Our local campus of World Theological Centre for Evangelism and Missions
has completed its first year of course offerings...working toward the goal of
preparing its students for full time ministry in the body of Christ.
Pictured at left is one of the enthusiastic classes of local students.
Apostle/Prophet Hansen’s father, Evangelist/Pastor Harold Hansen,
a retired missionary with the Assemblies of God, preaches at
the local fellowship for the WMI staff and their families.
Rev. Harold and Esther Hansen, (Jonathan Hansen’s parents). The Hansens have pastored eight churches during their ministry; one Foursquare, an
independent, and six Assembly of God churches.
WMI was blessed to have as a guest at the local fellowship Daniel Boldea of Botosani, Romania, youngest grandson of Dumitru Duduman, who was in the United States for a visit. Daniel shares a song, accompanied by Hansen’s daughters, Talitha, signing the message, and Tamara (Hansen) Gulstrom on the keyboard.
EJ Buckardt represents Rev. Hansen at a Prophetic Conference
in Atlanta, GA, hosted by Bishop Clarence Harris.
Conference with Dr. Larry Bates
and Rev. Jonathan Hansen
February 8-9, 2002
Prayer line at Bates/Hansen Conference

Apostle Hansen with Rev. Dr. James L. Netters
of Mt. Vernon Baptist Church, Memphis, TN.
This lady was healed from a tumor on her tongue during the
Memphis Bates conference after Rev. Hansen prayed for her.

Rev Hansen challenged and encouraged the Mt Vernon Baptist Church in
Memphis on Sunday, Feburary 10, 2002. This church seats 3000 people.

February 17-20, 2002
Hosted by Pastor Brad Alford and King’s Way Life Center, these four-day revival meetings were supported by three other local churches and pastors.
Apostle Hansen, Pastor Brad Alford, and E J Buckardt
Rev. Hansen had the opportunity to speak into the lives of many local pastors at a luncheon on Tuesday, February 19th. Pastors who attended were from the Foursquare Church, Assemblies of God Churches, Faith Bible Church, Pentecostal Church of God, Agape Christian Fellowship, The Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Lighthouse Christian Centre, Pentecostal Holiness Churches and Independent Churches.
Rev. Hansen had the opportunity to appear on Christian television on
“Central Coast Good News Community Journal”, TV Channel 36,
Templeton, California, with Mitzi Williams, Producer/Director.

The Holy Spirit was faithful to move in all services, meeting the needs of the people who were reaching out to God for His truth. The revival meetings were held at the First Assembly of God Church, Arroyo Grande, California.
Apostle/Prophet Hansen was given an opportunity to share the message of “Warning” on KGDP 660 AM Christian Talk Radio with Program Director and Talk Show Host, Tim Zimmer, of Santa Maria, California.

March 1-3, 2002
Rev. Hansen again joined Dr. Larry Bates and his team in
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, for another very successful conference.
Before prayer this man was dependent on two crutches. The day after prayer
he used a cane as he had not yet been checked by the doctor, although he felt
no pain. The next day he walked perfectly with no cane as God had healed him.
Rev. Hansen met with Rabbi Moshe Konieukowsky of “Your Arms to Israel”.

Sunday evening Apostle Hansen spoke into the lives of many area pastors and church leaders in a Leadership Conference sponsored by The Ministers’ Network led by Pastor Terry Ball.
Apostle Hansen with Pastor Terry Ball.
Apostle Hansen with Bishop Ron Gary of
True Deliverance By Faith Church and an elder.
Jonathan Hansen with his wife, Jeannie; Richard Nicholson, Latin America and Caribbean Director for the Assemblies of God, World Missions, (Hansen’s cousin); and Missionary James Hansen (Hansen’s brother) and his wife, Paula.
© 2002 World Ministries International