3:03-3:24 pm September 6, 2024, Rev. Jonathan Hansen received the following word for Nigeria:

Nigeria, Nigeria a land of violence.  I have watched as men in my name have hurt, maimed, butchered and killed one another.  They make war against my people because they don’t know me and are deceived by an angel of light causing them to come under a spirit of deep delusion.

My land is defiled because of the blood of the innocent that has peppered the land, causing a land calling for vengeance and justice.

Thieves, robbers and the most immoral people now prey on the innocent.  Even leadership at all levels of government and religions have become corrupt and amoral.

Demons are constantly increasing their range/area and authority because people are actively pursuing their help and blessings by offering up offerings to gain their favor.

These spirits of disease, violence, rape and death are flooding the land and only the righteous can withstand their onslaught but sadly many churches are ineffective in their attacks because these churches have lost their first love and they themselves entertain knowingly and unknowingly these horrible creatures of the underworld.

Voodoo, occult and witchcraft is found throughout Nigeria including in many churches.

What I see is severe persecution is coming to Nigeria including more slavery and death unless the church leads a National Repentance/Great Awakening.   If the church doesn’t judge itself of its compromise, immorality and sheer selfishness, then blood will flow more and more.

Nigeria will be exploited by the elite attempting to control the nations of the world. The Nigerian people, instead of prospering, will serve their masters. Only they will be blinded to this servanthood because their own leaders are so corrupt with deceiving spirits, giving them influence over the people in the nation.

Church in Nigeria, rise up now and put on the clothes of righteousness and let Nigeria become blessed, prosperous and free by the power of the Holy Ghost operating in the ambassadors of Jesus Christ in Nigeria.

Lead a tremendous National Repentance/Great Awakening or become a slave to the New World Order serving the Beast.