Adalia Hansen
Founder of The Dorcas Fund

Dear Friends and Supporters,

As I write this, my heart is filled with a mix of emotions; sadness, gratitude, and hope. Sadness, because I am reminded of the struggles countless orphans, widows and less fortunate in Kenya, Uganda, Colombia and Liberia are facing to survive. Gratitude, because I am thankful for your generosity and compassion. Hope, because I believe that together we can make a difference.

My heart is heavy knowing that these innocent children have been robbed of the love and care of their parents and are now facing a harsh reality and can be vulnerable to exploitation. The forgotten widows, who have lost their husbands, livelihood and often their dignity, left with children and no means to feed them. Some have to flee as they are chased from their homes by greedy clansmen. They face poverty, discrimination and isolation alone. During our visits, I have sat with them and listened to their hopes and dreams of a bright future. Many of them want to be of help to the remaining children after their departure to stand on their own.

They need our help. They need us to be their voice, their hope and their shelter. They need us to provide them with food, education, and a safe place to call home. Every child deserves to feel loved, to feel safe, and to have a chance at a bright future. But for these orphans, that future is quite uncertain. These widows need our support to regain their footing and dignity.

This is why I am driven to raise funds for them. Here are a few ways we can support them:

1. Basic Needs: Orphans often lack access to necessities like food, water, and shelter. I want to help provide these essentials so they can grow and thrive>

2. Education: Education is key to unlocking a brighter future. I want to help provide resources for orphans to attend school and gain skills to succeed in life.

3. Love and Care: Orphans crave love, attention, and care. I want to support organizations that provide a safe and nurturing environment for them to feel valued and loved.

4. Equality: Every child deserves an equal chance at life, regardless of their circumstances. I want to help level the playing field for orphans and give them a fair shot at achieving their dreams.

5. Personal Connection: I know firsthand the challenges of growing up without parents; first a mother, and then years later, a father, during the times when he was needed most. I was fortunate to receive support and care from kind individuals. Now, I want to pay it forward and help others in similar situations. I understand the struggles they face and I would like to be a source of support and inspiration.

Your donation can provide:

  •  Food and Clean Water
  •  Shelter, a bed to sleep in and clothing
  •  Capital to help generate income/small businesses
  •  Access to education to break the poverty cycle
  •  Healthcare and love, care from a nurturing community

This is why I'm reaching out to you today. I'm asking you to join me in making a difference in their lives. You can change their story. They are our neighbors (Luke 10:29-37). They are someone's mother, father, sister, brother, daughter, or son. Give hope to a child that feels forgotten and empower them to dream big. Show them love and care from afar.

Just $10 can provide meals for a week, while $50 can support a child’s education for a month. Every gift counts. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, will bring hope and relief to those who need it most. Your kindness will inspire others to do the same, creating a ripple effect of compassion and generosity.

Thank you for your consideration. Together, let's make a difference in the lives of those who need it most. For more information go to and click on The Dorcas Fund.


Adalia Hansen
Founder of The Dorcas Fund

PO BOX 277
(360) 629-5248 - Telephone
(360) 629-6750 - Fax

Success Stories

These are some of the beneficiaries of The Dorcas Fund program