We have problems in our relationships because our love is incomplete; whereas, God is total love. Jesus said: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:14 God is Love; God is all Love; total Love; perfect Love! 1 John 4:18 tells us: “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” God has no bitterness, jealousy, unforgiveness or fear, because He is love. God is perfect love.

The more a person can live, reside in, and breathe the love of God, the more a person is capable of laying down one's life, liberty, property, career, personal goals, happiness, and family, if need be, to serve God. The Great Commission is recorded in Matthew 28:19-20: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”

The Great Commission, His commandments, and our responsibility are more than just talking about the love of God and His goodness. A person can say they love God all they want, much like they say they love their spouse on their honeymoon. The reality is that a person must get out of the bedchamber and into the daily battle of life and service to both spouse and to God. Sure, when there are no pressures of life or when there is no battle to fight, one can be kind, gentle, and considerate. But when one leaves the bedroom, the military hospital, or the chow hall and goes to the front lines of the war, then one's humanness is confronted with his lack of perfection or godliness. Man can never be like God because man is not God. To expect man to always behave as perfectly as God is not only naïve, but ridiculous.

Parents can choose to stay out of the battle of life and just be available for their children. Yet, this will only produce selfish children and eventually selfish adults who live their lives to serve themselves, even though they might mentally proclaim that their first allegiance is to God.

We need to have our time with God daily, which I call entering into His bedchamber. But we also must come out of the sanctuary of our individual daily time with God and enter into the battle of serving God. This may require sacrifice, stress, and spiritual attacks from men and demons. This is where the heroes of the Bible are our best examples of serving God above everything else, including family, and should be the models we emulate and follow.

To have daily intimacy with God is critical to one's living and serving God with as much of the character, fruits, and gifts of the Holy Spirit as possible. Daily intimacy with God not only develops godly attitudes and sensitivities, but also our service and sacrifice, as God Himself did in giving His son to serve and die for mankind.

A daily time of intimacy with God in His bedchamber is absolutely necessary for good relationships. A believer is called to continually forgive and turn the other cheek without holding grudges, bitternesses, or unforgiveness against another person, be that person friend or foe.

I love God with all my heart, and consequently I love serving Him with all my soul, my mind, my heart, and my strength. WMI is not my ministry; it is not my business. It is the commission God has given me to faithfully "sound the alarm", warning the nations of the second coming of Jesus Christ, with all the ramifications of the call, including judgment, service and sacrifice. This is why WMI meets with both church and political leaders of many nations. It is why we start Bible schools and dental clinics throughout the world, work in slums to feed and educate the poor, and help orphanages. It is the reason we give the warning message of Jesus Christ to the nations of the world through radio, television, newsletters, revival meetings, conferences and crusades.

To have a close relationship with God and with mankind demands that we understand and value God's calling on each person's life. If we are not interested in a person's calling and the nature of their service to God, we will never be really close to that person. God has created and given to me the mission of WMI, and I love to serve Him through this channel. Personally, I am closest to and love being with people who are truly interested in loving and serving God. Together we enjoy talking about the things of God and how God is using each of us in service to Him and His Kingdom.

Yes, only an intimate daily relationship with God in His bedchambers will enable us to serve Him fully. Out of this communion with Him, His nature is developed within us. Only this daily communion with Him can help us maintain relationships with family and friends.

Dr. Jonathan Hansen

© 2011 World Ministries International