Dear intercessors,

I want to share with you a struggle that I believe we all face as imperfect humans. We often find ourselves consumed by our own selfish desires, even in our prayers. We can get so caught up in our own concerns and fears that we forget to seek God's glory and kingdom.

I want to remind you of the transformative power of praying for God's kingdom to come. When we prioritize His will and glory above our own, we experience a freedom and peace that surpasses our understanding. Jesus promises that when we seek His kingdom first, our anxieties will fade and everything we need will be given.

I know it's easy to get caught up in our own needs and desires, but I encourage you to join me in praying for God's kingdom to come. Let's ask Him to align our hearts with His glorious intentions for the world. Let's pray for His kingdom to advance, for His glory to be revealed in and through us, and for Satan's kingdom to be destroyed.

When we pray with this orientation, we'll find that our own comfort and happiness will follow. We'll experience a joy that's not dependent on our circumstances, but on God's presence and power in our lives.

Let's pray together for God's kingdom to come, and that we may experience the power and glory of His presence in our lives.

We have just returned from a 3-week trip and would like to thank you for your prayers. Let us continually pray for the will of the Lord to be made manifest for this ministry and that all hindrances to be removed.

With love and prayer,

Adalia Hansen


Dear fellow warriors,

  1. Pray for the fruit of our three week road trip where we ministered in Spokane, WA., Blanchard and Oklahoma City, OK, the Dallas, TX area and Albuquerque, NM.
  2. Pray for additional partners to be added so we can do more to get the gospel out to the world.
  3. Pray for additional people to join Eagles Saving Nations, that I lead.
  4. Pray for people to support us financially so we can do much more to get the gospel out and help the widows and orphans in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Liberia, Israel and Colombia, South America.
  5. Pray for additional money to come in so I can purchase a new cell phone as mine is ten years old and I need a new one desperately. 

Sincerely with much appreciation and love,

Jonathan Hansen