These three posts are on my WMI Facebook page at:
World Ministries International with Dr. Jonathan Hansen along with the dates I posted them.
November 6, 2020
America is turning into a third world country where corruption has penetrated every sector of the nation. There will be no hope for justice if we allow this revolution to win with Biden. They will remove the last hope of a free America as they take away your amendment rights, your guns and then there will be no way to fight back in the future. Instead, there will be corruption everywhere including the Supreme Court. Intercessors, pray like you never have before and Church, do your God-given responsibility to speak out. Don’t let your voice be silent! Use every legal means to resist this coup in progress. If there is not justice, we might see the military step in to preserve the Republic and arrest criminals / traitors that should have been arrested long ago.
November 8, 2020
How can anyone believe in a Democratic leadership that illegally wiretapped Trump’s 2016 election race, framed Gen. Flynn, and lied about a fake dossier (paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign) to have Donald Trump investigated for three years? The entire time Trump has been in office, the Democrats have lied about him, tried to impeach him, and backed the burning of cities as well as the raping and killing of people at the hand of BLM and Antifa. Who can believe Biden won legally? Mass amounts of corruption and fraudulent votes have been exposed. No, the party that lies, cheats, steals, burns down cities, and kills babies has no conscience. The end justifies the means. Nancy Pelosi bragged for months before the election that “no matter what it takes they will have the White House.” And now they want to “come together” after giving President Trump four years of living hell. After they cheated, conspired and stole the election. No, President Trump is fighting the election fraud and taking it to the courts. It’s time we stand behind him, so do not concede and do not congratulate Biden. Why would we congratulate him for cheating, lying, stealing, killing babies, burning down cities and plotting with Obama to frame Gen. Flynn in another illegal wiretap? Biden, like Hitler, urges the people to “come together” as he destroys your nation, puts you under tyranny, takes away your freedoms, takes away your amendment rights, takes away your guns and forces you into Socialism, destroying the Republic under God. Stand behind Trump as he is still fighting these corrupt election results. Don’t congratulate the criminal Biden and his socialistic criminal party.
November 11, 2020
I am greatly concerned over the lack of discernment in the church today. 1. How do people justify voting for a person or party that supports killing babies and is against Bible believing Christians and Israel? They are against the morality of the scriptures as they back LGBTQ etc. The other candidate supports Israel and the values and morality of the Constitution and Bill of Rights of the United States of America. One party is openly socialistic, supporting Communistic beliefs and wanting to remove and destroy the Constitution of the United States of America to lead us all into the New World Order. 2. My background is in law enforcement. I investigated felony crime, was a member of the swat team and President of the Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers. I have talked with politicians, law-enforcement officers, attorneys that fight in the Supreme Court, and people in positions of authority in Washington DC. This is a planned coup in progress to steal the election from the people and put in a candidate that would move us into the New World Order. Look at my YouTube channel, Warning TV Dr Jonathan Hansen, as I have done many programs on what is really going on in America. 3. I am very concerned with leaders that have voted for Biden and leaders that have openly said they’re not concerned as much with the election as with people’s false prophecies. 4. There is no doubt whatsoever that this is an attempt to steal an election. If the election was done legally and fairly, Donald Trump would have won the electoral vote in an overwhelming landslide. I shared tongue-in-cheek that Donald Trump would win decisively, meaning in an electoral count as that is what wins the presidency in America. However, we needed intercessors to pray as never before or the election would be stolen and I named some of the agencies and forces of corrupt people trying to overthrow the Republic of the United States of America and Donald Trump in this election process. 5. No, the prophets in this case did not get it wrong. At times some do speak out of their opinion and theology, but in this case they got it correct. 6. If some of you want to prematurely judge these prophets, you better be open for criticism of some of your own theology and eschatology beliefs that a lot of ministers, apostles and prophets think are wrong. 7. If you’re not concerned over these election results that will determine the freedoms of people in the United States of America, the church and Christians in particular, then I don’t believe you’re a qualified leader with discernment, rightly dividing the word of God, to properly lead the church. God help each of us at this time to judge ourselves and our beliefs more than attacking one another.
Please support my ministry that fearlessly, through the Holy Spirit, sounds the alarm reporting the truth on my radio, television, Facebook, web site, and newsletters etc.
Jonathan Hansen
© 2020 World Ministries International