I travel to nations that God has instructed me to give the warning message, attempting to wake up the church to get into the battle of extending the Kingdom of God in their area before freedom and time run out. For some time now I have been waiting on God's timing to go into Mexico. When Apostle Reuben Esh invited me to go with him into Mexico, the Lord said, “Now is the time.” Reuben Esh has been going into Mexico for several years now with Rev. Jack Reed, ministering to the Zipotec Indians. Rev. Reed is a nephew of T.L.Osborn and has ministered in Mexico for over thirty years. Rev. Reed had heard me speak at Apostle Esh's church in Kansas. As we talked and felt good about each other as confirmed by the Holy Spirit, Reed was in agreement that I should accompany Esh to Mexico for this trip as he was not feeling well.
On Tuesday, May 14th, Apostle Esh and I flew into Mexico City International Airport. We walked through the airport discerning the spirits ruling that city of 21 million souls. Truly, God’s watchers (angels) as described in Daniel are watching the corruption, depravity and utter
despicability of the people living in Mexico City, Mexico, and are on alert ready to execute judgment upon God’s command. From Mexico City we flew to Puerto Escondido, Mexico, where Franco Di Benedetto, one of our interpreters and his family, picked us up. Later that evening we met with our other interpreter, Francisco
Javier Cobio Salas, and discussed the daily meetings. That night, and many other nights, we ate at the Mana Restaurant which is on the beach. It was a time of enjoying the beauty of God’s creation and preparing for the next day's ministry. I could not help but notice that the hotel that we stayed in was beside
peasant housing as well as an upper class house, all in the same block. The upper class house had a brick fence surrounding it, and on top of the fence was glass meant to injure would-be burglars. This is very normal around the world and seems to have some common sense; whereas, here in America we give the criminals more rights than law-abiding American citizens. Each morning we had a beautiful Mexican breakfast outside under a canvas tent.

On Wednesday we drove into the desert area until we reached the Rio De Cousualtepec Church pastored by Senior Pastor Eduardo Perez Almaraz, who is the overseer for more than thirty churches. There Apostle Esh and I both ministered in their two-year anniversary church celebration service. Many pastors and leaders attended, including the Mayor, Victorico Damaso Luis. When I heard he was in attendance, I had him brought to me where I prayed for him to lead the community in justice and
righteousness and gave him a word from the Lord. Bishop Omar Cruz Sanchez
of the United Christian Churches of Oaxaca was also in attendance. He provides covering for one hundred and seventy churches in his network. What a tremendous day of celebration which included not only worship and preaching where Apostle Esh and myself gave strong words of direction from the Lord, but also a beautiful time of fellowship eating chocolate
mole, the food of the Aztec kings. Later, we took a short swim to cool off as it was hot and humid. Without an air conditioner one would sweat just lying in bed. May is the hottest month of the year in Mexico.

On Thursday at San Bernadino-Oaxaca Church where Pastor Solomon Garcia serves, Apostle Esh gave the greeting and then I spoke. Pastor Garcia is a wonderful man, and his church is under Pastor Eduardo Perez Almaraz, who also attended the service. With Pastor Garcia leading, the people worshiped the Lord with much passion, with many people crying in the beautiful presence of the Lord. I spoke a powerful apostolic message, challenging the 
church to stand with their Pastor and take their community for Jesus to extend the Kingdom of God throughout that area. After the service, the women prepared a delicious meal called alone. Alote is boiled field corn covered with mayonnaise, then cheese and painted with hot sauce. Tremendous! Try it---you will like it! That evening we swam in a beautiful cove and ate in the Espadin Restaurant overlooking the ocean.
n Friday we traveled again to the Rio De Cousualtepec Church where Apostle Esh and myself spoke at a Pastors' Conference. I challenged them that in order to bring the glory of God to Mexico according to Psalm 72:19, they must obey Genesis 1:26-28, Matthew 28:19-20, Luke 19:13 and Matthew 5:13 where God (the Word) tells Christians to take dominion, subdue, be salt, occupy and make disciples of the inhabitants of the earth. In the afternoon
session Apostle Esh spoke on the importance of the Bread and the Cup according to the partaking of communion. After the message, we served communion and saw different people healed. Following the conference, the pastors were served red snapper, black beans, and rice. What a delicious meal we were again given. The warmth, love and hospitality of the people we came to serve was precious, and it was a pleasure to be with them.

On Saturday we once again drove into the desert to preach for Pastor Eduardo Perez Almaraz at Rio De Consualtepec Church. It was another wonderful service with the anointing of God very real. The people entered into worship with their hearts, which made preaching the word of God easy for me. After the service we were fed and then we went back to Puerto Escondido and took an evening swim. Before
we swam we cut a watermelon in half and Apostle Esh and I enjoyed the ripe watermelon tremendously. The church had given us four watermelons, but we gave the other three away. At night we ate at the El Cafecito Café because Apostle Esh wanted me to taste the Café’s mango croissant. Was it ever good! I should have known Apostle Esh knew the best places to get good food, including dessert.

On Sunday I had the privilege to speak at an international church in Casa de Oracion called “House of Prayer Church.” It is pastored by Pastor Salvador and Teresa Martinez Suastegul. My interpreter for this service was Franco Di Benedetto. This church had very lively worship, and again my sermon deeply challenged all believers to represent Jesus in word and deed to allow His glory to come down in
that area and for His kingdom to be expanded. We met several missionaries at the church, including Ronald Jones who was a missionary to
surfers and soccer players. I found that fascinating and exciting to see how God sends people to every part of society to represent Him. Praise the Lord! After service our interpreters for the trip and Pastors Salvador and Teresa joined us for lunch at the Mana Restaurant where we celebrated the service and th
e successful week of meetings. In the evening we went for dinner with Missionary Ronald Jones and his family and ate at a local restaurant. We all ate tacos, but had a choice of the meat we put inside the tacos. I chose cow's tongue and cow ribs. It tasted fabulous, and I will certainly eat tacos made of cow tongue again if I get the opportunity.
On Monday, our last day in Mexico, our flight from Puerto
Escondido was scheduled to leave at 12:15 PM. Apostle Esh rented a small sea boat with a skipper and his helper from 7:00 AM until 10:00 AM because he wanted to take me marlin fishing since we had worked so hard daily for the Lord. We fished for hours without a bite, and it seemed like in the gospels where they had fished all night and caught no fish. And then out of nowhere a school of 
dolphins appeared. Everywhere we looked they were swimming along side our boat. Then appeared sea turtles everywhere we looked. After the sea turtles we saw flying stingrays and finally, to put the frosting on the cake, God gave us a pod of killer whales (orcas) that swam all around the boat. One actually went under the boat. I was certainly glad that I was not Jonah running from obeying God in giving the warning message! The skipper of the boat was so amazed that he stopped the engine and grabbed his own camera and started taking pictures, explaining that killer whales do
not normally swim here, especially this time of the year. God was so very good. What we saw was so much more rewarding and special than catching fish. God gave us more than the desires of our hearts that day. It was truly a blessed and exciting mission trip.
Every place I spoke I read the word for Mexico:
Mexico, oh Mexico, a land filled with the blood of the innocent. You have been deceived by a religious spirit that has caused My people to be persecuted, hunted down and killed. Through the influence and deception of this woman religious spirit, you have attacked and killed My people.
Unless you leave the influence of this satanic spirit, the land will regurgitate (vomit out) the blood of my people that it has been soaked in. The mountains, hills, valleys, and fields will be shaken and rumble and die.
Come to Me the living God. Pray to Me through Jesus Christ so death can leave your land and violence through evil men will cease because My laws and My people will rule and reign!

Please support me and send me back to continue ministering in Mexico!!
Intercessors are a vital part of a church or ministry team that wants victory. At World Ministries International (WMI), I am trying to get 2,000 intercessors in every nation to be a part of my Soldiers of the Cross team here at WMI. Another name for WMI is The Church Without Walls, because I minister to the nations, including to the church leaders of nations and their congregations throughout the world, raising up a strong Bride of Christ to battle for the Kingdom of God in each nation. I meet with political leaders of nations as God is warning these leaders that Jesus is returning at the Battle of Armageddon to defeat Satan and evil rulers of nations who have been following him. Jesus is going to replace evil political leaders with His righteous men and women who will now rule and reign instead.
As you can see, I need passionate Intercessors who will pray with me and for me so that the commission of the Lord that He has given me for their particular nation will come to pass. In the United States of America, the Lord wants me to get 200,000 partners who will give at least $25 dollars a month so we can reach the world. The television networks are filled with channel after channel, whether its movies or news, promoting the values and agenda of the New World Order. Truth takes away deception and prayer brings conviction. We must speak the truth on television to replace lies so the minds of people who are deceived can see the reality of what is really happening in America and around the world where the anti-Christ is getting ready to lead. A television partner would give $100 dollars a month to help get the gospel of Jesus Christ out, and I would send them as my way of saying thank you, four of my monthly television programs on DVD and one week of my radio programs on CD. A radio partner would donate $25 dollars per month and receive one week of my radio programs each month on CD.
Please sign the enclosed insert to become an intercessor and/or to become either a television or radio partner. Thank you.
Dr. Jonathan Hansen
© 2013 World Ministries International