday: Dr. Hansen interviews Pastor Leon Mazin of Return to Zion Messianic Center in Hairfa, Israel and also Mr. Michael Marder, an 88 year old survivor of nine holocaust death camps and still living in the United States.
Dr. Hansen also interviews Nicole Yoder, Director of Aid for the International Christian Embassy, Jerusalem (ICEJ).
Wednesday: Coach Terry Hill Professional Basketball Coach for both Israeli and Palestinian Teams Thursday: Terry Hill, now coach and owner of the Jerusalem Kings, an American-style football team of the Israel Football League (IFL).
Friday: Dr. Hansen interviews Tass Saada, ex-sniper for Yasser Arafat. This school is in Jericho, and Tass also operates one in Jerusalem, reaching both Jews and Arabs.

Pastor Leon Mazin
Mr. Michael Marder
Nicole Yoder
Coach Terry Hill
Tass Saada
September, 2014
Pastor Jake Riehl Word of Truth Ministries New Holland, PA
Dr. Hansen ministers at Word of Truth Ministries in New Holland, PA, as a guest for Pastor Jake Riehl. (Program #625 - Air Date: 10/6-10/10/14)
"How to Move Mountains: The Warrior Uses His Nuclear Weapons" (Program #626 - Air Date: 10/13-10/17/14)
"How to Win a War: How to Take Nations" (Program #627 - Air Date: 10/20-10/24/14)
"Loyalty and Unity with Leadership" (Program #628 - Air Date: 10/27-10/31/14)
"The Science of Judgment" "God Holds Nations and People Accountable" "The Pope" "Jerusalem and the Abomination of Desolation"

October 29, 2014
Rev. Emmit Glanz Mountain Top Ministries of Puget Sound Camano Island, WA (Program #629 - Air Date: 11/3-11/4/14)
Part 1: Discussion of ISIS. Part 2: USA's response to the ISIS threat.
October 30, 2014
Annika Daley Ministry to Abused Women Renton, WA (Program #629 Air Date: 11/5-11/7/14)
Part 3: Ministering to Victims of Abuse; Women and Men. Part 4: Scripture toward healing from abuse. Part 5: The first step of dealing with scars in the hearts and minds of people.
December 10, 2014
Stanley Altaras Messianic Rabbi Seattle, WA (Program #634 - Part 1 Air Date: 12/22/14)
Mr. Altaras shares his testimony that he is descended from a line of nine generations of Sapphardic rabbis, his grandfather being the first Sapphardic rabbi in Seattle, WA. He describes his journey to becoming a Messianic believer He describes when he was 4 years old he awoke in the night and saw three angels standing beside his bed. They told him his prayers had been heard and that he would be receiving an invitation to the Wedding Feast of the Lamb. Raised in an Orthodox home, he didn't come to know his Messiah until he was in his early twenties.
December 12, 2014
Evangelist Deborah Gliebe FireGate Ministries Intl. Aloha, Oregon (Program #634 - Pts. 2, 3, 4 Air Date: 12/23/ - 12/25/14)
Part 2 - Dr. Hansen and Evang. Gliebe discuss "race hustlers" from the Obama administration on down; the lack of authority in many black homes; the Government saying that single mother homes are okay and much more. Part 3: Discussion regarding Luis Farakahn's statement: "We'll tear this ### #### country up"; Racism and racial war around the world; statements from Jesse Lee Peterson, Charles Barkley Part 4: The need for the church to be baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire and seek the baptism of fire. Pray for yourself that you do the will of God. All must inhale the Word of God - Fire of God in deliverance and healing
December 17, 2014
Annika Daley Ministry to Abused Women Renton, WA (Program #634 - Pt 5 ~ Air Date: 12/26/14)
Dr. Hansen and Annika Daley discuss that victims of abuse are terror victims who often isolate themselves from others and from God. Ten behavior patterns of abuse victims.
July 14, 2014
Apostle John Kelly Founder, International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (ICAL) Dallas, TX (Program #635 - Pts. 1, 2 ~ Air Date: 12/29-12/30/14 )
Part 1: During Dr. Kelly's visit to WMI in July, he and Dr. Hansen discussed at length the fact that the Church is at war! Part 2: Today Dr. Hansen and Dr. Kelly discuss the leadership of the Church throughout the world.
December 19, 2014
Rev. Linda Liberty Apostolic/Prophetic Discussing 4th World Holy Spirit Conference Seoul, Korea (Program #635 - Pts. 3,4,5 ~ Air Date: 12/31/14-1/2/15)
Part 3: Linda is a former Public Servant of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police She shares her testimony of how she was called into ministry, selling all in a walk of faith for ministry. She has had 15 years of international ministry beginning with a one-way ticket to Australia. Linda shared some testimonies including a Philippine rice farming woman raised from the dead, working in Luzon in northern Philippines, ministering to villages and 500 military personnel. She shares a testimony of Andrew, a young man who was raised from the dead after being pulled out of the ocean where he had drowned 3 days earlier. Part 4: Rev. Liberty continues today with her testimony of Andrew rising from the dead after being drowned 3 days in the ocean. She tells of a Bangkok, Thailand Buddhist mother of a 10 year old girl who heard Linda share that Jesus is the resurrection and the life, and believed her mother back to life during the funeral procession. Rev. Liberty relates ways God has directed her in ministry. She extends an invitation unto salvation. Part 5: Rev. Linda shares about the Holy Spirit as a Care Giver, Revelator and Light unto our path; we live through hearing the Holy Spirit. Linda testifies of the Holy Spirit coming to her before knowing Jesus and giving instructions for her life. The Holy Spirit is needed as a gift given to all for our decisions. She shares of a dying nickel miner in a Philippine village who received great peace as Rev. Linda read Revelation 21. Dr. Hansen shares a testimony of an ex-Muslim who saw Jesus in a vision as she was about to drink poison, and Jesus knocked the glass out of her hand.