The third crime which mandates judgment upon a nation is Murder of the innocents by legal sanction (Psalm 106:38-41; Hosea 4:1-6; Lev. 20:4-5; Exodus 23:7). Murder attacks the helpless, the defenseless and the innocent. When people or nations commit this sin, it reflects the nature of a beast. It shows pride, selfishness, and insensitivity to the needs of other people. This is totally opposite of what a human was created for and should reflect (Mark 12:29-31).
Humanism turns men into beasts with themselves as their first priority, thus devaluating their neighbor’s life and property. Jesus teaches that God values human life above all else and teaches us to consider others above ourselves (Matthew 10:29-31; Romans 12:3-10). The characteristics of humanism which create the attitudes, values, and actions of a beast are found in Galatians 5:19-21.
The characteristics of what Jesus taught to mankind are found in Galatians 5:22-23. One treasures life and respects others, whereas the humanist devalues life and uses others. One produces peace on earth, whereas the other produces jealousy, envy, anger, strife, discord, poverty, gluttony, violence, conspiracy, oppression, slander, injustice, biases, divisions, death, etc.
There are three levels of murder in a nation which reflect the depths of the beast mentality within the nation. The first level is people killing other people (common murder), reported in the news. The second level involves the murder of the helpless or innocents...the poor, aged, infirm, children, widows, babies (Exodus 23:6-7). The third level of murder which God especially hates is the murder of the innocents by official sanction. This really reflects how spiritually debauched and degenerate the society has become when it premeditates and plans murder. This is first degree murder for a nation and brings God's sentence of Judgment.
God condemned other nations for polytheism, which led to the murder of the innocents. These nations, by trying to please their myriad of gods and goddesses (Baal, El, Dagon, Ashtoreth, El, Asherah, Anat, Molech etc.), legally offered up their babies so they would have prosperity. The Canaanites were mostly worried over an abundant harvest, and their gods with human sexual prostitutes can be characterized as “fertility religion” so they could produce prosperity with their crops.
Today in Finland, in trying to please itself through an ideology of humanism and other religions which degrade the value of human life, the law legalizing murder of the most innocent of babies was created called Abortion. Finland is guilty of apostasy and idolatry which has led to the sins of immorality and murder (abortion).
It is clear in Psalm 139:13-16 that God has a very special personal regard for the embryo, which begins from the time of its inception. God is against Finland for premeditatively, callously, selfishly killing her babies (Lev. 20:4-5). Jesus’ incarnation was a pre-known fact. God had special words of promise for the parents of Isaac, Samson, Samuel and John the Baptist. What if Mary or the other mothers had decided to have an abortion? In Finland, children are no longer the object of every doctor’s concern, but have become the targets, instead, by many for extermination.
Planned Parenthood is a curse upon a nation as it deliberately seeks to destroy the morality and life of a nation through indoctrination of a false gospel from Lucifer, brainwashing Finland to reject the values of our Creator and to prepare her to follow the Beast of Revelation eventually. Planned Parenthood in one of their pamphlets encouraged people to “accept sex for what it is, for whatever pleasure it gives you.” Furthermore, it described saving sex until marriage as the ‘old mythology,’ claiming those that held that view were ‘old-fashioned.’ ”
“Cry of the Innocents” by John O.Anderson.
Planned Parenthood speaks not of “spouses” but of “sexual partners”, and they use terms “sexually active” instead of “fornication.” If a child is conceived which is “unwanted”, they suggest abortion. Finland is also guilty of allowing the television and films to promote sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, adultery, fornication, abortion, and other dehumanizing actions, attitudes, values, and beliefs to be changing the minds and hearts of the people into becoming and accepting a “New World Order”...a “One World Government” led by the Antichrist.
Finland is no longer a nation with the values of God, but a nation with the values of the animal kingdom.
On May 10, 2000, the Lord gave
the following word to Prophet
Jonathan Hansen:
"Finland, Finland a land of beauty and might. You are one of the more beautiful countries that I made, yet you are so far from Me in true knowledge and relationship. You do not know Me personally as I made you to do, but you only have heard about Me in song, dance and ritual. You have been deceived, lied to by pastor and priest, and now you blame Me for your follies.
I, the Lord God, Jehovah Jireh your provider, will never fail you, but you have turned your back on Me. You have failed Me through your idolatry. You have put yourselves ahead of Me in your thoughts, deeds, and words. You have blasphemed My holy name through your traditions and folklore, yet I have never turned My back completely on you.
You are a nation of might, meaning a nation of stubbornness, yet it is not all bad. To be stubborn for truth is good, but to be stubborn for ignorance is folly and pride. Yes, you are a proud and arrogant people. Self-righteous in some of your ways, yet full of compulsion. Turn to Me with your whole heart, and I will forgive you and heal your land. Continue to deny Me, to fight against Me and My ways and people, and I will surely damn you.