Dr. Hansen's Thought For The Day

Blog: Thought For The Day


September 16, 2024


I Corinthians 15:33 tells us bad company corrupts good character. Read More

September 15, 2024


Animals would never let the dumbest one lead the pack. Read More

September 14, 2024


Both candidates have committed immoral sin in their lives but one supports killing babies. It should... Read More

September 13, 2024


Would you defend your family against evil men who are going to brake into your house to rape and kil... Read More

September 12, 2024


A Christian who won’t vote is about as stupid as those Christians who refused to vote against ... Read More

September 11, 2024


Vote, or don’t complain when evil politicians make laws to take away your freedoms and arrest ... Read More

September 10, 2024


A Christian who refuses to vote is foolish and doesn’t understand their responsibilities in th... Read More

September 9, 2024


Are you a fair weather Christian? Examine yourself. Read More

September 8, 2024


One day in God’s house is better then a thousand days elsewhere. Read More

September 7, 2024


America is turning its back on the God of the Bible and God is allowing judgment to start falling. I... Read More

September 6, 2024


Choose this day who you will serve? Will it be GOD or man? Read More

September 5, 2024


If you fail to forgive, it’s a sure indication you’re no longer intimate with God. Read More

September 4, 2024


To forgive, it’s not so much for the other person, it is for you so you can receive eternal li... Read More

September 3, 2024


If you want the anointing of God not to be hindered in your life, then you must forgive. Read More

September 2, 2024


The Bible warns one must forgive to be forgiven by God. Read More

September 1, 2024


Forgiveness is a must, if you don’t want to hinder your prayers from being answered. Read More

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