Dr. Hansen's Thought For The Day

Blog: Thought For The Day


August 31, 2024


The sooner you forgive, the sooner you’ll find peace. Read More

August 30, 2024


Dwelling on the past can be destructive to your mental, emotional and spiritual health. Read More

August 29, 2024


The two relationship killers. James 3:16 warns us that envy and self seeking will bring confusion, d... Read More

August 28, 2024


Manipulation is where they blame you for your reaction from their toxic behavior but never take owne... Read More

August 27, 2024


I am a House of Prayer! Read More

August 26, 2024


Jesus tells us that whosoever will may come to him, he will give them rest. Who are you running to f... Read More

August 25, 2024


The Bible says the lake of fire was created for the devil and his angels but it also warns that unre... Read More

August 24, 2024


Politics is part of the great commission. Get involved in selecting who rules your city, state or na... Read More

August 23, 2024


The Bible says there is a friend that is closer than a brother. Is he your friend? Read More

August 22, 2024


Are you befriending a Benedict Arnold? Take a good look at the character of those you call friends! Read More

August 21, 2024


Do you have a good friend or a Brutus in your life? Read More

August 20, 2024


Do you have a good friend, or instead, people you call friends but only use your good nature and cha... Read More

August 19, 2024


A good friend should be trustworthy and always there to be reached if needed. Read More

August 18, 2024


Why is it that a person that is guilty, constantly, of not following the policies, of making silly m... Read More

August 17, 2024


A person's marriage is only as good as both spouses want to make it. Read More

August 16, 2025


If you totally trust the government in the nation you live, then I could sell you ice at the north p... Read More

August 15, 2024


I think every government in the world has mafia elements within it. Read More

August 14, 2024


Do you believe in the Bible? Then why do you reject apostles and prophets and the baptism and gifts ... Read More

August 13, 2024


Jesus came to set the captives free. Call on him with all of your heart to break every addiction and... Read More

August 12, 2024


Do you really believe in Jesus as your lord and savior? Then why don’t you serve him, obey him... Read More

August 11, 2024


Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is promised in America’s constitution. Yet our gove... Read More

August 10, 2024


Are you ready to lay down your wealth, happiness, family and life for the Lord? Read More

August 9, 2024


People sing, "I’ll go where you want me to go dear Lord." In reality some apostles and leaders... Read More

August 8, 2024


God is the same yesterday, today and forever; but denominations constantly change their values, mora... Read More

August 7, 2024


Why do democrats want to hold gun manufacturers accountable but not vaccine manufacturers? Read More

August 6, 2024


Across the United States I have talked to church leaders who now would advise men to seek a Christia... Read More

August 5, 2024


Besides drag queens mocking the last supper in the opening ceremony at the Paris Olympics, they had ... Read More

August 4, 2024


Opening ceremony at the Paris Olympics is a direct attack on God by the spirits of Sodom and Gomorra... Read More

August 3, 2024


The drag queen opening ceremony, attacking God in the last supper, should have a backlash of righteo... Read More

August 2, 2024


What is your calling in life? Do you know? Read More

August 1, 2024


I talked to an Apostolic leader today from Africa who said that the American church doesn’t kn... Read More

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