During my evening prayer service on 6/2/21, about 8:28 pm, I received a telephone call from Hawaii saying my daughter had fainted/fallen with seizures and was rushed to the hospital. I spoke with a doctor at the hospital where she was taken and to many medical professionals that night who told me that her injuries were serious, that she was in very critical condition, and they could not promise me she would live. They only said, “We are trying and we will do our best.” They also said, “Her injuries do not look accidental. Normally these types of severe injuries do not happen by simply fainting. It appears as though she has been a victim of an assault. We think you should come if you don’t want to miss anything.”
I was able to get a flight out on June 5th to be with my daughter. While traveling on Hawaiian Airlines at 1:53 pm, I received this word from the Lord verbatim:
“I am doing a work. It will be ok. Trust in me and see my handiwork, for what man cannot do or imagine, I will do and it will exceed all your imaginations, says the Lord.”
When I got to the Honolulu International Airport, I had my driver take me straight to the Straub Medical Center, arriving at 2:50 pm. I went to the ICU and into her room where I was briefed about her life threatening condition. Melita was heavily sedated on the highest level possible. She had been intubated since 6/2/21 and on life support with a breathing machine keeping her alive. She was unconscious and fighting for her life from a double skull fracture with bleeding in the brain. Blood was gushing out of her nose and huge blood clots were coming out of her mouth. They had put about three feet of nose gauze in each nostril to try and stop the bleeding. They gave me no hope and would just say, “We are doing our best.”
They decided to lower the level of sedation to see if she could recognize my voice. I prayed both in the heavenly language and human language. I spoke and read the promises of God to her. I sang, worshipped God, and spoke to her about her future and her destiny. All of a sudden, without warning and taking everyone by surprise, she sat straight up, lifting her body and head off the bed. (This was not something they wanted to happen because of her severe injuries.) They were shocked, but saw that she indeed recognized my voice and knew that I was there with her.
Once again they increased the medication to its highest possible levels.
On Sunday, June 6th, which was my birthday, I did not accept speaking invitations. I continued to turn down invitations for the next four Sundays in a row. I explained that I had come to Oahu to fight for my daughter’s life and I was not going to leave her bedside. I wanted to do spiritual warfare instead, believing that God would once again raise her up from a deathbed and perform another miracle, allowing her to live.
When I walked into her ICU room, she opened her eyes, took my hand and wouldn’t let it go. Then she closed her eyes again. I rejoiced that she was alive and knew I was with her. I anointed her again with oil as I usually did daily until she was discharged on June 30, 2021.
At approx 12:45 pm on June 6th, they removed her from life support/intubation and monitored her to see if she could live without it. While I was there interceding during the day, she seemed able to breathe on her own and was doing fine, but when I left for the evening she struggled. She was not able to cough up blood and about 12:30 am on June 7th, she had to be intubated again.
When I walked into her ICU room on June 7th at 7:39 am, I held her hand and prayed, always speaking the words of life into her. Once again, as she had done consistently each day, she squeezed my hand or held onto my fingers, letting me know that she was aware I was with her.
On June 9th, 2021 at 2:38 am, while in my bed, I received the following word from the Lord:
“I am bringing her out of the wilderness she’s been in and into her promise land.”
On June 10th, the bleeding became worse. They could not stop the blood flowing out of her nose and mouth. Huge blood clots were oozing from her mouth. While still in the ICU, she received a total of five units of blood.
On June 12th, things continued to get worse. Her heart went into arrhythmia and they were very concerned. They were monitoring her heart as she was still intubated on life support with an unstoppable bleed oozing from her nose and mouth. A tube was used to drain the blood into a container. I anointed her with oil again and prayed the prayer of faith, commanding the spirit of death to leave. Suddenly a gush of vomit was ejected from her mouth covering her entire bed. The medical personnel were amazed and said, “Normally we don’t like a patient to vomit in her condition, while unconscious and intubated with uncontrollable bleeding, but it worked. The heart has returned to normal rhythm and there is no need for further measures, including shocking the heart, to keep her alive.” PTL! Once again, God came through and stopped the spirit of death from claiming my daughter!
On June 15th, the surgeon advised me that Melita needed surgery to stop the bleeding and blood clots flowing from her nose and mouth. They had been unable to stop the bleeding using the gauzes and clamps on her nose. I was told it would be a high risk, dangerous surgery and my signature would be required to allow them to proceed. They could not promise me she would survive, but they would do their best.
Once again, I anointed Melita with oil and prayed the prayer of faith. Afterward I prayed for the surgeon who said she appreciated the prayers. The surgery was scheduled to last five hours. I contacted many people urging them to pray immediately for this serious procedure. After the surgery, the surgeon said they were fortunate to find the bleeding flowing from a main pulsating artery located in a very unique area under the brain in the nose cavity. She said it never would have stopped bleeding on its own and she called in a specialist to repair it. Now the danger of bleeding to death was over for Melita as long as the artery did not rupture again. To date it has remained repaired. PTL again!!
On June 17th, Melita was taken off intubation/life support and has been successfully breathing on her own since then! On June 19th, she was transferred from ICU to another hospital floor where she continued to improve.
On June 21st, the neurologist (brain surgeon) did an assessment of her double skull fractures that have left her with severe traumatic brain injury. He took me aside privately to tell me she has severe brain trauma and the injuries could be chronic. He suggested I would eventually need to take her to a specialty hospital in Colorado that could help her with her brain injuries. He said, “This is going to be a long hard journey for you, your family and Melita. Her brain injuries are most likely chronic and all of you have a long way to go. She cannot make complex decisions on her own and you will have to make them for her.”
On July 7th, the neurologist examined Melita again and said that her brain was healing remarkably well. He recommended doing another neurological assessment in six months and possibly, if it continues to heal as it is currently, it might not be necessary to take her to Colorado to the hospital that specializes in brain injuries. This was another big PTL!! I want to mention that Melita had 5 CT scans, because initially she had blood in the brain due to the double skull fractures. They were monitoring the brain with the CT scans to see if they needed to do brain surgery. First the bleeding quit and now the brain was healing at a remarkable pace considering the severe injuries sustained.
Also, Melita did suffer an allergic reaction to one of the medications and she had to be taken off it, but God sustained her life again as the devil is defeated and his attempts to stop her destiny will fail.
I do want to thank all those thousands of people praying over this situation from day one. Also, Pastor Eric and Angela Hurd for all they have done for me. Eric and I would pray daily, morning and night, over the days concerns and every day claim Eric’s cliche, “Another Day of Victory!”
God used me to save her life as a baby when she was left for dead, after they tried to decapitate her in Somalia and God now used me again. Melita is 28 years old and living on her own. We thank the Lord for the gift of healing and life once again. Please continue to support and pray for us so that we are able to preach the truth of the word through the leading of the Holy Spirit. We want to minister with signs following so the reality of Christ can change America and the nations. May God richly bless you and thank you again for all of your prayers.
Blessings, Jonathan Hansen
© 2021 World Ministries International