The Bible says, "...the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them" (Matthew 13:11), and "…that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ" (Colossians 2:2). From these words, we understand that the knowledge of God's secrets are given to those who recognize and receive Christ. As members of God's family, let us press on to know Him, and He will reveal all the secrets of the kingdom of heaven.

Just as a snake and a cow can produce different outcomes from the same water, so too can the same knowledge be used for good or bad depending on the person. That's why God teaches us through parables, revealing their meaning through the Holy Spirit. God is gracious and willing to reveal hidden things, even future events (Daniel 2:22, Isaiah 45:3, Mark 4:22 and 1 Corinthians 2:10).

In Amos 3:7, God promises to reveal His plans to His servants, and in Jeremiah 33:3, He invites us to call upon Him for guidance. Seeking God's revelation through prayer can lead to creative solutions, deeper connection and clarity. However, unconfessed sin can hinder our prayers (Psalms 66:18). We must confess our sins and forgive others to maintain fellowship with God.

Jesus encourages us to persist in prayer, promising that our requests will be answered if we ask, seek, and knock (Matthew 7:7). I have experienced God's faithfulness in answering prayer and revealing His will for my life. Let us seek God's hidden things so we don't miss His divine plan.

We bless you in Jesus' name and appreciate your prayers for us. Please pray for our health, the ministry's longevity and the completion of God's work through us.

God bless you, 

Adalia Hansen


Dear Prayer Partner:

We need your prayers for finances and additional partners so we can do more to warn the people of the dangers coming upon the nations.

We also need your prayers for people to give towards The Dorcas Fund so we can help widows and orphans in Kenya, Uganda, Liberia, and Tanzania in Africa; and Colombia, South America, as well as Israel.

Also, help us recruit more prayer intercessors. We need thousands of more intercessors so we can be successful in reaching the nations.

Thank you,

Jonathan Hansen