What a tremendously important mission trip this was! Feb. 21st, we visited the former Vice President of Kenya, the Honorable Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka.

Every day I met with leadership discussing the need for a National Repentance.
Feb. 22nd, I spoke for our WMI Kenya Bible College graduation ceremony. My message, Loyalty!

On Feb. 22nd, after the WMI Kenya Bible College Ceremony, Dr. Hyodo, Adalia and I met at Sarit Center, Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa with Paul and Tom to discuss our joint project upcountry to help the community develop 3 acres, etc. We have already put in water and electricity as well as other things to help the people, etc.

Sunday, Feb. 23rd, I preached at Langata Deliverance church pastored by Bishop Geoffrey Njuguna on “Only the Church Can Save Kenya.” It was a great service with a tremendous altar call. Rev. Adalia Hansen and I ministered to the people. The focus is getting the churches into stadiums for a Great Awakening/National Repentance.

My Kenya team meeting in the office of Bishop Njuguna. We were all fed a wonderful meal.

Bishop Geoffrey Njuguna, his wife, Rev. Adalia and I after the service in the bishop’s office.
On Feb. 24th, we spent the day looking for animals, visiting the giraffe feeding park and orphaned elephants at the Nairobi Game Park in Kenya, East Africa. This was a fantastic family day off.

On Feb. 25th, I led devotions with our WMI Kenya Bible College staff. After that, Bishop Tobias took us to lunch to discuss our ongoing mission in Kenya.

On Feb. 26th, the Ambassador of Israel, Michael Lotem, put on a dinner in my honor at the Israeli Embassy with other leaders attending.

On Feb. 27th, I interviewed Ambassador Michael Lotem on television discussing the war with Hamas. In Hamas’ charter, they refuse to make peace with Israel. Instead, they want to kill every Jew and then every Christian. Hamas has turned down a two-state solution many times.

On Feb. 27th, I met with the former Mayor of Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa, Nathan Kahara. On March 1st, I had a meeting with Bishop Mike Adipo of Calvary Charismatic Centre. In both meetings we discussed the imperative need for Eagles Saving Nations, which I lead, to facilitate a Great Awakening/National Repentance. The goal is to get hundreds of thousands of Christians in large venues and stadiums and educate them with the truth of what the New World Order is currently doing in every nation to create a cashless society, to control and enslave them. Then we want them baptized with the Holy Spirit so they can go forth with power and authority. Then they will have the power to save their nation through the gospel, by putting in righteous leaders to save Kenya from further judgment, as corruption is currently eroding the nation.
Mayor Nathan Kahara, Dr. Mike Hyodo and myself
Bishop Mike Adipo, Dr. Mike Hyodo and myself
On Feb. 27th, I met for the second time with Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka who was the Minister of Foreign Affairs 1993-1998; Vice President of Kenya 2008-2013; Kenya Presidential Candidate 2013 & 2017 and probably 2027. He is the leader the Wiper Democratic Movement Kenya. I counseled and we prayed for the VP. He is a fine Christian and kind man. He even carried my son, who fell asleep, out to the car. My colleague representing me in Kenya, Dr. Mike Hyodo, was with me.

Vice President Kalonzo presented me with a book

Our son fell asleep due to the length of our meeting.

Vice President Kalonzo carried Michael to our vehicle.
Mar. 1st, my wife and I had the pleasure of once again spending time with the Israeli Ambassador to Kenya, Michael Lotem, his wife, and his little boy. This was our third time on this trip we had time together. Both his boy and my boy played together and are five years old. I really enjoy the Israeli Ambassador to Kenya, Michael Lotem, who has become a good friend.

Ambassador Lotem, Dr. Hyodo and myself

Ambassador Lotem, with his family and security detail, took my family and Dr. Hyodo to a fine dining experience.
Our sons played together at a playground.
Sunday, Mar. 2nd, I spoke at two Nairobi Kenya, East Africa churches, both for Archbishop Mark Kariuki. The first one was House of Bread Church hosted that day by Reverend Francis Lincolns Agesa. The second church was The Majestic City Church hosted by Rev Dan Jr. Kariuki. Also, Bishop Mark Kariuki’s wife, Rev Joyce Kariuki, was in the house and was a wonderful hostess. Both services we had tremendous worship and fantastic service and ministry at the end.

Rev Joyce Kariuki
House of Bread Church

The Majesty City Church

Senior Pastor Dan Kariuki

Mar. 3rd and 4th, I met with some great Apostolic Leaders. Rev. Dr. Judy W. Mbugua, Bishop Geoffrey Njuguna and Archbishop Mark Kariuki. In every meeting I shared the need for a National Repentance, the responsibility of the Church, and the extension of the kingdom of God. We also prayed for the nation, and I prayed for individual needs, like healing.

Dr. Mbugua, Bishop Njuguna and myself

Archbishop Kariuki, Dr. Hyodo and myself

The Archbishop and I prayed for the church in Kenya.
We had a great dental outreach Mar. 6-7th. We started out with devotions on Mar. 5th, and I spoke on representing Christ with the fruit of the Holy Spirit and the character of God with honesty, righteousness, and holiness. We are not only taking care of their teeth, showing the love of God but our actions also should represent a real follower of Jesus, not a hypocrite.

Mar. 8th, I met for the third time with the former VP, who is a presidential candidate for the 2027 Kenya Presidential elections, the Honorable Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka for talk and prayer.

Mar. 9th, I spoke for Archbishop Harrison Ng’anga; Christian Foundation Fellowship, Nairobi, Kenya, with the former VP the Honorable Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka in attendance. I spoke on the corruption in the church, politicians and the nation. I shared how only a holy church can save the nation. I called for a National Repentance. Bishop Harrison and the Honorable Kalonzo followed with supporting my call for a National Repentance. Apostle Joe Mwaniki introduced me. I shared that throughout the world tyranny is coming through the New World order. Only the church in any nation could rise up and stop it by the power of the Holy Spirit. Join Eagles Saving Nations at worldministries.org

Archbishop Harrison, VP Kalonzo and myself

The VP Kalonzo greeting Dr. Hansen. Fifty to a hundred Members of Parliament were with the VP.
The VP Kalonzo greeting my wife, Rev. Adalia Hansen

Apostle Joe Mwaniki and I with our wives
My name is Jonathan Hansen. I am an ordained minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. On June 4th and 18th, 1992, the Lord woke me up out of my sleep and gave me a message for the nation of Kenya:
The reason why the nation of Kenya is in trouble today is because …many, many people today who call themselves Christians no longer help preserve the nation. They lie, cheat, steal, fornicate, commit adultery, have abortions, live in homosexuality, slander, curse, gossip and commit every sort of evil and uncleanness that the heart can imagine. The "Christians" today say, "Praise the Lord," shake your hand (like Judas kissing Jesus), then stab you in the back by accusing you falsely. They are filled with jealousy, bitterness, selfishness and guilt. Today's professing "Christians" in Kenya have broken and are breaking the laws of God, and are about fit for nothing but the "dunghill." (READ Luke 14:34)
1. God is going to judge this nation.
2. A spirit of rebellion is sweeping the nation followed by fighting.
3. A spirit of drought is sweeping the nation followed by famine.
4. A spirit of Islam is sweeping the nation followed by riots.
5. Finally, if the Christians, and especially the pastors of this nation, do not repent of their hypocrisy and start to develop a relationship with God, then the Christians will lose their religious freedom.
Church people who call themselves Christian:
If you fear God, you must have change of heart and develop a true relationship with Him. You must be "born again." If you fail to hearken to this WARNING, there will be fighting, even family against family. There will be famine, you will be persecuted by another religious group, the nation will lose its religious freedom, and the nation will not fully recover until Jesus returns.
Help me continue to return to Kenya to lead a National Repentance by clicking on the following link below.