January 4, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley, Turning Point Citi Church, Dixon, IL Program #915 Tuesday: Since the pandemic started, church attendance is down 30 percent and 12 percent less people claim Christianity - The need for church is critical - Christians taking the "Jab" because of fear |
January 5, 2022
Dr. Andy Nazario, Ret. Capt. Bernalillo Co. Sheriff's Dept., NM Program #915 Wednesday: Communism is selling social ideas with subtlety - 1910 America "Social" acts start in Federal Government - IRS (started 1862) created to fund Federal Government - IRS used against political & Christian opponents |
January 6, 2022
Atty. Stephen Pidgeon, 2012 Candidate WA State Attorney General Program #915 Thursday: 1938 Hitler was Time magazine's "Man of the Year" - Mainstream media is not your friend - Scientists warn NOT to vaccinate - Politicians & Pope are in covenant with death through medical rape - Acquired Natural Immunity (ANI) is better |
January 7, 2022
Apostolic Leader Eric Hurd, The Sons of Issachar Program #915 Friday: Spirit of Hawaii is of control, forcing vaccination of all visitors and residents - Argentina three year old child dies of cardiac arrest after vaxed - The Nuremburg Code needs to be instituted and the guilty dealt with
January 7, 2022
Rev. Adalia Hansen Program #915SW (originally recorded on 4/25/2020) Shortwave (Friday): The Ark and the Secret Place in the Last Days
January 11, 2022
Dr. Andy Nazario Program #916 Tuesday: Dr. Nazario states the "Defund the Police" movement is a tool towards federalizing law enforcement - Communist Leadership is actively attempting to topple the US Republic
January 12, 2022
Attorney Stephen Pidgeon, Pres. of Cepher Publishing Program #916 Wednesday: Large companies that mandate COVID Jab hold insurance policies on their employees - Dr. Malone reveals that other doctors have known Fauci 'Lies' for decades
January 13, 2022
Apostolic Leader Eric Hurd Program #916 Thursday: Pelosi exposed for her large real estate holdings, even in Florida and insider trading - Biden attacking capitalism and America to destroy the nation
January 18, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley Program #917 Tuesday: 33,000 doctors & nurses in Canada refuse to take poison clot shot - 4 year old girl had all her baby teeth capped under Illinois law
January 19, 2022
Dr. Andy Nazario Program #917 Wednesday: Secret societies working to destroy America's Judeo-Christian foundation/history - Mask wearing is dehumanizing people by removing identity - Elon Musk working for having a brain microchip for all people to directly interface with computers and each other
January 20, 2022
Attorney Stephen Pidgeon Program #917 Thursday: DC Mayor to require vaccine papers before leaving home - DARPA released documents stating Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine as effective treatments against COVID-19 at all stages - Japan: Ivermectin amazingly effective in treating COVID-19 - Japan bans COVID-19 protocols - WA Gov. Jay Inslee seeking to sequester all unvaxed people involuntarily to concentration camps - Top Israeli immunologist, "It's time to admit it's a failure." - UK law enforcement pursuing case in ICC against COVID-19 protocols
January 21, 2022
Apostolic Leader Eric Hurd Program #917 Friday: People all around the world are waking up to the elites' efforts to implement a New World Order - Every Marxist/Communist effort starts by attacking freedom of speech, then the right to bear arms - Poisonous chemicals are added to vaccines - We need Eagles Saving Nations to save America
January 25, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley Program #918 Tuesday: The true church does the work of the kingdom of God by moving with the power of the Holy Spirit - In the midst of tribulations, the kingdom of God will do great exploits in the power of the Holy Ghost - "Awakenings" happen in the kingdom of God "BEFORE" it hits culture and society
January 26, 2022
Dr. Andy Nazario Program #918 Wednesday: Dr. Nazario reads the Vision Statement for Dr. Hansen's Eagles Saving Nations form www.worldministries.org - Mission Statement for Eagles Saving Nations - US Justice Dept. monitoring the population for people they define as domestic terrorists who hold an anti-government viewpoint - The January 6th Insurrection is used as a precedent to use FISA courts to spy on US citizens
January 27, 2022
Attorney Stephen Pidgeon Program #918 Thursday: Danish & German press apologize for COVID fear propagation - WHO: COVID boosters for children declared as premeditated murder - Kazakhstan overthrew government over COVID mandates and arrested all people that promoted protocols - Nearly half of Democrats support putting unvaxed into internment camps
January 28, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea, Former WA State House of Rep., Sr. Pastor of On Fire Ministries & Kingdom Christian Academy Program #918 Friday: Revival is for the local church and awakening is for a nation - COVID is ending overseas and is coming soon to our nation - War is coming soon to America - Matt shared testimony of a church member miraculously healed from a stroke in a hospital after prayer - Religious spirit and tradition in the church needs to be shattered by believers moving with Holy Spirit power - The Vision Statement of Eagles Saving Nations
February 1, 2022
Apostolic Leader Eric Hurd Program #919 Tuesday: For the most part, pastors in Hawaii are asleep to the times - Believers need to forsake self to seek and receive all the fullness of God's Holy Spirit - The Vision Statement of Eagles Saving Nations
February 2, 2022
Tracy Abuhl, Republican Precinct Committee Officer (PCO) for Island County, WA State, Pres. of Camano Island Women's Republican Club, Co-Host of WA for Change Education Program #919 Wednesday: "Project Shielding = quarantine camps
February 3, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley Program #919 Thursday: Prominent pastor of a mega-church declares believers do not have to uphold the ten commandments - Rich and powerful clergy guilty of fleecing the flock, are ripe for great judgment before real revival comes to the church - After school Satan club in Illinois elementary school
February 4, 2022
Dr. Andy Nazario, Ret. Assist. Prof. of Criminal Justice at Eastern NM University Program #919 Friday: Hollywood Producer Russo told how Rockefellers & elites want a micro-chipped global population - Elon Musk launching Neurolink to implant microchips in human brains - COVID-19 is a conspiracy tool to condition populations towards banking Reset for global population control - Communists don't want any crisis to go to waste
February 15, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley Program #921 Tuesday: Today's church has a perverted definition of love - We need an awakening because the church is past being asleep - If belief doesn't activate someone into action, then it's hollow - Supernatural is normal to those close to God and abnormal to the carnal
February 16, 2022
Dr. Andy Nazario Program #921 Wednesday: Most Israeli COVID patients are vaccinated - We are headed to another great depression as financial institutions seek to take people's wealth - Only the church can stop the insanity of global economic crash/communism - Join Eagles Saving Nations
February 17, 2022
Attorney Stephen Pidgeon Program #921 Thursday: Trudeau calling in UN mercenaries to arrest protesting truckers - The number 1 cause of death in Europe is called VAIDS, Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome - Biden Admin. distributing crack pipes to black population - Democrat party has always been the enemy of black people - Biden setting up Europe to be destroyed by Russia - Catholicism was banned in early America because of their history of overthrowing nations for Papal control
February 18, 2022
Apostolic Leader Eric Hurd Program #921 Friday: Fauci and government bureaucrats demonize independent scientists that exposed "lab leak" theory and truth of COVID - Heart attack rate rises 63 percent post COVID shots - UK healthcare system reports weakened immune system in the vaccinated
February 23, 2022
Dr. Andy Nazario Program #922 Wednesday: CIA spying on unwitting citizens through data collection from cell phone use - Hillary Clinton Presidential campaign paid CA tech firm to infiltrate Trump Tower & White House servers to spy on Trump, even as a sitting president
February 24, 2022
Attorney Stephen Pidgeon, 2012 Candidate WA State Attorney General Program #922 Thursday: The Montaine: those who have taken third dose of C-vaccine get checked for AIDS, then they die! - Russia won't tolerate any NATO forces in any former Soviet Union regions or eastern Europe - Illegitimate/bastard leaders are used to seek world domination - We are going to see nuclear war sooner than we think
February 25 & April 6, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea Program #922 & #928 Friday & Wednesday: Russia, China, Iran & Muslim Brotherhood have all declared war on U.S. - Communist China's party use biological weapon wanting to depopulate America by 200M, yet keeping infrastructure intact - China has compromised U.S. politicians, trade & economy - China's intent to invade Taiwan & N. Korea plans to invade S. Korea - USSR collapse was a con against its enemies
February 25, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea Program #922SW Shortwave (Friday): Pastor Matt Shea - Russia, China, Iran & Muslim Brotherhood have all declared war on U.S. - Communist China's party use biological weapon wanting to depopulate America by 200M, yet keeping infrastructure intact - China has compromised U.S. politicians, trade & economy - China's intent to invade Taiwan & N. Korea plans to invade S. Korea - USSR collapse was a con against its enemies.
Dr. Hansen - Renewing of the Mind Brings Peace
February 28 & April 7, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea, retired 12 year WA State House of Rep. Program #923 & #928 Monday & Thursday: Russia & China have already declared war against U.S. - Putin declared his intent in 2005, 2008 & 2013 to have Ukraine as part of Russia - Russia & Ukraine control huge percentages of corn, wheat, barley, oil & natural gas - Supply chain disruptions likely, as well as internet interruptions affecting financial services - Putin wants to implement a State run Orthodox church in Ukraine
March 1, 2022
Attorney Stephen Pidgeon Program #923 Tuesday: Russia warned the West that they would invade former USSR nations if there were to be added to NATO with nuclear weapons - Putin warned that they were prepared to use weapons never seen in conventional war before - Trudeau declared Emergency Powers (Martial Law), disbanded Parliament and flew in UN troops to physically attack truckers and patriots - Canadian people abandoning their currency/banks and going with crypto currency out of country - Trudeau is a puppet actor of Central European Nazis seeking to enslave the people
March 2, 2022
Dr. Andy Nazario Program #923 Wednesday: Russia invades Ukraine & the response by other nations is consistently weak - The climate change agenda is weakening U.S. capabilities of defending ourselves from economic & military conflict - China is going to invade Taiwan soon - China & Russia are using coal & becoming stronger - The U.S. refuses to use coal, focused on climate change, but supply the worst polluters on earth, Russia & China, with coal
March 3 & 4, 2022
Dr. Jeannie Hansen Program #923 (originally recorded on 10/25/2008) Thursday & Friday: Discipline - Parts 1 & 2
March 4 & April 8, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea Program #923SW & #928SW Shortwave (Friday): Russia, China, Iran & Muslim Brotherhood have all declared war on U.S. - Communist China's party use biological weapon wanting to depopulate America by 200M, yet keeping infrastructure intact - China has compromised U.S. politicians, trade & economy - China's intent to invade Taiwan & N. Korea plans to invade S. Korea - USSR collapse was a con against its enemies - Russia & China have already declared war against U.S.& are fighting a 4th generation war against us - Putin declared his intent in 2005, 2008 & 2013 to have Ukraine as part of Russia - Russia & Ukraine control huge percentages of corn, wheat, barley, oil & natural gas - Supply chain disruptions likely, as well as internet interruptions affecting financial services - Putin wants to implement a State run Orthodox church in Ukraine
March 7, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley Program #924 Monday: Renewing your mind brings peace - Secular psychology cannot be married with Christianity - Peace with God is needed to have any peace at all - We need to daily partake of God; Word, Flesh, Blood for peace
March 8, 2022
Dr. Andy Nazario Program #924 Tuesday: Russia has killed more Jews than Hitler did - U.S. Gov. agencies are compiling databases of anyone seeking religious exemptions - Putin has put his nuclear forces on high alert - Russia & China want America's natural resources - Biden isn't building America, but actually selling it to China
March 9, 2022
Apostle John Polis, ICAL Board Member, Faith Church Int'l in WV Program #924 Wednesday: The church is asleep if they cannot pray for at least an hour at a time/a day - Local left-leaning ministers are a great threat to those who speak as Issachars - The majority of leadership has lost their First Love
March 10 & April 4, 2022
Attorney Stephen Pidgeon Program #924 & #928 Thursday & Monday: Zelensky is bombing his own people and blaming Russia - Russians and Ukrainians fleeing into Russia are being shot in the back by Ukrainian soldiers - U.S. funded bio-weapon labs in Ukraine for the purpose of genocidal depopulation - The question is "Will Putin use nuclear weapons?" is answered "Yes he would/will."
March 11, 2022
Program #924SW Shortwave (Friday): Attorney Stephen Pidgeon (Pres. of Cepher Publishing): Zelensky is bombing his own people and blaming Russia - Russians and Ukrainians fleeing into Russia are being shot in the back by Ukrainian soldiers - U.S. funded bio-weapon labs in Ukraine for the purpose of genocidal depopulation - The question is "Will Putin use nuclear weapons?" is answered "Yes he would/will."
Dr. Andy Nazario Russia has killed more Jews than Hitler did - U.S. Gov. agencies are compiling databases of anyone seeking religious exemptions - Putin has put his nuclear forces on high alert - Russia & China want America's natural resources - Biden isn't building America but actually selling it to China

March 15, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley Program #925 Tuesday: Speak shalom to a home you visit, If you receive shalom, let your shalom abide there. If you don't receive shalom, shake the dust off your feet. Freedom of speech is to protect the worst speech. Today they want good speech censored as they push communism. The Word of God alone doesn't help our lives without the Holy Spirit in our lives; attributes, authority, power, & anointing
March 16, 2022
Dr. Andy Nazario, Ret. Assist. Prof. of Criminal Justice at Eastern NM University Program #925 Wednesday: Foreign visitors that don't support LGBTQ values are denied VISAs while many unknown illegal aliens flood in across our southern border - LGBTQ ideology being forced upon foreigners through Global Respect Act (GRA) by immoral politicians - US Founding fathers hated the sin of homosexuality & the punishments in some states was death
March 17 & April 5, 2022
Attorney Stephen Pidgeon Program #925 & #928 Thursday & Tuesday: Vladimir Putin didn't just invade Ukraine, he declared the end of the Petro Dollar - Russia, China, India, Brazil & a few select other nations have formed their own financial system deposing the US Dollar - Biden's administration is destroying all fossil fuel production & pushing for electric vehicles that need materials that are exported by Russia - Big pharma has major labs & manufacture in Ukraine
March 18, 2022
Apostolic Leader Eric Hurd Program #925 Friday: The church has been infiltrated by some that dilute the power of God - Sound waves are being used to manipulate & control people - Studies are showing where masks are bringing harm & disease to the wearer - Voice- to-skull technology being developed for mind manipulation
March 18, 2022
Dr. Jeannie Hansen Program #925SW (originally recorded on 10/24/2015) Shortwave (Friday): I am My Beloved's
March 21, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley Program #926 Monday: The difficult words of Jesus challenges people - Today's culture & society wants to silence all who disagree with them. - There will be conflict for all people that truly live as Christ. The seed of Christ is at war with the seed of Satan - We have people that cannot discern the things of God trying to tell everyone how to think & live
March 22 & April 8, 2022
Dr. Andy Nazario, Ret. Capt. Bernalillo Co. Sheriff's Dept., NM Program #926 & #928 Tuesday & Friday: China & Hong Kong just had a new COVID outbreak with many deaths - Gun control is a smoke screen to remove people's ability to defend themselves - Pfizer claims a 4th vaccine is needed while research is showing the mRNA shots are genetically altering the recipients - Peer review research shows those who have already had COVID have a natural immunity that far exceeds that of the mRNA shots - Biden admin. is installing LGBT people into positions of power and authority - Second grader being punished for sharing Gospel at school
March 23, 2022
Sidney Hemmingmoore, Businesswoman & Author Program #926 Wednesday: Sidney testifies of how Prophet Hansen visited her at home where he & his wife ministered healing to her heart, mind & body - Sidney states now is the time for America to pray, repent, fast & return to God to stop Russian nukes from hitting America - In a dream she saw the beginning of a mushroom cloud rising from Fairchild AFB - She had a repeated dream of the nuclear attack while she was yet a secular humanist & atheist
March 24, 2022
Apostolic Leader Eric Hurd Program #926 Thursday: We are very near to nuclear attack on America unless there is a repentance & a great awakening - Pope warns nuclear war is imminent - 37K killed in firearm violence & 629,898 children murdered in abortion - Women are behind the murder of their children in abortion - While America is teaching children to play video games, our enemies are training their children to fight as warriors
March 25, 2022
Pastor Ronald Dimaline, Founder of New Mount Zion Ministries Program #926 Friday: Pastor Dimaline was part of the U.S. truckers Freedom Convoy - The founding fathers of America prescribed death penalty for homosexuality - The religious Christians are most dangerous to true believers - The Freedom Convoy was overwhelmingly supported by so many Christians
March 25, 2022 Program #926SW Shortwave (Friday): Dr. Andy Nazario - China & Hong Kong just had a new COVID outbreak with many deaths - Gun control is a smoke screen to remove people's ability to defend themselves - Pfizer claims a 4th vaccine is needed while research is showing the mRNA shots are genetically altering the recipients - Peer review research shows those who have already had COVID have a natural immunity that far exceeds that of the mRNA shots - Biden admin. is installing LGBT people into positions of power and authority - Second grader being punished for sharing Gospel at school
Sidney Hemmingmoore - Sidney testifies of how Prophet Hansen visited her at home where he & his wife ministered healing to her heart, mind & body - Sidney states now is the time for America to pray, repent, fast & return to God to stop Russian nukes from hitting America - In a dream she saw the beginning of a mushroom cloud rising from Fairchild AFB - She had a repeated dream of the nuclear attack while she was yet a secular humanist & atheist

March 28, 2022
Tony Bonnallie, Owner of Mission Motors in Stanwood, WA Program #927 Monday: The Freedom Convoy US in Washington DC is 30 miles long & has 7,000 vehicles - DC Police blocked all exits into the city causing 36 accidents & 2 deaths - Scare tactics, Agent Provocateurs are ramping up intimidation of participants - Convoy is about fighting for freedom around the world - last hope - Hardcore, old school liberal, journalist has his eyes opened to the oppression and is being removed from YouTube and friendships
March 30, 2022
Shannon Davis, Host of OmegaManRadio Program #927 Wednesday: We are on the edge of WWIII & most people don't know it - Dimitru Dudeman & Dr. Hansen have both prophesied judgments coming on an unrepentant America - COVID is an attempt of a brute force power grab towards world government - Russia, China, Iran, N. Korea & Muslim Brotherhood have agents within America for attack
April 1, 2022
Dr. Hansen Program #927SW Shortwave (Friday): Prophecy to America & Purim Shannon Davis - We are on the edge of WWIII & most people don't know it - Dimitru Dudeman & Dr. Hansen have both prophesied judgments coming on an unrepentant America - COVID is an attempt of a brute force power grab towards world government - Russia, China, Iran, N. Korea & Muslim Brotherhood have agents within America for attack
April 18, 2022
Pastor Ronald Dimaline Program #930 Monday: We must forgive to be forgiven - Forgiveness is critical before there can be power in ministry - Many pastors are in danger of hell because of unforgiveness
April 19 - 21, 2022
Apostolic Leader Dennis Moore, Vision Int'l Support Ministries Program #930
Tuesday: Satanists performing human sacrifices in the US - Cheyenne, WY - One of Jesus' names is Truth - study to share Truth - The love of God through His people is bringing revival and awakening to our nation - God has a covenant with America and is calling His people to return to that covenant
Wednesday: African widows are often stolen from by family and left destitute - Believers need to move with compassion to meet the needs of people around them - The problem with man is they think in time, while God thinks in eternity - Dennis shares about people being sacrificed in Satanic blood-letting - Dennis was taken to a spot of demonic sex rituals by a former Satanic high priestess - Bodies of small children used to smuggle drugs into the U.S.
Thursday: God is calling His people into alignment with Him to share the Gospel of Truth and Unity to save nations - President JFK hated secret societies and wanted to outlaw them and was assassinated for this and his efforts to get away from the Federal Reserve - Dennis speaks of a Christian sharpshooter who was offered a contract to assassinate someone by a local secret society
April 22, 2022
Marya Moore, Vision Int'l Support Ministries Program #930 Friday: How did COVID practices affect our relating to the unsaved? - COVID has instilled a higher barrier of fear between people - COVID masks acted as hands over our mouths to prevent relational interaction, stopping the Gospel from going out - Marya is a retired medical professional who sees COVID as a tool to silence evangelism - Evangelism is waiting to be birthed, and it is past due - Believers must position themselves through prayer and fasting
April 22, 2022
Apostolic Leader Dennis Moore Program #930SW Shortwave (Friday): African widows are often stolen from by family and left destitute - Believers need to move with compassion to meet the needs of people around them - The problem with man is they think in time, while God thinks in eternity - Dennis tells about people being sacrificed in Satanic blood-letting - Dennis was taken to a spot of demonic sex rituals by a former Satanic high priestess - Bodies of small children used to smuggle drugs into the U.S. - God is calling His people into alignment with Him to share the Gospel of Truth and Unity to save nations - President JFK hated secret societies and wanted to outlaw them and was assassinated for this and his efforts to get away from the Federal Reserve - Dennis tells of a Christian sharpshooter who was offered a contract to assassinate someone by a local secret society
May 9, 2022
Dr. Willibroad Ticha, Political Refugee from Cameroon Program #932 Monday: Cameroon is 8 parts French speaking and 2 parts English speaking - The English speaking Cameroonians are seeking independence from French Cameroon - The marginalization of the English speakers led to civil discord - Dr. Ticha fled Cameroon for political asylum as he was listed by government for arrest - There is widespread killing, Dr. Ticha had a bullet pass his ear and some are beheaded with machetes - Cameroon has three Muslim regions and all are French speaking - The President is a French speaking Catholic - There is much dysfunction among the church in Cameroon, failing to bring peace
May 10, 2022
Minister John Burg, Faith Fellowship Min. Int'l Program #932 Tuesday: John shares his testimony of his foot being healed & restored after it was severed off in a car accident - Blind right eye healed - He saw his deceased cousin & driver standing at the foot of his hospital bed & knows they went to heaven - His personal physician tried to fill out Social Security papers for disability & John laughed at him & said "No, it's not going to happen." - John sings "Falling in Love with Jesus" - John gives an invitation to love Jesus - Spirit of suicide rebuked - John is an eagle & calls for others to join Eagles Saving Nations - John also sings "Stand"
May 11, 2022
Pastor Ronald Dimaline Program #932 Wednesday: Pastor Dimaline shares testimony of joining the military under age - He & his brothers started "Brothers of the Wheel" motorcycle gang in KY - He used to be in the KY coal industry - He relates about the motorcycle gang lifestyle of alcohol, drugs, sex - He also tells of a Satanic realm of fighting, where it becomes a pleasurable high - Criminal activity of drugs, alcohol, violence, death in the gang lifestyle didn't bring happiness despite having everything - A nightclub fight with 5 men shook him to the reality of the frailty of life - When he heard The Still Small Voice say "What else do I have to do to get your attention?" - As a drunk, he asked a Christian worker to pray with him to get right with God - Pray with anyone that wants prayer and let the Holy Spirit work - God sobered Ron and filled the empty void he suffered from
May 12, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley Program #932 Thursday: As a victim, you blame others and perish instead of accepting responsibility and appropriating the promises of God - The people of "Great Awakenings" prepared their whole lives for destiny - God not only allows hard times, but orchestrates such to prepare us for our future - Vision is seeing what doesn't yet exist and walking towards it until it comes to pass - God takes us through the fire to prepare us for His greater glory
May 13, 2022
Matt Shea, Former WA State House of Representatives Program #932 Friday: Matt shares about his trip to Poland & a rescue mission to bring 60 orphans from Ukraine into Poland - Ukraine is the largest Christian nation in Europe - Ukraine military is well trained & have destroyed over one-third of all Russian tanks in the present conflict - Russia has suffered such severe loss so they are threatening nuclear war & broadening the conflict - The left tried to tie Trump with Russia to foment hatred of Christians, conservatives & patriots for blame in WWIII & then arrest them - Fifth generation warfare uses narratives to push thought/ideals - Roe v. Wade being overturned nationally will force decision in each state - Wars start because Christians aren't involved in politics - Abortion is sin & so is homosexuality & also brings judgment - God's judgment follows evil/sin
May 13, 2022
Apostolic Leader Dennis Moore Program #932SW Shortwave (Friday): Dr Hansen interviews Apostolic Leader Dennis Moore & they discuss: Satanists performing human sacrifices in the US - Cheyenne, WY - One of Jesus' names is Truth - study to share Truth - The love of God through His people is bringing revival & awakening to our nation - God has a covenant with America & is calling His people to return to that covenant - African widows are often stolen from by family & left destitute - Believers need to move with compassion to meet the needs of people around them - The problem with man is they think in time, while God thinks in eternity - Dennis tells about people being sacrificed in Satanic blood-letting - Dennis was taken to a spot of demonic sex rituals by a former Satanic high priestess - Bodies of small children used to smuggle drugs into the U.S. - God is calling His people into alignment with Him to share the Gospel of Truth & Unity to save nations - President JFK hated secret societies & wanted to outlaw them & was assassinated for this & his efforts to get away from the Federal Reserve - Dennis tells of a Christian sharpshooter who was offered a contract to assassinate someone by a local secret society
May 16, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea Program #933 Monday: Putin has done more to rebuild a new Soviet empire - In the 1611 KJV Bible Apocrypha, 2 Ezdras speaks of Caesars; Roman, German, Russian - China did a military drill surrounding Taiwan & plans to attack - Russia appears to be preparing to invade Transnistria - Pope is backing an increasingly aggressive Germany - Putin, like Stalin, is killing his own people that don't agree with him - Biden's office of "Truth" is a communist tactic/tool to squash truth - since beginning of 2022, 16 food processing plants have had major accidents disabling them causing food shortages - Roe v. Wade overturned by SCOTUS will reveal those who worship Molech that agree bringing judgment on America
May 17, 2022
Lay Pastor Terri Pulley Program #933 Tuesday: Prayer Changes Things
May 20, 2022
Loren Culp, Candidate for US Congress, WA State 4th District Program #933 Friday: Ted Nugent, Sheriff David Clarke and President Donald Trump endorse Loren's candidacy for US Congress, representing WA State 4th District - This isn't a Republican v. Democrat battle, it's good v. evil - Federal Government pushing abominable ideas/ ideals in education - Environmentalists and Jay Inslee want to tear down dams - Biden is killing US oil production and aiding Russian oil - US military must be sent but declaration of war by Congress and not by Presidents - Smedley Butler's book "War is a Racket"
May 20, 2022
Dr. Willibroad Ticha & Loren Culp on OmegaManRadio Program #933SW Shortwave (Friday): Dr. Ticha - Cameroon is 8 parts French speaking and 2 parts English speaking - The English speaking Cameroonians are seeking independence from French Cameroon - The marginalization of the English speakers led to civil discord - Dr. Ticha fled Cameroon for political asylum as he was listed by government for arrest - There is widespread killing, Dr. Ticha had a bullet pass his ear and some are beheaded with machetes - Cameroon has three Muslim regions and all are French speaking - The President is a French speaking Catholic - There is much dysfunction among the church in Cameroon, failing to bring peace
Loren Culp - Ted Nugent, Sheriff David Clarke and President Donald Trump endorse Loren's candidacy for US Congress, representing WA State 4th District - This isn't a Republican v. Democrat battle, it's good v. evil - Federal Government pushing abominable ideas/ideals in education - Environmentalists and Jay Inslee want to tear down dams - Biden is killing US oil production and aiding Russian oil - US military must be sent but declaration of war by Congress and not by Presidents - Smedley Butler's book "War is a Racket"
May 23, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea, former House Republican Caucus Chair Program #934 Monday: Disinformation Board & Putin controlling the narrative of the Ukraine war & demonizing his dissidents (There are RINO Republicans seeking to purge the party of Christians - Former Fox News face: People should be put in prison for spreading misinformation - Russia enforcing Putin's narrative throughout media & society with severe prison sentences - Putin is rewriting history just as Joseph Stalin did - Disinformation enforcement rising in America as in Russia - The fall of USSR is a smoke screen to deceive the world - Putin should be watched for acts of desperation leading to the use of non-conventional warfare)
May 25, 2022
Karen Buckardt Program #934 Wednesday: Two divorces before salvation (Karen was born into a Catholic home - In Karen's first of three marriages she was unequally yoked to a freeloader - Karen was born again after her second marriage to a man who was a womanizer - If a spouse is unfaithful in marriage, they are also a liar - Christians cannot violate the Word of God regarding co-habitation or being unequally yoked - Karen shares how the message of forgiveness set her free)
May 26, 2022
Dr. EJ Buckardt Program #934 Thursday: The God Card (So many people blame the Holy Spirit when it wasn't the Holy Spirit but their own spirit - You need the Holy Spirit to properly interpret and understand the Bible - It takes the entirety of the Bible to know if the Holy Spirit is leading you - A faithless generation/person wants a sign to believe)
May 27, 2022
Evangelist Paulette Williams Program #934 Friday: Come in Low, So I Can Come in High (Abraham bowed his head to God in Genesis 34 - Samaritan leper prostrated himself before Jesus when healed in Luke 17 - One healed & made whole of Leprosy worshipped and glorified God and Jesus - In 2 Chronicles 20, Jehoshaphat & the people bowed before God - Paulette prayed to be "sent" to China with Marilyn Hickey - When God gives you an assignment, Satan sends distraction to steal you away)
May 27, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea Program #934SW on OmegaManRadio Shortwave (Friday): Pastor Matt shares about his trip to Poland & a rescue mission to bring 60 orphans from Ukraine into Poland - Ukraine is the largest Christian nation in Europe - Ukraine military is well trained & have destroyed over one-third of all Russian tanks in the present conflict - Russia has suffered such severe loss so they are threatening nuclear war & broadening the conflict - The left tried to tie Trump with Russia to foment hatred of Christians, conservatives & patriots for blame in WWIII & then arrest them - Fifth generation warfare uses narratives to push thought/ideals - Roe v. Wade being overturned nationally will force decision in each state - Wars start because Christians aren't involved in politics - Abortion is sin & so is homosexuality & also brings judgment - God's judgment follows evil/sin - Putin has done more to rebuild a new Soviet empire - In the 1611 KJV Bible Apocrypha, 2 Ezdras speaks of Caesars; Roman, German, Russian - China did a military drill surrounding Taiwan & plans to attack - Russia appears to be preparing to invade Transnistria - Pope is backing an increasingly aggressive Germany - Putin, like Stalin is killing his own people that don't agree with him - Biden's office of "Truth" is a communist tactic/tool to squash truth - since beginning of 2022, 16 food processing plants have had major accidents disabling them causing food shortages - Roe v. Wade overturned by SCOTUS will reveal those who worship Molech that agree bringing judgment on America
May 30, 2022
Evangelist Paulette Williams Program #935 Monday: Come in Low, So I Can Come in High - Part 2
May 31, 2022
Evangelist Ken Gaub Program #935 Tuesday: International Comedian Evangelist
June 1, 2022
Evangelist Ken Gaub Program #935 Wednesday: Prophecy & Comedy
June 2, 2022
Evangelist Ken Gaub Program #935 Thursday: WMI Sabbath Service May 21, 2022 - Learning to do housework
June 3, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley Program #935 Friday: Who is the King of America?
June 3, 2022
Minister John Burg & Pastor Ronald Dimaline Program #935SW Shortwave (Friday): Miracles, Angels, Salvation & Deliverance
June 6, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley Program #936 Monday: America's Christian Heritage
June 7, 2022
Nathan Gaub Program #936 Tuesday: Rock 'n Roll - Stroke
June 8, 2022
Tracy Abuhl, Pres. Camano Island Republican Women's Club Program #936 Wednesday: Bellingham School Board President owns a porn shop & opens it to 0-18 year olds
June 9, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea Program #936 Thursday: Nuclear Threats by Biden
June 10, 2022
Benancio Garcia III, Candidate U.S. Congress, 4th District, WA State Program #936 Friday: He is a Latino of Seminole-Negro descent, a warrior fighting for nation/people - Trained as an educator - He states his qualifications as a Treasurer working with Federal loan programs - Combat Army veteran that extended his enlistment to fight in Iraq and medically retired due to injuries - Campaign motto: God, Family, Country - Hispanic newspaper in Sunnyside, WA: Cinco de Mayo gang shooting where he applied medical treatment to a gunshot victim at the scene.
June 15, 2022
Apostle John Polis Program #937 Wednesday: Greatest time for miracles
June 16, 2022
Bishop Dr. Kepha N. Omae Program #937 Thursday: Kingdom of God through Pentecost
June 17, 2022
Bishop Dr. Kepha N. Omae Program #937 Friday: Honor - Promotion - Unification - Seasons of Change
June 17, 2022
Tracy Abuhl & Bishop Dr. Kepha N. Omae Program #937SW on OmegaManRadio Shortwave (Friday): Tracy Abuhl - Bellingham School Board President owns a porn shop & opens it to 0-18 year olds
Bishop Dr. Kepha N. Omae - Honor - Promotion - Unification - Seasons of Change
June 20, 2022
Bishop Dr. Geoffrey Njuguna, Senior Pastor Deliverance Church Lang'ata Nairobi, Kenya Program #938 Monday: WMI Sabbath Service 6/11/22 - The Life & Accounts of Joseph
June 21, 2022
Dr. Augustine (Augie) David, Augie David International Ministries Program #938 Tuesday: How God Turns Away our Captivity
June 22, 2022
Bishop Dr. Geoffrey Njuguna Program #938 Wednesday: Moral Compass of the Nation
June 23, 2022
Rev. Greg Winslow, If My People Program #938 Thursday: If My People organizes prayer gatherings in U.S. regions for the nation - Rev. Winslow had two friends assassinated in Mexico with over 200 bullet wounds and several people kidnapped to never be seen again - They witnessed a drastic decline in violence in a Mexican city when churches gathered in unity to pray - If My People is moving in regional prayer meetings throughout New England and out to the nation - Gettysburg hold spiritual significance for the soul of America - Gettysburg battle historically was brother against brother.
June 24, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea Program #938 Friday: Biden Destroying the Economy
June 24, 2022
Bishop Dr. Kepha N. Omae & Bishop Dr. Geoffrey Njuguna Program #938SW on OmegaManRadio Shortwave (Friday): Bishop Dr. Kepha N. Omae - Kingdom of God through Pentecost
Bishop Dr. Geoffrey Njuguna - Moral Compass of the Nation
June 28, 2022
Serge Bagdasarov, iMiracleProject.org Program #939 Tuesday: Genocide - Serge share testimony how his mother saved his life from abortion in 1981 Soviet Russia - Serge's family fled as refugees from Azerbaijan to Moscow, Russia at seven years old - He witnessed genocidal atrocities in Azerbaijan and racism in Russia.
June 29, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley Program #939 Wednesday: Moronic Time
June 30, 2022
Rev. Adalia Hansen, Dorcas Fund Director & Rev. Dr. EJ Buckardt, WMI Bible School Dean Program #939 Thursday: The Need for Another Great Awakening
July 1, 2022
Dr. Hansen & Rev. Adalia ministering for Bishop LeRoy Watson Program #939 & 939SW Friday & Shortwave (Friday): Special Revival Service; Kent WA on OmegaManRadio with Shannon Davis
July 4, 2022
Dr. Hansen & Rev. Adalia ministering for Bishop LeRoy Watson Program #940 Monday: Special Revival Service; Kent WA - Part 2 OmegaManRadio with Shannon Davis
July 6, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley Program #940 Wednesday: Understanding the Times
July 7, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea, Former State Rep. for WA State Program #940 Thursday: SCOTUS Roe vs. Wade
July 8, 2022
Pastor Ross Collette, Deeper Life Ministries, Roseville, MI Program #940 Friday: Assistant to A.A. Allen & The Power of Holy Spirit (Pastor Collette answered the call by A.A. Allen to join him immediately after graduating high school - He traveled the globe with A.A. Allen & received some transfer of anointing to see miracles)
July 8, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea & Pastor Ross Collette Program #940SW on OmegaManRadio Shortwave (Friday): Pastor Matt Shea - SCOTUS Roe vs. Wade
Pastor Ross Collette - Assistant to A.A. Allen & The Power of Holy Spirit
July 12, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley Program #941 Tuesday: Understanding Times of Change with Strategy for Victory
July 13, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea Program #941 Wednesday: Signs of war - Russia, China, Taiwan
July 14, 2022
Pastor Ross Collette Program #941 Thursday: Assistant to A.A. Allen - Miracles (The Holy Spirit is critical, without the Holy Ghost we don't have a ministry - The gifts of tongues and power of the Holy Spirit are given as signs to unbelievers - Pastor Collette gives testimony how prophetic prayer saved his life after doctors told him he would die in three days - The church has gotten away from tarrying on God, for His Spirit and power - The kingdom of God is through power and demonstration of Holy Spirit and without these, the Word isn't properly preached)
July 20, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley & Apostolic Leader Dennis Moore Program #942 Wednesday: Lawlessness
July 21, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea & Apostolic Leader Dennis Moore Program #942 Thursday: Lawlessness and Nuclear War
July 22, 2022
Apostolic Leader Dennis Moore & Rev. Marya Moore Program #942 Friday: Healing & Deliverance
July 22, 2022
Apostolic Leader Dennis Moore Program #942SW on OmegaManRadio Shortwave (Friday): Lawlessness
July 25, 2022
Rev. Marya Moore Program #943 Monday: Prophetic Documentary
July 26, 2022
Apostolic Leader Dennis Moore Program #943 Tuesday: Alignment for Kingdom Harvest
July 27, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley Program #943 Wednesday: Christian Mytheology - Part 1
July 28, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea Program #943 Thursday: October 2022 Surprise
July 29, 2022
Pastor Joe Kirkwood, Corner Stone Outreach Ministries; Amarillo, TX Program #943 Friday: Egypt
July 29, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea, Apostolic Leader Dennis Moore & Pastor Ross Collette Program #943SW on OmegaManRadio Shortwave (Friday): Pastor Matt Shea & Apostolic Leader Dennis Moore - Lawlessness & Nuclear War
Pastor Ross Collette - Miracles
August 2, 2022
Pastor Joe Kirkwood Program #944 Tuesday: Egypt - Part 2
August 3, 2022
Evangelist Ken Gaub Program #944 Wednesday: Christians in Hell
August 4 & 5, 2022
Dr. Augustine (Augie) David Program #944 Thursday & Friday: Certain Aspects of the Holy Spirit Relating to Our Prayer Life - Parts 1 & 2
August 5, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea & Dr. Hansen Program #944SW on OmegaManRadio Shortwave (Friday): Pastor Matt Shea - October 2022 Surprise
Dr. Hansen - Being Sold Out
August 8, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea Program #945 Monday: War Over Taiwan
August 9, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley Program #945 Tuesday: Christian Mytheology - Part 2
August 10, 2022
Pastor Joe Kirkwood Program #945 Wednesday: Miracles
August 11, 2022
Rev. Marya Moore Program #945 Thursday: Helping Your Friends Recover from Trauma
August 12, 2022
Apostolic Leader Dennis Moore Program #945 Friday: The Father Heart of God
August 12, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea & Pastor Joe Kirkwood Program #945SW Shortwave (Friday): Pastor Matt Shea - War Over Taiwan
Pastor Joe Kirkwood - Miracles
August 15, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea Program #946 Monday: China at War & FBI Invasion of Mar-A-Lago
August 16, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley Program #946 Tuesday: The Emergent Church Heresy
August 17, 2022
Pastor Joe Kirkwood Program #946 Wednesday: Mountain Be Removed & Simon the Cobbler |
August 18, 2022
Pastor Charles Mwangi, Beyond Barriers Min. Int'l., Federal Way, WA Program #946 Thursday: Another Great Awakening
August 19, 2022
Apostolic Leader Dennis Moore Program #946 Friday: Power of the Seed
August 22, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea Program #947 Monday: China Invades Taiwan & Civil War
August 23, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley Program #947 Tuesday: Christian Mytheology - Pastor Dan Kimball
August 24, 2022
Pastor Joe Kirkwood Program #947 Wednesday: Moses in Egypt History
August 26, 2022
Apostolic Leader Dennis Moore Program #947 Friday: God Operates in Eternity
August 26, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley & Pastor Matt Shea Program #947SW on OmegaManRadio Shortwave (Friday): Apostle Don Beasley - The Emergent Church Heresy
Pastor Matt Shea - China at War - FBI Invasion of Mar-A-Lago
August 29, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea Program #948 Monday: Ousted Republican Rusty Bowers & the Assassination of Darya Dugina, daughter of Aleksandr Dugin
August 30, 2022
Dr. Steven Lambert Program #948 Tuesday: What is Wrong with the Church? - Drag Queens
August 31, 2022
Rev. Adalia Hansen Program #948 Wednesday: The Church's Problem and its Remedy
September 1, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley Program #948 Thursday: Deconstruction Movement & Emergent Church - Drag Queens in Churches
September 2, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea & Apostolic Leader Dennis Moore Program #948SW on OmegaManRadio Shortwave (Friday): Pastor Matt Shea - China Invades Taiwan & Civil War
Apostolic Leader Dennis Moore - Eagles Saving Nations
September 5, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea Program #949 Monday: FBI Whistleblowers
September 7, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley Program #949 Wednesday: LGBTQ+ are Taking Over School Libraries
September 8, 2022
Pastor Joe Kirkwood Program #949 Thursday: Creative Miracles & Raised from the Dead
September 9, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley & Dr. Hansen Program #949SW on OmegaManRadio Shortwave (Friday): Apostle Don Beasley - Deconstruction Movement & Emergent Church - Drag Queens in Churches
Dr. Hansen - Aligning Head & Body
September 12, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea Program #950 Monday: President Joe Biden's Speech
September 13, 2022
Dr. Hansen & Rev. Adalia Hansen Program #950 Tuesday: King Jeroboam II & What Now?
September 14, 2022
Dr. Hansen & Dan Dodge Program #950 Wednesday: "Heaven & Angels"
September 15, 2022
Apostle Don Beasley Program #950 Thursday: There Comes a Point of No Return
September 16, 2022
Apostolic Leader Dennis Moore Program #950 Friday: Eagles Saving Nations
September 16, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea & Pastor Joe Kirkwood Program #950SW on OmegaManRadio Shortwave (Friday): Pastor Matt Shea - FBI Whistleblowers
Pastor Joe Kirkwood - Creative Miracles & Raised from the Dead
September 18, 2022
Dr. Hansen & Rev. Adalia Hansen Program #950OMR Sunday: Dr. Hansen - Trump will be President Again, But…
Rev. Adalia Hansen - The Church's Problem and its Remedy
September 19, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea Program #951 Monday: Judgment & Nations Ready to Attack
September 20, 2022
Rev. Adalia Hansen Program #951 Tuesday: While Men Slept
September 21, 2022
Syndi Teuber Program #951 Wednesday: Testimonies of a Missionary
September 22 & 23, 2022
Dr. Hansen & Rev. Adalia Hansen at Beyond Barriers Ministries in Federal Way, WA for Pastor Charles Mwangi Program #951 Thursday & Friday: Church Arise - Parts 1 & 2
September 23, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea, Dr. Hansen & Dan Dodge Program #951SW on OmegaManRadio Shortwave (Friday): Pastor Matt Shea - President Joe Biden's Speech
Dr. Hansen & Dan Dodge - Heaven & Angels
September 26, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea Program #952 Monday: The Church Needs to Repent
September 28, 2022
Mike DeLorenzo, President of My Fathers House Ministries Program #952 Wednesday: Prophetic Revelations of Demonic Spirits
September 29, 2022
Robert Brownell, DivineRevelations. info Program #952 Thursday: Evangelistic Outreach
September 30, 2022
Mike DeLorenzo & Robert Brownell Program #952 Friday: Ivy League Mission Trip
September 30, 2022
Dr. Hansen & Rev. Adalia Hansen Program #952SW on OmegaManRadio Shortwave (Friday): Demons Ruling the Government
October 2, 2022
Dr. Hansen & Rev. Adalia Hansen at Beyond Barriers Ministries in Federal Way, WA for Pastor Charles Mwangi Program #952OMR Sunday: Church Arise
October 3, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea Program #953 Monday: The Document on Human Fraternity
October 5, 2022
Dr. Hansen at Beyond Barriers Ministries in Federal Way, WA for Pastor Charles Mwangi Program #953 Wednesday: Church Arise
October 6, 2022
Dr. Emmanuel Ziga, Founder/President Grace for All Nations Ministries Int'l Program #953 Thursday: God's Prophetic Revelations through Prayer
October 7, 2022
Robert Anthony, JesusNotReligion.org Program #953 Friday: National Revival
October 9, 2022
Rev. Adalia Hansen & Dr. Hansen Program #953OMR Sunday: Rev. Adalia Hansen - While Men Slept
Dr. Hansen - How To Keep Your Deliverance
October 10 & 11, 2022
Robert J. Sutherland, WA State Rep. 39th Legislative Dist., Pos. 1 Program #954 Monday: Sharing his history of being in the Air Force, cancer research & now government Tuesday: It's critical we put the right people in office that fear God. Evil people bring tyranny.
October 12, 2022
Mary Salamon, Regional Director, National Day of Prayer Program #954 Wednesday: Christians Voting
October 14, 2022
Robert Anthony Program #954 Friday: Church Asleep
October 16, 2022
Rev. Adalia Hansen Program #954OMR Sunday: Strongholds and Mindsets
October 17, 2022
Matt Larkin, 2022 Candidate U.S. Congress, 8th Congressional Dist., WA State Program #955 Monday: Shares why he is running for Congress & mentions three main topics regarding the cost of living increase: inflation issues, the crime rate increase and energy (rising cost of gas)
October 18, 2022
Bernard Moody, 2022 Candidate WA State Senate, 38th Leg. Dist. Program #955 Tuesday: Lawlessness sponsored in Olympia
October 19, 2022
Brett Rogers, 2022 Candidate Snohomish County Prosecutor, WA State Program #955 Wednesday: Former police officer, Sergeant then Lt. in Seattle. He moved away from Seattle as elected officials have made it unlivable due to crime.
October 20, 2022
Brad Klippert, 2022 Write-In Candidate for WA Secretary of State Program #955 Thursday: Need for justice
October 21, 2022
Rev. Greg Winslow Program #955 Friday: Prayer Crisis in America
October 23, 2022
Dr. Emmanuel Ziga & Dr. Hansen Program #955OMR Sunday: Dr. Emmanuel Ziga - God's Prophetic Revelations through Prayer
Dr. Hansen - How to Protect Your Soul
October 24, 2022
Bernard Moody Program #956 Monday: His Testimony
October 25, 2022
Rev. Greg Winslow Program #956 Tuesday: Fifty States Praying
October 27, 2022
Pastor Charles Mwangi, Beyond Barriers Min. Int'l, Federal Way, WA & Bishop William Wachira, Victors Chapel Int'l, Kenya Program #956 Thursday: Spiritual Responsibility
October 28, 2022
Pastor Charles Mwangi & Bishop William Wachira Program #956 Friday: Kenya & America's Situation
October 31, 2022
Bernard Moody Program #957 Monday: Freedom or Socialism
November 1, 2022
Timothy Hazelo, 2022 Candidate Island County Commissioner, Dist. 3, WA St (R) Program #957 Tuesday: He shares the testimony of his life
November 2, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea Program #957 Wednesday: Imminent Nuclear War
November 4, 2022
Dr. EJ Buckardt Program #957 Friday: America Beware - Lest it Be Destroyed
November 4, 2022
Pastor Charles Mwangi, Bishop William Wachira & Rev. Greg Winslow Program #957SW on OmegaManRadio Shortwave (Friday): Pastor Mwangi & Bishop Wachira - Spiritual Responsibility
Rev. Greg Winslow - Fifty States Praying
November 6, 2022
Pastor Charles Mwangi, Bishop William Wachira & Dr. Hansen Program #957OMR Sunday: Pastor Mwangi & Bishop Wachira - Kenya & America's Situation
Dr. Hansen - It's NOW Time!
November 7, 2022
Matt Larkin Program #958 Monday: Shares why he is running for Congress & men- tions three main topics regarding the cost of living increase: inflation issues, the crime rate increase and energy (rising cost of gas)
November 8, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea Program #958 Tuesday: Halloween, Pastors & Politics
November 10, 2022
Dr. EJ Buckardt Program #958 (originally recorded on 8/13/2019) Thursday: Confidence
November 11, 2022
Dr. Steven Lambert Program #958 Friday: Let Us Pray
November 11, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea & Dr. Hansen Program #958SW on OmegaManRadio Shortwave (Friday): Pastor Matt Shea - Imminent Nuclear War
Dr. Hansen - His Prophecy to America
November 13, 2022
Bernard Moody & Brett Rogers Program #958OMR Sunday: Bernard Moody - Freedom or Socialism
Brett Rogers - Former police officer, Sergeant then Lt. in Seattle. He moved away from Seattle as elected officials have made it unlivable due to crime.
November 17, 2022
Jerry Crawford & Adrian Frank - EthiopianMiracle.com Program #959 Thursday: While Jerry was sitting on his deck drinking a cup of coffee, the sky opened up and Jesus came down, took him to the nation of Ethiopia and said, "This is where I want you to go."
November 18, 2022
Jerry Crawford & Adrian Frank Program #959 Friday: Adrian felt that he was supposed to go to Ethiopia and be in the mission field. He is now working with Jerry in Ethiopia. Living in Ethiopia is like living in the land of the Bible.
November 18, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea & Dr. Hansen Program #959SW on OmegaManRadio Shortwave (Friday): Pastor Matt Shea - Halloween, Pastors & Politics
Dr. Hansen - Pursue Your Faith Growing
November 20, 2022
Matt Larkin & Dr. Hansen Program #959OMR Sunday: Matt Larkin - Shares why he is running for Congress
Dr. Hansen - Building/Growing Your Faith
November 21, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea Program #960 Monday: Mid-Term Elections 2022
November 22-24, 2022
Jerry Crawford Program #960 Tuesday - Thursday: Personal testimonies Parts 1-3
November 27, 2022
Jerry Crawford & Adrian Frank Program #960OMR Sunday: While Jerry was sitting on his deck drinking a cup of coffee, the sky opened up and Jesus came down, took him to the nation of Ethiopia and said, "This is where I want you to go."
November 29, 2022
Rev. Norm Willis Program #961 (originally recorded on 2/28/2014) Tuesday: The Prodigal Father
November 30, 2022
Rev. Linda Liberty Program #961 (originally recorded on 2/6/2016) Thursday: The War Horse
December 1, 2022
Rev. Adalia Hansen at Sunshine Church Int'l in Bothell, WA Program #961 Thursday: Ladies Spring Conference - Tapping into your life through Jesus Christ
December 2, 2022
Dr. Emmanuel Ziga, Pastor of Sunshine Church Int'l in Bothell, WA Program #961 Friday: Ladies Spring Conference - The Spirit of the Lord is upon your life
December 2, 2022
Apostolic Leader Eric Hurd Program #961SW Shortwave (Friday): Open Your Mouth
December 4, 2022
Jerry Crawford/ Zebra Man Program #961Sun Sunday: Testimonies for Mature Audiences
December 6, 2022
Bishop Wachira Karani Program #962 (originally recorded on 6/20/2016) Tuesday: It's Important to Know Who We Are in the Calendar of God
December 7 & 11, 2022
Dr. EJ Buckardt Program #962 & #962Sun (originally recorded on 11/28/2020) Wednesday & Sunday: Deception
December 8, 2022
Timothy Hurd, son of Apostolic Leader Eric Hurd Program #962 (originally recorded on 11/28/2015) Thursday: Called to Intimacy with God
December 9, 2022
Bishop Tobias Nyamwaya Program #962 (originally recorded on 7/22/2017) Friday: Breaking Camp
December 9, 2022
Rev. Norm Willis (originally recorded on 2/28/14) & Rev. Linda Liberty (originally recorded on 2/6/16) Program #962SW Shortwave (Friday): Rev. Norm Willis - The Prodigal Father
Rev. Linda Liberty - The War Horse
December 12, 2022
Bishop Tobias Nyamwaya Program #963 (originally recorded on 9/9/2017) Monday: Recognizing the Time
December 16, 2022
Apostolic Leader Eric Hurd Program #963 (originally recorded on 10/23/2021) Friday: Open Your Mouth
December 16, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea & Dr. Hansen Program #963SW on OmegaManRadio Shortwave (Friday): Pastor Matt Shea - Mid-Term Elections 2022
Dr. Hansen - Peace in the Storm
December 20, 2022
Pastor Matt Shea Program #964 Tuesday: China/India War & UN & Molech
December 21, 2022
Pastor Abraham Charles Program #964 (originally recorded on 8/4/2017) Wednesday: You are Waiting for an Answer but God is Going to Make You the Answer
December 28-30, 2022 & January 1, 2023
Apostolic Leader Eric Hurd Program #965 & #965OMR (originally recorded on 11/13/21) Wednesday - Friday & Sunday: Matters of the Heart
January 3, 2023
Pastor Matt Shea Program #966 Tuesday: What Will Happen in 2023?
January 4, 2023
Tony Bonnallie, Owner of Mission Motors, Stanwood, WA Program #966 Wednesday: Cocaine & Grace
January 5, 6 & 8, 2023
Dr. Bill Henderson, Remnant Gathering Church Program #966 & #966OMR (originally recorded on 4/7/2018) Thursday, Friday & Sunday: "It's Time to Break the Back of Shipwreck Faith" Parts 1 & 2
January 6, 2023
Pastor Matt Shea & Dr. Hansen Program #966SW on OmegaManRadio Shortwave (Friday): Pastor Matt Shea - China/India War & UN & Molech
Dr. Hansen - Satisfied Eagles
January 9, 2023
Dr. Bill Henderson Program #967 (originally recorded on 4/7/2018) Monday: "It's Time to Break the Back of Shipwreck Faith" Part 3
January 11, 2023
Tamara Hansen-Gulstrom Program #967 Wednesday: Hidden with Christ in Glory / Dr. Hansen's daughters; Tamara, Talitha & Kareen sing "O Sifuni Mungu"
January 13, 2023
Tony Bonnallie & Dr. Hansen Program #967SW on OmegaManRadio Shortwave (Friday): Tony Bonnallie - Cocaine & Grace
Dr. Hansen - Satisfied Tenacious Eagles
January 15, 2023
Dr. Flo Ellers Program #967Sun (originally recorded on 5/20/2017) Sunday: Revive Your Work