Dr. Hansen's Thought For The Day

Blog: Thought For The Day


October 22, 2024


Why worry when Jesus said don’t? Read More

October 21, 2024


We are born in spiritual warfare. Read More

October 20, 2024


If you say you follow Jesus, why do you live in sexual immorality? Read More

October 19, 2024


Who do you follow? Read More

October 18, 2024


Jesus fed 5000 but only 500 followed Him after lunch. Think about that! Read More

October 17, 2024


Proverbs 25:28 warns about controlling one’s emotions or your life will end up like a ruined c... Read More

October 16, 2024


Many people in America who call themselves Christians live in fornication, etc. Obviously they do no... Read More

October 15, 2024


Do you believe in God? So live like it! Read More

October 14, 2024


Miracles still happen if you believe in God. Read More

October 13, 2024


Which presidential candidate said, "Up with agitation down with deportation"? Read More

October 12, 2024


If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed, but if you do read the newspaper, yo... Read More

October 11, 2024


The song, “Jesus and others and you, what a wonderful way to spell Joy”; most people don... Read More

October 10, 2024


Do you truly mean the words of the song, when you sing it, “I surrender all“? Read More

October 9, 2024


Are you able to recognize when an evil spirit is talking to you? Read More

October 8, 2024


Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. The question is, are you? Read More

October 7, 2024


Who do you serve on earth? Read More

October 6, 2024


The Bible tells us, in the beginning God created the family with one man and one woman. Read More

October 5, 2024


Why are they creating all types of families other than one man and one woman? Because it’s a d... Read More

October 4, 2024


The government of God on earth starts with the family unit of one man and one woman! Read More

October 3, 2024


Everyone can operate under the gift of the Holy Spirit called prophecy but true prophets are hard to... Read More

October 2, 2024


Are You intimate enough with God to hear his voice if He tells you to go pray for a stranger in a sh... Read More

October 1, 2024


To be intimate with God is the most important thing you can do in this life. Read More

September 30, 2024


What spirit causes anger, rage, unforgiveness and hatred? What spirit is influencing you? Read More

September 29, 2024


Stay under your covering and enjoy love, joy and peace. Read More

September 28, 2024


Do you know how to say sorry? If not, you will live with a lot of misery as anger will rule, instead... Read More

September 27, 2024


If a person doesn’t operate in Mercy and Grace, they hurt a lot of people; even the innocent. Read More

September 26, 2024


Life is short, so show love daily and constantly forgive. Read More

September 25, 2024


Trust your spouse and don’t accept other people's comments, or your marriage is in trouble. Th... Read More

September 24, 2024


True freedom can only be found with unconditional love and acceptance. Read More

September 23, 2024


Proverbs 10:12, hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins. Read More

September 22, 2024


Are you like the three monkeys who see, hear and speak no evil; ignoring reality all around them? Read More

September 21, 2024


Blood doesn’t make family. It makes you related. Loyalty, love and trust makes you family. Read More

September 20, 2024


In the Bible, a person in business, etc., who is called an apostle deserved it because they could li... Read More

September 19, 2024


It’s is amazing how many worthless, honorary doctorate degrees are presented by No-name instit... Read More

September 18, 2024


Many people, including self proclaimed Christians, don’t want to hear the truth because they j... Read More

September 17, 2024


Be careful about people who act like a victim with the problem they created. Read More

September 16, 2024


I Corinthians 15:33 tells us bad company corrupts good character. Read More

September 15, 2024


Animals would never let the dumbest one lead the pack. Read More

September 14, 2024


Both candidates have committed immoral sin in their lives but one supports killing babies. It should... Read More

September 13, 2024


Would you defend your family against evil men who are going to brake into your house to rape and kil... Read More

September 12, 2024


A Christian who won’t vote is about as stupid as those Christians who refused to vote against ... Read More

September 11, 2024


Vote, or don’t complain when evil politicians make laws to take away your freedoms and arrest ... Read More

September 10, 2024


A Christian who refuses to vote is foolish and doesn’t understand their responsibilities in th... Read More

September 9, 2024


Are you a fair weather Christian? Examine yourself. Read More

September 8, 2024


One day in God’s house is better then a thousand days elsewhere. Read More

September 7, 2024


America is turning its back on the God of the Bible and God is allowing judgment to start falling. I... Read More

September 6, 2024


Choose this day who you will serve? Will it be GOD or man? Read More

September 5, 2024


If you fail to forgive, it’s a sure indication you’re no longer intimate with God. Read More

September 4, 2024


To forgive, it’s not so much for the other person, it is for you so you can receive eternal li... Read More

September 3, 2024


If you want the anointing of God not to be hindered in your life, then you must forgive. Read More

September 2, 2024


The Bible warns one must forgive to be forgiven by God. Read More

September 1, 2024


Forgiveness is a must, if you don’t want to hinder your prayers from being answered. Read More

August 31, 2024


The sooner you forgive, the sooner you’ll find peace. Read More

August 30, 2024


Dwelling on the past can be destructive to your mental, emotional and spiritual health. Read More

August 29, 2024


The two relationship killers. James 3:16 warns us that envy and self seeking will bring confusion, d... Read More

August 28, 2024


Manipulation is where they blame you for your reaction from their toxic behavior but never take owne... Read More

August 27, 2024


I am a House of Prayer! Read More

August 26, 2024


Jesus tells us that whosoever will may come to him, he will give them rest. Who are you running to f... Read More

August 25, 2024


The Bible says the lake of fire was created for the devil and his angels but it also warns that unre... Read More

August 24, 2024


Politics is part of the great commission. Get involved in selecting who rules your city, state or na... Read More

August 23, 2024


The Bible says there is a friend that is closer than a brother. Is he your friend? Read More

August 22, 2024


Are you befriending a Benedict Arnold? Take a good look at the character of those you call friends! Read More

August 21, 2024


Do you have a good friend or a Brutus in your life? Read More

August 20, 2024


Do you have a good friend, or instead, people you call friends but only use your good nature and cha... Read More

August 19, 2024


A good friend should be trustworthy and always there to be reached if needed. Read More

August 18, 2024


Why is it that a person that is guilty, constantly, of not following the policies, of making silly m... Read More

August 17, 2024


A person's marriage is only as good as both spouses want to make it. Read More

August 16, 2025


If you totally trust the government in the nation you live, then I could sell you ice at the north p... Read More

August 15, 2024


I think every government in the world has mafia elements within it. Read More

August 14, 2024


Do you believe in the Bible? Then why do you reject apostles and prophets and the baptism and gifts ... Read More

August 13, 2024


Jesus came to set the captives free. Call on him with all of your heart to break every addiction and... Read More

August 12, 2024


Do you really believe in Jesus as your lord and savior? Then why don’t you serve him, obey him... Read More

August 11, 2024


Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is promised in America’s constitution. Yet our gove... Read More

August 10, 2024


Are you ready to lay down your wealth, happiness, family and life for the Lord? Read More

August 9, 2024


People sing, "I’ll go where you want me to go dear Lord." In reality some apostles and leaders... Read More

August 8, 2024


God is the same yesterday, today and forever; but denominations constantly change their values, mora... Read More

August 7, 2024


Why do democrats want to hold gun manufacturers accountable but not vaccine manufacturers? Read More

August 6, 2024


Across the United States I have talked to church leaders who now would advise men to seek a Christia... Read More

August 5, 2024


Besides drag queens mocking the last supper in the opening ceremony at the Paris Olympics, they had ... Read More

August 4, 2024


Opening ceremony at the Paris Olympics is a direct attack on God by the spirits of Sodom and Gomorra... Read More

August 3, 2024


The drag queen opening ceremony, attacking God in the last supper, should have a backlash of righteo... Read More

August 2, 2024


What is your calling in life? Do you know? Read More

August 1, 2024


I talked to an Apostolic leader today from Africa who said that the American church doesn’t kn... Read More

July 31, 2024


Few people want to hear a true prophet because they primarily deal with sin, not the pathetic words ... Read More

July 30, 2024


Even the Republicans are no longer against gay marriages or a federal ban on abortion. Only the chur... Read More

July 29, 2024


Some churches sing and seductively dance, similar to the dancers in pagan times who worshiped Dagon.... Read More

July 28, 2024


It is amazing how now, so many people are proclaiming Trump but yet a few years ago, these supposed ... Read More

July 27, 2024


Some people are drawn to their spouse because they’re the daughter or son of one of the hierar... Read More

July 26, 2024


False teachers are God’s judgment on people that don’t want God’s Word or Will, bu... Read More

July 25, 2024


It’s nice to say, I don’t want to be involved but if you have listened to a one-sided st... Read More

July 24, 2024


What looks ridiculous to me is older preachers speaking, trying to look in tune with the culture but... Read More

July 23, 2024


As the song says, I love Him better every day. Close by his side I will abide, I love him better eve... Read More

July 22, 2024


The world says me, myself and I but God says, Jesus, others and you. What a wonderful way to spell J... Read More

July 21, 2024


God will make a way where there seems to be no way. Look up for your redemption draws nigh. Read More

July 20, 2024


God did not remove the Red Sea. He parted it for them and God will make a way for you to walk on dry... Read More

July 19, 2024


If a man-eating lion got loose in most churches, he would starve to death because there aren’t... Read More

July 18, 2024


God’s plan for sex. Proverb 5:15-17. Read More

July 17, 2024


If a friend, including relatives, can go from friend to stranger or enemy without ever talking to yo... Read More

July 16, 2024


President Trump shot. People, prayer alone is not gonna save this nation. Christians are going to sa... Read More

July 15, 2024


Being close to someone has to do with trust and respect; listening to somebody’s feelings and ... Read More

July 14, 2024


When they're back-stabbed, they start praying with a thousand knives in the back. They start praying... Read More

July 13, 2024


It’s time for legacies. Read More

July 12, 2024


Do you want God to build your house, but yet you ran away from Goliath? Read More

July 11, 2024


Receive the right heart to fulfill your destiny and be a helpmate to help your husband reach his. Read More

July 10, 2024


Prayer is where you get full of eternal legacies. Read More

July 9, 2024


God says I cannot work with a man who doesn’t pray, because that person’s heart is not r... Read More

July 8, 2024


Prayer is the language of the heart. Read More

July 7, 2024


As a pilot who flies by his instruments, so is a prayer life arriving at the destination Read More

July 6, 2024


There’s enough wealth from the kingdom of God in prayer, that you don’t need outside sou... Read More

July 5, 2024


A praying man is a dangerous man. Read More

July 4, 2024


God does insider training and trading Read More

July 3, 2024


When you are tested, you start to understand the mysteries of God Read More

July 2, 2024


A prayerless life is a spiritually aborted life. Read More

July 1, 2024


Job lost everything he had but kept his faith and God rewarded him with double. Read More

June 30, 2024


Build up your spouse, for in reality you're building up yourself. Read More

June 29, 2024


Walk away from people that constantly put you down. Read More

June 28, 2024


Walk away from arguments that ignite your anger. Read More

June 27, 2024


A foolish person does not count their blessings daily but instead of loving those God has joined the... Read More

June 26, 2024


Be thankful for what you have, for God could take it away from you. Read More

June 25, 2024


Quit being critical about your spouse. Instead, pray for them. You could be the deceived one that ca... Read More

June 24, 2024


There is so much good in the worst of us. There’s so much bad in the best of us. Be careful ho... Read More

June 23, 2024


God allowed David to face Goliath but did not let him die. Instead, David defeated Goliath. Have fai... Read More

June 22, 2024


God allowed Peter to fall in the water but did not let him drown. Have faith in GOD. Read More

June 21, 2024


The Holy Spirit will never tell you to gossip, cheat, hold a grudge, be bitter, rude and disrespectf... Read More

June 20, 2024


Though our sins they are many, yet his mercies are more! PTL Read More

June 19, 2024


You relax in a plane, even though you don’t know the pilot. You relax in the taxi, even though... Read More

June 18, 2024


Blood makes you related. Loyalty, love and trust makes you family. Read More

June 17, 2024


Never speak when your heart is bitter. The tongue one cannot trust. Keep quiet until you allow the H... Read More

June 16, 2024


When you marry a non-believer, you’re marrying an unsubmitted person. When you don’t com... Read More

June 15, 2024


Smile and make somebody’s day brighter. Read More

June 14, 2024


Life or death is in the tongue. Use your tongue to bring life and not discouragement, sadness, depre... Read More

June 13, 2024


Visiting a dairy farm does not make you a cow and going to church does not make you a Christian. Read More

June 12, 2024


Never forget that this life is a vapor. It’s nothing more than shadows and dust. Eternity is f... Read More

June 11, 2024


Never forget that God is watching and is aware of our every thought, deeds and actions. Make them pl... Read More

June 10, 2024


Never forget, in all things and every day of your life the promises of God. They tell us that God is... Read More

June 9, 2024


A Person that flies off the top like a volcanic eruption every time a person, they believe, looks at... Read More

June 8, 2024


Always remember you’re not fighting flesh and blood. When people operate ugly and vendictive i... Read More

June 7, 2024


Remember, Christ is your defender. He is your advocate. At times it’s better to keep your mout... Read More

June 6, 2024


Before you quit in failure, remember the promise From God, “I can do all things through Christ... Read More

June 5, 2024


Before you act out in the flesh ask yourself this question, is this a test from God to see my attitu... Read More

June 4, 2024


Remember, God can even use your enemies to honor, respect and promote you as he did Daniel and Josep... Read More

June 3, 2024


Rejoice in the lord always and again I say rejoice, for this is the will of God. Read More

June 2, 2024


A person doesn’t win the lost by showing their teeth, but rather their smile. Read More

June 1, 2024


Be courteous and respectful in all things; for this is the best way to influence the most people. Read More

May 31, 2024


Be happy in all things; knowing that God is using the good and the bad to test and change us into Hi... Read More

May 30, 2024


Remember, God uses older people in your life to help you ascertain Wisdom. Be mindful of that and ho... Read More

May 29, 2024


A wife needs a loving husband, not a tyrant. Read More

May 28, 2024


A husband wants a wife who honors and respects him. He doesn’t need a dripping faucet. Read More

May 27, 2024


Honor those in authority who God has placed in your life. They are for your protection and promotion... Read More

May 26, 2024


Be careful who you trust, because one is betrayed by a friend. Read More

May 25, 2024


When a person attacks their spouse, they’re destroying themself. Read More

May 24, 2024


Do you love your spouse with an everlasting love? If not, that’s the problem in your marriage.... Read More

May 23, 2024


Never let the family that you came from damage the family that comes from you. Read More

May 22, 2024


If the pastor in your church doesn’t preach the literal word of God, move in the gifts of the ... Read More

May 21, 2024


How do you choose a church? Read More

May 20, 2024


Do you understand we have political leaders literally trying to topple the Republic of The United St... Read More

May 19, 2024


Do you really trust in God? Read More

May 18, 2024


Do you know who your real enemies are in this life? Read More

May 17, 2024


Hebrews 10:25 Read More

May 16, 2024


The Power of the Tongue Proverbs 18:20-21 Read More

May 15, 2024


Truly we are in the last days where Jesus said, "When I return will I find Faith?" Compromise and he... Read More

May 14, 2024


To reject people because they don’t measure up to your standards of behavior, or your politica... Read More

May 13, 2024


Life is too short to not forgive and love friends and family. Do not reject others because of your o... Read More

May 12, 2024


Put your trust in the Lord and not in man, for the Lord is faithful and true and can handle all your... Read More

May 11, 2024


Be saturated in prayer and don’t worry about anything, for GOD is there! Read More

May 10, 2024


It’s a shame when people reject a persons love till the person doesn’t care anymore. Cer... Read More

May 9, 2024


Study the Word and Wait on God for the revelation of His ways, so you can follow them fully and pros... Read More

May 8, 2024


April 1 is for men in dresses. Mothers Day is for biological women who are mothers. Read More

May 7, 2024


When you’re in conflict with some people and there is no good reason, possibly it’s The ... Read More

May 6, 2024


People are always wanting to be politically correct. What about worrying about what God thinks and n... Read More

May 5, 2024


Church should be a family, not a building. Read More

May 4, 2024


What should we think of someone who promises to send you a love offering after speaking for them or ... Read More

May 3, 2024


The true test of Christianity is can you love the person that betrayed you, rejected you and gave yo... Read More

May 2, 2024


Do you understand we are in a spiritual battle for our soul and our nation? Read More

May 1, 2024


Honor your father and mother: that your days may be long upon the land. Spend time with them. Believ... Read More

April 30, 2024


Talk is cheap. Show me that you love me. Read More

April 29, 2024


My heart breaks for sinners when people won’t show them love and kindness. How do you expect t... Read More

April 28, 2024


If you say you love somebody but you won’t be around them, your love is meaningless to that pe... Read More

April 27, 2024


Jesus loved the sinners and even ate with them. Do you? Read More

April 26, 2024


Are you able to help a person that’s an alcoholic or addicted to drugs by just showing them lo... Read More

April 25, 2024


Jesus was able to overcome the highest pain and rejection; consequently he had the highest anointing... Read More

April 24, 2024


Thank God he gives us grace or most Christians would roast. Read More

April 23, 2024


Most Christians break the first two commandments. They truly don’t love God with their entire ... Read More

April 22, 2024


A person wins the sinner to Christ by love. People can tell whether you love them or not. Read More

April 21, 2024


It’s amazing how many people call themselves Christians, but they don’t seem to be able ... Read More

April 20, 2024


Some of today’s false prophets and prophetesses would be condemning true prophets; like Jeremi... Read More

April 19, 2024


Sometimes, behind a smiling face hides demons. Read More

April 18, 2024


At least in Sodom and Gomorrah, they seemed to know the difference between men and women and there w... Read More

April 17, 2024


To trust no one is a lonely place to be. Read More

April 16, 2024


The devil fights whatever draws you closer to God. That’s why he fights your relationship with... Read More

April 15, 2024


Jesus, others and you, what a wonderful way to spell joy. This isn’t taught much anymore as pe... Read More

April 14, 2024


Life is fun every day, when husband and wife live to please God and each other. Read More

April 13, 2024


Pick up your cross and follow me, Jesus said. Amazingly there are not many sermons preached on this ... Read More

April 12, 2024


Jesus said the violent take it by force. We are in spiritual warfare. Some believers think they live... Read More

April 11, 2024


A life without problems, is a life without purpose. Read More

April 10, 2024


A good marriage is something you work at. Never take it for granted or belittle your spouse; as you'... Read More

April 9, 2024


Besides Jesus, the best investment one can ever make is in their spouse. That is God’s governm... Read More

April 8, 2024


Jesus said come follow me, deny yourself and have eternal life. Do not engage in sins of abomination... Read More

April 7, 2024


If you’re attending a church that doesn’t come against sin but instead celebrates altern... Read More

April 6, 2024


In America we celebrate and legalize sins of abomination that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah by God&rs... Read More

April 5, 2024


It is amazing how many supposed Christian’s don’t seem to be aware how close we are to t... Read More

April 4, 2024


Be ready to see Jesus constantly, because one never knows the day or hour that they will. Read More

April 3, 2024


Be honest with yourself. Do you really love God or do you love yourself more? Read More

April 2, 2024


People make God into their own image, that way they don’t have to change. Read More

April 1, 2024


True Apostles and Prophets today are rare but people make them a dime a dozen. They really don&rsquo... Read More

March 31, 2024


What Has Resurrection Day to do with bunny rabbits and Easter eggs? Read More

March 30, 2024


This theory should not divide Christian’s but a pre-trip rapture is very new thought. It was n... Read More

March 29, 2024


The key to conquer worry is to give everything, all your concerns, to God in earnest prayer and allo... Read More

March 28, 2024


Is Jesus and the Holy Ghost GOD? Read More

March 27, 2024


Do you understand the difference between the gift of prophecy of the Holy Spirit and the mantle of a... Read More

March 26, 2024


President Abraham Lincoln had less than one year of formal education but yet was the wisest Presiden... Read More

March 25, 2024


President Abraham Lincoln blamed the civil war on America's sins and called the nation to repent. Read More

March 24, 2024


The safest place to be is in the center of Gods will. Read More

March 23, 2024


The best place to be is where God places you. Read More

March 22, 2024


Make today the best day of your life. Read More

March 21, 2024


We serve one GOD manifested in three persons. One cannot ignore and reject one and think we know God... Read More

March 20, 2024


Do you understand the science called the cup of iniquity and how it boils over into what the Bible c... Read More

March 19, 2024


If one plus one is two, how did evolution come up with thirty two? Read More

March 18, 2024


What is the responsibility of Christians on earth? Is it the same assignment Jesus gave, called the ... Read More

March 17, 2024


Do you understand we are close to civil war in America? Do you understand why? Read More

March 16, 2024


If the Republic falls, as in Germany during Hitlers reign, the problem is a divided church. Half the... Read More

March 15, 2024


Do you understand we are in a spiritual war for the survival of the Republic? Read More

March 14, 2024


There once was a donkey that lived on a horse ranch. The donkey said he was a horse. Many people go ... Read More

March 13, 2024


The rest of that song is “close by his side I will abide. I love him better every day“. ... Read More

March 12, 2024


There’s another song that sings “Jesus and others and you, what a wonderful way to spell... Read More

March 11, 2024


There’s a song that says “I love him better every day”. The question is, do you? Read More

March 10, 2024


Today is the day of salvation. Accept Christ today and walk in the promises He gave, whether you die... Read More

March 9, 2024


Do you understand what Jesus meant by, you must eat my flesh and drink my blood? Read More

March 8, 2024


The baptism of the Holy Spirit is critical in knowing, being led by God and doing what Jesus did on ... Read More

March 7, 2024


All The money in the world cannot give a real peace and satisfaction. Read More

March 6, 2024


A person can only know true happiness when they understand and give compassion. Read More

March 5, 2024


Jesus said I stand at the door and knock. He is willing to come into any house that opens the door. Read More

March 4, 2024


Do you believe we are in the last days? Read More

March 3, 2024


I believe in the grace of God and love it so very much. I don’t like it when people take it ou... Read More

March 2, 2024


Since April 2020, I have received 25 dreams of Warning; civil unrest, civil war and invasion. It&rsq... Read More

March 1, 2024


Do you feel you can be affective in ministry without being baptized as at Pentecost in the book of A... Read More

February 29, 2024


Do you think the Holy Ghost is important today? Read More

February 28, 2024


Do You care about the Holy Ghost? Read More

February 27, 2024


Do you know who the Holy Spirit is? Read More

February 26, 2024


Do you follow GOD or some pope? Read More

February 25, 2024


I love those that truly prepare and warn God’s people what lies ahead; so instead of being a v... Read More

February 24, 2024


Are you sounding the alarm because the enemy is approaching? Or don’t you even see the enemy? Read More

February 23, 2024


Do you truly understand the times were living in? Read More

February 22, 2024


I want to see Jesus more than anyone else. Do you? Read More

February 21, 2024


In eternity, nothing will matter except your salvation. Read More

February 20, 2024


Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, but people try to make Jesus into their image instea... Read More

February 19, 2024


The love of God causes us to love and forgive others. Read More

February 18, 2024


The Grace of God is not a license to deliberately sin but immediately forgives our human imperfectio... Read More

February 17, 2024


The Grace of God is so beautiful. Read More

February 16, 2024


I believe millions are going to die under the cup of iniquity laws of God before we have a national ... Read More

February 15, 2024


Are you listening to true prophets like Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Amos and others that warned of judgment w... Read More

February 14, 2024


Do you believe in the cup of iniquity principle in the Bible or your pastor who teaches a false pros... Read More

February 13, 2024


The majority of churches are like The Christians in Germany under Hitler, who ignored reality and sa... Read More

February 12, 2024


All these prosperity preachers whooping it up and having a party are like the false prophets in the ... Read More

February 11, 2024


Where are the true servants that carry the mantle of a Prophet? Read More

February 10, 2024


Since April 2020, I have had 25 prophetic dreams of civil unrest, civil war and an invasion concerni... Read More

February 9, 2024


Nations in Africa, South and Central America, the Caribbean nations, and Asian Nations know the diff... Read More

February 8, 2024


The guilty go unpunished and continue their destructive ways; unless the truth is presented, so Just... Read More

February 7, 2024


To remain quiet, people assume you agree. The truth is never presented and the guilty continue to sp... Read More

February 6, 2024


To stay quiet is guilty by complacency and/or association. Read More

February 5, 2024


Most of today's so-called apostles and prophets are preaching greed and gluttony; boasting of their ... Read More

February 4, 2024


The song says, “I love him better every day”. Do you really love him better daily; wanti... Read More

February 3, 2024


Jesus said, my sheep hear my voice. Many so-called Christian’s today seek people to give them ... Read More

February 2, 2024


Jesus said come follow me and I will make you fishers of men. Heretical leaders today say, do as I s... Read More

February 1, 2024


The early church wanted to share in the sufferings of Christ. Today's church runs from the suffering... Read More

January 31, 2024


Depression cannot be defeated if you focus on those who have hurt you. Love covers a multitude of si... Read More

January 30, 2024


The love of God is boundless. Let your love be the same, so your happiness is endless and your joy i... Read More

January 29, 2024


God has commanded you to forgive and love people. Don’t play the adversary who rejects and hat... Read More

January 28, 2024


Leave the past behind, especially the negative. God has already forgiven you. Don’t let men co... Read More

January 27, 2024


Focus on the positive, not the negative, and keep a strong mind where the Holy Spirit can lead you a... Read More

January 26, 2024


Success and prosperity are buzz words that false prophets preach and teach, whereas the message shou... Read More

January 25, 2024


A true prophet focuses on sin, not wealth! Read More

January 24, 2024


Love conquers all, not rejection. If you want to win people to Jesus or correct people, you must lov... Read More

January 23, 2024


Demons tell people to split families apart because of scriptural differences of opinions; what sad s... Read More

January 22, 2024


As for me and my household, we will serve the lord. This way we will ensure victories, as well as un... Read More

January 21, 2024


Don’t let the devil in someone else separate you from those you love. Read More

January 20, 2024


Do you follow your checklist on the job or do you think your slothfulness will be ignored or forgive... Read More

January 19, 2024


The truth brings justice, whereas a lie protects the guilty. Sometimes one must tell others the trut... Read More

January 18, 2024


Why are you still addicted to drugs and/or alcohol if you know Jesus? Do you really know Christ? If ... Read More

January 17, 2024


Jesus said I will give you rest. Are you expecting rest? If not, ask yourself honestly. Do you know ... Read More

January 16, 2024


Are you like Peter before or after Pentecost? One was a coward who compromised, while the other roar... Read More

January 15, 2024


Do you realize we are close to a civil war? Do you even care? Or do you think you are going to be ra... Read More

January 14, 2024


Do you surrender all to God or do you just sing the song? Read More

January 13, 2024


Do you believe in God or yourself? Are you or God leading your life? Your answer will tell you who y... Read More

January 12, 2024


Professional sports are similar to the gladiators in the Colosseum. The emperor used them to distrac... Read More

January 11, 2024


Judge not, that ye be not judged. Read More

January 10, 2024


Jesus' standards never changes but society's cultures changes with the morality values of their peop... Read More

January 9, 2024


Truth that exposes lies brings fundamental justice to those who have been wronged. Read More

January 8, 2024


Only the devil tells you to separate from family and friends because you differ over parts of the Bi... Read More

January 7, 2024


Jesus promises the peace that the world cannot give. Read More

January 6, 2024


Happiness is a choice. Choose Jesus and know true happiness and joy. Read More

January 5, 2024


Prophets in the Bible focused on righteousness and sin, not greed, gluttony and prosperity. Read More

January 4, 2023


Jesus warned in the last days that some people will lie about you, and persecute you, and say all ma... Read More

January 3, 2024


Jesus warned that persecution comes from members of one’s family sometimes, because they don&r... Read More

January 2, 2024


The Bible tells us to “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will added unto y... Read More

January 1, 2024


What did Jesus promise if you lay your burdens at His feet? REST!! Read More

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